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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I noticed all the draft dodgers most speak decent English and are better informed and skilled in IT. The English language as a hearts and minds tool can't be underestimated. So far, a potential division of mathematicians (artillery)IT specialist are now living outside Russia.
  2. Hope this link works excellent photography. https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/world/ukraine-defends-against-russian-invasion/ss-AAUfkyf?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=83cade17f8a2472d8cdacdaa920015b6#image=1
  3. That expression goes back to the days when bad guys were put in the stocks. Every gay person in town had their way with them during the night. Just use your imagination.
  4. NATO is an alliance which defends inside the borders of it alliance. The EU by itself is based on European economies. Their defense is inside the framework of NATO.
  5. He needs to realize that in the eyes of a lot of westerners there is stimuli generalization. In other words, as a people no difference between Ukraine and Russia. Much the same what I experienced in Australia. Job interview do you speak a language other than English. Yes, Dutch and German. Answer: Oh, it is the same anyway. He is doing the Ukrainian cause more harm than good. See Ukrainians as a people in their own right. Hitler played on these sentiments Slavonic speaking peoples were sub human it cost him the war.
  6. Ukraine is like the Spanish civil war. A theatre to see how the latest hardware functions. The credit to prevent Russian expansion belongs to the Ukraine. Sure US hardware is topnotch but without units with fighting spirit it doesn't function as well. NATO armies are good, but I don't think they can draw a conscription army which will be able to function.
  7. IMO Ukraine is going to be the model. No boots on the ground as far as the US is concerned. They will support but not with boots on the ground. I can't blame them. Win every battle but still lose wars. Russia was encouraged by this.
  8. The woman also said: "I don't believe in shooting people." Excellent advice for the Russian army in the Ukraine.
  9. Works perfectly fine with me. When you play you can pause all programs working in the background. Just go to settings.
  10. Once you see that the discipline of an army is far below that of civilians who belong to a shooting club you realize that further comments are not necessary.
  11. Excellent scenario enjoyed it myself. The follow up would be the battle for the Scheldt estuary. I hope either FB or BN will be expanded. To cover that period.
  12. Move your special forces among them. A shot to the left and a shot to the right usually does the trick. Maybe NATO gets the blame for all the Bungy Jumpers who forgot a rope. Aneurism victims etc.
  13. Excellent place to exile an *sshole. The small island is US the big one Russia. If he attempts to escape there is enough ammo to stop him.
  14. Poor Russian tankers unlike the aircrews of the Russian Air Force they don't get parachutes when they eject with their fighting compartment
  15. They know full well that tactical nukes will be a gamechanger. It is like the Battle of Britain. An Me 109 and a Spitfire fly straight at each other. Each pilot knows if he lifts the other fires at his belly. Only one thing they can do, call putins bluff and go back to Mutual Assured Destruction AKA MAD.
  16. "As long as things get blown up the Yanks love it!" One of my schoolteachers.
  17. I don't think so even a WW 2 Sherman the crew had a good chance it could survive a penetration. According the Chieftain 1500 were KIA from Normandy till VE Day. That's what we see every day the T72 any NATO unit can target it and upon penetration the crew just vaporizes. Let alone a T 55 with a 105mm L7 cannon. A tank is obsolete in other words. The APS and Smoke devices on NATO tank offer a good deal of protection. I believe it is all highly classified. Like Battlefront stated with their formula, you can't have a cheap and quick system it won't have the quality required. Abrams not cheap, as a result you have a quick quality system to face the enemy.
  18. You can defend a position like a mobile pillbox. You can't attack with it. If it can be spotted it is history. It can be targeted by any infantry unit; it can be penetrated, and the crew can be killed. So it must remain camouflaged.
  19. Looks like all the NATO countries are in the same boat. The French too have a competitive tank. These may be more suited to the Ukraine's infrastructure than the Abrams or the Leo II. But the French also got a few hundred only. AMX Leclerc MBT (1990) (tanks-encyclopedia.com)
  20. It will be foreign aid. you don't make much money by giving free samples. The payoff for the US Lend Lease were the post war contracts. This is not WW2 when the USSR and the US produced 100000 tanks.
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