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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Prompts like that I just ignore, I think it is because CM games are not in the Microsoft Store. Once in while it won't cooperate. OBS Studios is also useful as it lets you record your games in a video format from which you can grab some stils with the 'snipping tool which also comes with windows. Video Capture Software. Video, Webcam or Screen Recorder (nchsoftware.com)
  2. Windows Game-Bar you get it by pressing Windows+G (+G). It is finnicky sometimes but overall I am happy with it.
  3. There are always ambit claims and counter claims.
  4. US AFV are great to survive after being hit. They dismounted inside three seconds.
  5. I met a brigadier general once in a third world country. He was more concerned with his side-line that was in the building industry. I think the same takes place in Russia. Their generals don't enjoy a six-figure salary like they do in the US. I think it is nearly $200,000 annually.
  6. They are spectacular but the result obviously doesn't make it past the censor. I like scenarios with flame-throwers. But he missed him.
  7. China will need Russian oil because they won't get it from the Middle East. Exactly the reason they are after the Spratly Islands. It will be some time before they can match the US Navy. But the topic is still the Ukraine.
  8. I completely agree, just because of the 'soft factors'. Splitting and having the choice of direct or area fire depending on the weapons you have. A like from me.
  9. Transport a split squad in a truck. It is useful as you can order their deployment prior their dismount. Dismount the squad and split them. Give the truck a movement order and press pause. Units will mount a paused truck but won't dismount if given a dismount order. This feature stops the unit from combining into a single squad. Final overview. This technique works with all transport vehicles in CM. I found it useful with APC as the squad at times acts as a gunner too. Now you can keep a two men team in the APC to act as a gunner.
  10. It would be a campaign based on pursuit, would make it enjoyable. The emphasis would be maintaining contact.
  11. We live in interesting times. Putin’s bodyguards ‘collect his excrement on trips abroad and take it back to Russia with them’ (msn.com)
  12. I understand the Dutch army is integrated with the German army
  13. Only one election away for $760 Billion you could have free medical care and free education for all. You would still hhave the firepower to check every nation on earth.
  14. NATO is the reason the EU doesn't have a standing army. I think it will change in the future. NATO is also the reason the US doesn't have a West European style of a social safety net. But back to support the Ukraine we all can't afford a Russian victory.
  15. Yes, Napoleons creation the Grand Duchy of Warsaw. The tragedy of Poland they don't always bet on the winning horse.
  16. They were not in the EU for a long time and already the words of decadent Western Europe came out. TBH Europe has always been a Germanic West, a Latin South and a Slavic East. It is not politically correct to mention it, but it is true. The world also has an alliance of English speaking countries, it goes a little deeper than NATO.
  17. Assault is the conclusion of an attack against prior identified units. My sequence in the game is. Probe (finding enemy units) Attack (establishing full contacts goal to achieve fire superiority) Assault (destroying enemy units seizing objectives). To dismiss a set piece battle as using unit's ad hoc is just not true. You need 3:1 in superiority to succeed and have acceptable losses. Modern warfare is different Norman Schwarzkopf summed it up. "One body bag is one too many." The Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces is always one election away to lose his position. Reason the Vietnam War was lost. It was Nixon's election promise to end the war.
  18. Here is a good explanation why sending the Leo-2 to the Ukraine is possibly not a good idea. Leopard-1 outdated would better deal with the infrastructure.
  19. We are prone to dismiss the set piece battle concept. But it makes strategic sense. Less dependent on communications and fewer casualties. It is probe by infiltration, attack, and assault. It is how I use Soviet tactics in the WW2 games. When they were defending, they were sitting ducks. Once they grabbed the initiative it was game over. Combat losses with the Germans 1944-45 were still terrible but not on the same level as the Blitzkrieg years.
  20. Some things could be modelled a little better. These guys must have duty leaden boots.
  21. Would be funny if they invade Australia. One in three was born in Europe or is the child of European parents.
  22. NATO will protect NATO members against invasion. What happens when a NATO country invades another NATO country?
  23. Find Them, Fix Them, Flank and Finish Them. When you get the numbers, attrition works. His partner went first, and he had no one to cover his tactical reloads. Kudos to the team who made these animations.
  24. The Soviet Infantry are masters in Cover and Concealment and Camouflage. Here they stayed hidden for four minutes. Almost on the same level as a world-class free diver.
  25. The common language in NATO is English. This could be the reason.
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