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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The Clef Symbols are the giveaway, it doesn't blend with the fabric.
  2. A good link and for playing the game too. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fchannel%2FUC_CBzjN4nBKwq4mT8ezon1g
  3. There is a way around this. Split the squad and remount the split squads. Scout of first section goes in the vehicle of the second section and vice versa. I agree it would be nice.
  4. The Jack Russel Terrier, time they design a brass badge for the bomb squad beret resembling this brave canine.
  5. The T34/85 are the only tanks left for the parade.
  6. The mindset of a chess player. Doesn't matter how many chessmen you sacrifice if you checkmate the king. Right now, Russians kill more Ukrainians than Ukrainians kill Russians. Never mind they are civilians is their attitude. The best achievement of the Ukraine is the removal of Russian general officiers.
  7. In my opinion they are a generation behind. That is, it is geared for a conscript army who have a lack of education.
  8. They were British gentlemen objecting to a German king.
  9. It was hardly surgical precision. Instead of a scalpel they used a meat cleaver. The ultimate was nuclear weapons over Japan. The theory was it would save 250000 US lives.
  10. The British had a tv-show. Some mothers do have them.
  11. You excused the behaviour of Soviet forces because the allies carpet bombed German cities. From hindsight we can say both tactics are useless. Contrary to the west Russia has not learned anything from WW2. They flatten cities and target civilians with the theory it will undermine the Ukrainian will to fight. With their numbers a competent military would have won this special mission. It is a classic case fighting WW2 in 2022. WW2 the British bombed German cities first, the strategy worked because it diverted the Luftwaffe away from military targets. Had to Luftwaffe concentrated on the British radar stations and airbases the Battle of Britain might have ended differently. Churchill needed to increase the British will to fight in 1940. In this the Blitz served its purpose, a considerable number in the British parliament didn't rule out a negotiated settlement.
  12. Your sense of logic is beyond comprehension. Terror bombing and atrocities by ground forces prolong a war. The subjective motivation to be merciless is counterproductive. It is once again demonstrated by the defense of the steel works don't expect humane treatment from putin if you have the silly idea to surrender. The behaviour of Soviet forces reinforced the German will to resist and therefore prolonged the war as did the bombing of German cities. The argument I can do it because you can do it is refuted numerous times. The idea of taking away the will to fight is a lot more sophisticated than trying to mimic Ivan the Terrible.
  13. Look how many similarities there are between this battle and the Kursk battle of 1943. The Austrian military drew this comparison.
  14. It's something the Ukrainian army may do. Mmmm Kursk is not too far away lol .
  15. Gettysburg revisited instead of attrition against fixed lines of defense, turn away with some of your forces to force a defender to give up his position.
  16. it looks like China has given up on the old Mao Leninists model and follows the Nazi Germany model. I understand it as extreme right. The old communist model is followed by the new left movements. Interested in their Utopian view of the world, based on fantasy.
  17. the two opposing versions of socialism. National Socialism was socialism only for Germany Soviet Socialism was global. It failed because free enterprise-based economies produced better products.
  18. If I recall correctly, they were described as useful idiots.
  19. You can already do that in SF2 as anybody of the blue forces can call in arty. Put on your thinking cap and experiment. My tip is to study IO and apply it in the game. Like @Battlefront.com said it is off topic. Replies won't be answered. IO is Information Operations.
  20. Good interview in my opinion. the talk of tactical nuclear weapons. To instill fear and to undermine the will to fight and to support. The US and its NATO allies are the most capable military in the world. Its weakness their commanders in chief who are not with the military (my opinion.
  21. This generation were never concentration camp inmates or camp guards. History books have black pages equally divided amongst nations.
  22. See or the new generation of conventional munitions is more effective than the terror weapons which chemical and nuclear munitions are. They are designed to undermine the will to fight. Once all hell breaks loose it is kicking in the groin, thumbs squashing eyeballs and knives rupturing kidneys. Diplomacy will be outdated.
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