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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Germany declared war on the US because they considered the Lend Lease to Britain an act of war. Looks like putin is using the same logic.
  2. I started with Beyond Overlord then I lost touch till I watched Armchair General on You Tube and discovered I could buy the modern version online. Well over 20 years I would say. It is a game for life.
  3. Not only in Ireland the end of the Marcos regime in the Philippines would be unthinkable without the Catholic Church there. Once the Anti-Tank Nuns (The local press called them that) prayed the rosary in front of AFV's it was game over. Pinoys think twice at shooting at them when they were confronted.
  4. I start to think that I must be one of the oldest CM players at 72. Can't see myself stopping any time soon.
  5. The same goes for English. It is the secret weapon of the west. The fact is it affects employment in much of the world and people embrace the principles of the Westminster system directly or indirectly. Always three authorities. Elected goverment, judiciary and the police. putin must get the shivers when he looks at it.
  6. Till recently in Europe everybody talked at least with a regional accent or dialect at home. At the borders often a mixture, a language becomes a language after it is written down. Like the Netherlands and Belgium the written language is the same but at least in my case I had to listen very carefully in Antwerp or Bruges. It could be similar in the Ukraine and Russia.
  7. Russia got a water tanker at the ready to extinguish a burning fuel tanker. Advice that this is a bad idea will probably fall on deaf ears.
  8. Sleeve is the original meaning probably of their uniform.
  9. I remember Europe in the fifties naming Germans as Boche (French) or Moffen (Dutch) was perfectly socially correct. It sounded worse than the English Kraut. It took two generations to wear off.
  10. Hate in wartime is a survival instinct. If they see Russians at this time as a Slav speaking honorable adversary, it is a recipe of undermining one's fighting spirit.
  11. Needs to be ratified by the UN. The world is not in the mood to worry about putins perception of the world.
  12. Old ideas die hard what is next a modern version of the old Panzerbuchse?
  13. They start to think in the old German assault gun concept? Obsolete Mark III became the Stug III. Leo 1 with a casemate upper structure with laminated armor with the new 130 mm gun able to launch drones for recon from it? Could be a new lease of life.
  14. 102? I thought she was one of the daughters. Indomitable fighting spirit. She makes a Ghillie Suit no worries, lady the sniper got the eyesight. Somewhere there is a story of an old woman who gives her last penny.
  15. Why? I spent a lot of time in Asia. It is mostly urban, conditions hot and humid. Plantations (Orchard}. Forest can be obstacles for vehicles same as Europe.
  16. Stating a fact is not complaining. All your opinions are none of my business. Like someone said this is a Battlefront forum.
  17. Better gay than myopic, unfortunately in my later years I must wear glasses. Pursuit of happiness is a human right. For us it is playing combat mission. Some people find issue with that too.
  18. They have already been thinking that. North West Coast of Australia has three big Iron Ore Ports. Ships of over 200000 tons are not an exception. These capable of putting a few Chinese Divisions on shore. It is more then 30 years ago a US, Australian military exercise was held. Nobody called the fictious country by name.
  19. I leave the decision making now 80% to the TacAi and it has become far more enjoyable.
  20. Yes first thing you teach don't put black on black, Battlefront is doing a fine job putting all the human factors in the game. Took me some time to work out the sniper teams but I never blamed Battlefront.
  21. See how often people miss under perfect conditions. You never see the ten ring. All shooting is actually area fire even bulls-eye shooting.
  22. I close hereby this conversation. Look in the mirror and stick a finger in each ear, you find the problem between two fingers. Also change your name on this forum it is offensive.
  23. Full contact and only one soldier is firing. By micro managing you get more members of the team firing.
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