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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Full contact and only one soldier is firing. By micro managing you get more members of the team firing.
  2. Using the target tool will give you years and years of frustration. Instead of plotting direct fire plot area fire on a full contact. Your unit will keep on firing after you lose LOS. This trick I use when using IS2s vs Tigers.
  3. My tip use you move tool as a guide it is a dead straight line. However, the TacAI and the AI have the last word. If you can see the white dot there is a chance the AI gives you a LOS or LOF. No white dot there is no LOS only as far you can see the blue line. Played the game for twenty years and enjoyed every minute of it.
  4. Exactly that obscures the view. Sorry I got you down as a troll.
  5. It is obvious the enemy is obscured behind smoke. He is also using the target tool not as it is intended. If you have LOS and LOF the game gives you full contact, it can't be simpler than that. My tip for the target tool it gives you the choice of area fire or direct fire. Infantry you get a full contact but if you analyze the situation, you see only 1 or 3 trooper's fire. You split and let the other teams do area fire.
  6. Glad the translator is working, I recommend that everyone here listens to it. International mass media at times is doing more harm than good. They could look at having journalists embedded in the Ukrainian army. It would give the shivers probably to Zelensky.
  7. In Australia there is a chronic shortage of teachers for some reason lol
  8. You can see all of the Milky Way clearly. No artificial street lighting, during the day it is different, you need the cooler season. Summertime is as high as 50 C.
  9. Watch Laurence of Arabia with the incident of the waterwell. The man who started to help himself got shot on the spot it was not on his territory. Once you say "Peace be with you" you get three months' hospitality and that is where it stops. The Muslim world may as well be on a different planet. But the thread is the Ukraine ethics Orthodox Christendom.
  10. They make money there. Saudi Arabia is the ultimate welfare state for the locals. Apart from the facilities of your five-star hotel there is not much else to do. Outside it is not unlike the Australian outback. Put it this way, a desert is an acquired taste.
  11. Sorry, no translation available. But German artillery seems to have played a role. By the way they call the recent operation a counter offensive.
  12. He sees counter attacks which are not yet a counter offensive. He is just careful with his words. German politics are a minefield.
  13. Ich bin mit den Begriffen vorsichtig. This means he is careful with the definition. (counter-offensive) Quoting something out of context is dangerous.
  14. He sees the region from Kherson to Kharkiv as one and the Ukraine was succesful in one area. These are simple facts. I advise anybody to take up LOTE (Language Other Than English) in this case German and make up your own mind. I honestly can't read anything wrong of what he said.
  15. Really? It was something like a succesfull Market Garden. A Broad Front is success from Kherson till Kharkiv in this context you must read the German's analysis. The German attack on the Soviet Union it was North Leningrad, Centre Moscow and South Kiev. They were three German fronts along all of the Soviet border. All of the Ukraine was one front which gets divided again in theatres. Here was a German General communicating to accuse him of taking sides with the Russians is down right ridiculous.
  16. The truth is Ukraine can't pursue the Russian army inside Russia. What I understand Kherson to Kharkiv are three parts where the counter offensive took place and near Kharkiv the Russian army was routed. He basically agrees with the Ukrainian strategy. Sorry I can't disagree with him. We all like to see the Russian get their *sses kicked and they suffered a major defeat but not yet a total defeat. Even near Kharkiv Russia on their side of the border can plan a counter strike. Like the Germans did in the winter of 1944. Zelensky likes to get Leo 2 Germany itself got only 2000 operational. I don't know how easy it is to train T72 crewmen for the Leo 2 standard. At best they could supply Ukraine with 500 Leo 2. They would need them to take Kherson as the terrain is open tank country.
  17. MMmm I can read German and this is what he said. : At best, he sees “counterattacks that can be used to win back locations or individual sections of the front, but not to push back Russia on a broad front”. Even the approaching winter will “not reduce the suffering – on the contrary”. The Ukrainian army acts "wisely, rarely offers a broadside and conducts operations confidently and very flexibly". Er sehe allenfalls „Gegenstöße, mit denen man Orte oder einzelne Frontabschnitte zurückgewinnen, aber nicht Russland auf breiter Front zurückdrängen kann“. Auch der herannahende Winter werde „das Leid nicht mindern – im Gegenteil“. Die ukrainische Armee agiere zwar „klug, bietet selten eine Breitseite und führt souverän und sehr beweglich die Operationen“.
  18. He needs new gloves. Or made suitable for his social or trigger-finger.
  19. It will be essential this will be one of the nonnegotiable requirements in the postwar. Ukraine a fully-fledged member of NATO. Russia should be less relevant in European politics than Liechtenstein. My apologies to the nice people in Liechtenstein.
  20. According our Austrian YouTuber the Leo1 could function as an Assault Gun. Read Infantry support in an urban area. Marder judging by playing the game are capable of breaching in urban settings and can defend itself against MBT's. Leo2 may not the best idea according to some Germans lots of the inside is possibly still classified to put it on the export market.
  21. You meet sooner or later a MG42 in a foxhole and play British Commonwealth. The drill I worked out is. Of a platoon split the three Bren teams which join the HQ with the 50 mm mortar. Here is your fire superiority against a German MG42. From the other three squad you need to peel an assault team to flush him out of his foxhole. It is a matter of mathematics He shoots 1200rpm Three Brens is 3X 600 RPM is 1800. While he can engage one Bren the other two can pin him down. He needs to stay down so the two Brens have to keep up the suppression. So a typical WW2 attack scenario is 1.25 vs 1. Against a human player you need your wits. Against the AI it is a sandbox exercise.
  22. You have ODZ and LDZ Stands for Open Danger Zone and Linear Danger Zones. Areas which are off limits for infantry. Fire superiority with small arms is most of the time a pipe dream. You need at least HMGs. If you played the game for some time you must have discovered that once spotted you are on borrowed time. The reason IFVs were introduced once dismounted infantry makes contact the IFV joins in.
  23. They don't get pinned, they become casualties.
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