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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I think you need to deploy them in this fashion. In real life it functions as a periscope but this is not modelled in the game.
  2. Opening the hatches to aid in visibility is something they did in WW2. At least in western tanks they observe much better with hatches closed. This may also apply with the T90.
  3. Exactly to ask compensation from people who had absolutely nothing to do with it is to put it mildly absolutely ridiculous. Hypothetically, asking compensation for crimes a family member committed will be thrown out of every court.
  4. The man was incorrigible. His wife "how lovely the moon shines in the river." Heinz replied "no obstacle for my Panzer Formations."
  5. Old European tactics. Infiltrate with a small but motivated group. Lead the new recruit by example and eliminate the enemy before they can recover. Old but proven strategies. Bash them up till they stop resisting.
  6. Don't say over and out before you hang up the phone.
  7. Here is what Russian Media is capable of. Like they say the truth is the first........
  8. Go shopping, this building is a K Building because we have a perfect view of two main roads and the back yards of the adjacent street.
  9. If you can spot an enemy one or more enemy unit has probably spotted, you. Tentative contacts can be, sound contacts, full contacts spotted by a unit you are in C2 with or an old contact. To share to units you don't share C2 you need to be in direct contact. Our friend @Hapless also has a video covering this. Ps I wish I had his video creating skills.
  10. It makes calculations, it matters the type of input you program in the beginning of a turn.
  11. The Soviet Union never vetoed the United Nation forces in the Korean War. Asian people have a long memory.
  12. You know what they say about brooms? A new one sweeps clean. Exactly what Russia needs now.
  13. Armchair General gave a tip. Always travel fast unless there is a reason not to. I never looked back. Your vehicle off road are three green bars? Why don't you travel fast? The engine adjusts speeds as required. This is easy to test in WW 2 scenarios. T34 carrying tank riders travel much slower than a T34 without passengers. Unfortunately, modern warfare doesn't allow for tank riders, but it is the same engine.
  14. How are we playing Russian Army in the Black Sea expansion update?
  15. Bravery will increase leadership value will decline.
  16. He just decided to arm 300000 unfit civilians. Potential fragging is on the cards.
  17. Gives us an idea of perspective of a BTR. The low silhouette of the Russian vehicle makes it more prone against mines Imo.
  18. Listen to the Ukrainian tank crews. clearly states the importance of combined arms. Go to next post please. https://youtu.be/TUVXGONkwpM
  19. Ask Battlefront about their mission statement as a company. I would mention something like. Wargaming through historical research. Research here, unlike WW2, is easier as we are inundated daily with news from the front. As usual deception is clever tactics, so we don't know what is actually true.
  20. The Thread is Combat Mission Black Sea. I understand they have this discussion to analyze for a future expansion and scenario design. Otherwise, I can't see the sense of this discussion. Look: Home, CM2, Combat Mission Black Sea, How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?
  21. Not very encouraging. Two people enjoyed a game by PBEM and it took them a year. If I recall it was FB A War without Mercy. That is one heck of a commitment. You certainly need a reliable service. Imo something Battlefront needs to work on and not rely on a third party.
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