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Everything posted by SergeantSqook

  1. "the file you requested has been deleted"
  2. Buy whatever the cheapest is, if they're the same buy direct from Battlefront.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/Sv3OEjk Currently playing around with different AAR formats, pleased with imgur so far since it allows a lot of flexibility with file sizes and videos.
  4. You know what, I've never thought about that. Same thing happened to Jock Campbell (PBUH). Africa was saved, so they recalled him to balance it out for the Germans. I imagine the same was done to Patton to give the Soviets a fighting chance.
  5. Oh I'm so glad I asked, thank you for that. That'll sustain me through dark times for the foreseeable future.
  6. Jokes aside, what does this mean? Genuinely curious given that he died in a car accident which doesn't seem too related to any amounts of rudeness or honesty
  7. Certainly doesn't seem it based on the wild and wacky things you keep pulling based off of it
  8. Have you ever considered reading a book that wasn't written by a contrarian journalist out to prove a point? Why not read Richard Overys book given that it's infinitely more related to the subject and written by an actual historian with a long history of writing well-respected books on the topic.
  9. A Starbucks in the Hauptbahnhof, AND personal ownership of a Panther, apparently
  10. That's how you get ammo out of the trucks
  11. There are some minor differences with RT and CW compared to the others, the pause/play button on the UI now lights up either symbol depending on whether the game is paused or playing, tabbing out seems to work a little different from the others (my example being that if I hit end turn on one of the "older" games, when I tab back in it'll be paused at the start of the turn replay, but on RT or CW, it will have started playing the turn out) and the needing to run as admin to overwrite saves are what I've noticed so far. I expect the former is minor enough to not be worth a patch for the other games and the latter probably unintended quirks of some update.
  12. I've had a similar issue and running the game .exe as administrator seemed to fix it. Only seems to happen with Fire and Rubble and Cold War so seems to be something with the most recent versions of the game
  13. In the base RT and FR scenarios(at least as far as I'm aware, flicked through about half the FR scenarios and most of the base game ones), Soviet Rifle Battalion 44 squads are like this: with 3 teams However when choosing a Soviet rifle battalion in the scenario editor, all the battalion 44 squads will be like this: near identical, but missing one of the teams. Additionally; the 1st platoon of each company is now SMGs (1st battalion is the one currently in use for FR Katabasis, 2nd is an identical one I added for comparison of what's in the scenario compared to what we seem to get now(squads above are both taken from these formations)) No pictures, but I also pulled up some rifle battalions in June 1944 and it was the same. Just wondering if this was intentional or a bug because I don't see any changes mentioned in the readmes or patch thread. Additionally, neither the base game or FR scenarios have squads like this, it's just what I get when I pick that formation now. The examples I've used here are all Guards Rifle 44, but it seems to be consistent for regular rifle battalion 44s as well
  14. I'm almost certain it's an oversight, the briefing says "Artillery assets (they can be called during setup)" but that's not possible without an FO on field
  15. Do my eyes deceive me? Are people really comparing "kills per minute" in some hyper sterile lab test to actually argue whether or not a weapon of suppression is better than a different weapon of suppression? In a combined-arms game where individual weaponry is basically irrelevant unless you exclusively play tiny scenarios? Has anyone here actually gotten into combat and just sat completely stationary with a Bren and an MG42 firing at each other and just waited to see who would win? The Syrians aren't underdogs because the RPK is probably worse than the M249 or something and the Italians aren't underdogs because the Carcano is worse than a Garand, they're underdogs because they're basically at least a full generation behind at every level and can't even split squads Do people here actually play this game, or do they just post about it?
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