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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The point of Special Military Operations. This means the soldiers are not automatically entitled to combat pay. Salaries are not paid sometimes at all. The point of special operations is war where the normal norms don't apply. Targeting infrastructure reallocating civilians ignoring the Geneva convention and more. This dictator sees Ukrainians as Russians with an accent he can reallocate the local population where he wants when he wants. For Russian people this is dangerous what he does with Ukrainian people he can do with them.
  2. Hard to beat an army which has the will to fight.
  3. Cars may overall be abolished and a more efficient electric public transport system the answer. Seoul for example could represent the city of the future. That is my impression. In the US I had to hire a car, but in Korea I didn't.
  4. How it happened. On a lighter note if Russia invades China it would give a new meaning of the Chinese Take Away. Salute the rank not the man. At least the Russian Private receives better treatment. Captured Lieutenant General.
  5. You need fire positions and observation and don't mix up the two. If you're up high up, you can see and shoot everybody. But you can fire only one at the time while all of the enemy can fire at you. Read the scenario if it says attack or probe. Mobile units attack other members in the team cover and defend their attacking unit. In the game you peel off the assault unit he gets all the hand grenades and automatic units everybody else defends him. He doesn't defend he does the assaulting. Recon in an attack or assault is ongoing you never know enough intel.
  6. Area fire does. It is impossible to organize an execution detail for a deserter. I tried it lol. Soviet Airplanes are given an area by the editor. If you move your forces inside the risks are real.
  7. Where did he say evict? I worked with Russians who took the opportunity to live in Australia as residents. If they want to become allied with Russia they would be advised to leave. I hope Ukraine after this war will have the same attitude.
  8. Restored Hansa League AKA the EU. Look at the pickled herring all originated from a similar recipe. Trade in peace and play a robust game of soccer. Don't force strong healthy 19-year-old young men to kill each other.
  9. They abolished capital punishment so no axe man. I just ried a simple contribution with a RIP to Queen Elizabeth. She will be shown as a role model for years to come.
  10. You're right judge the man in a few years' time. He needs to become less chauvenistic, eccentric, and more like his mother. After all he is our head of state. As most Australians see him a solution to a non-existing problem. We respected Queen Elizabeth here.
  11. Indeed, she didn't go to Canada to sit out the war. King Charles got a hard act to follow. Here the voices are raised again to become a republic.
  12. Don Vito Corleone," I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse." This method always works especially with gangsters like putin.
  13. He can say it with a straight face. It is a talent few people have.
  14. If you split squads the other teams can be used for area fire. Only the trooper with full contact will engage the enemy. I have posted screenshots which demonstrated this. If you pin the enemy, they can't pin you. At the end of a turn, you see a full contact. Analyze what is going on. I do this by splitting and see one or two teams don't have contact. However, the game lets me support the full contact unit by using area fire. This wouldn't happen if you don't split the unit. Split but don't keep them split keeping formations intact is the key for maneuver.
  15. Just an interesting video, something to share need how they manufacture bombs for their drones.
  16. A good contribution in regards the use of tanks in the Ukraine.
  17. The Babushkas won't be happy. Once you have arthiritis a washing machine is a must.
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