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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. *Warning Spoilers* Not much of a problem in an urban environment. As long as you have some waypoints I just let the lines cross buildings a vehicle will find a path.
  2. One thing to do is to try it out.
  3. Thanks for the clarification. With towns I just put a waypoint on each side of the town and leave the pathfinding to the TacAI vehicles won't try to move through houses. But I won't comment here anymore as I never play defender against the AI. I really enjoyed this scenario playing German as I think it is meant to be played. Regards and happy gaming.
  4. I didn't play this scenario as US but Imo not much to be gained by sticking to the roads too much. Conditions freezing and patchy snow. The US 2½ trucks excellent off road performance. I wouldn't worry too much about roads. Doesn't mean you must drive through mud.
  5. No point arguing with people who are right.
  6. Hard to find decent pictures on the internet. Better make your own in CM Black Sea.
  7. The explanation could be innocent. The driver broke wind and the escaping menthane caused auto-combustion.
  8. Recycling Bin should be OK then. Some militaries named them as such.
  9. Nice if they bunch up like that. Even our animations spread out sensibly. At least more sensibly than this. Or they followed a path concerned about mines?
  10. Tactical nuclear warheads? This technology is knocking on the door.
  11. Oh I thought it was me. I am fairly conversational in German but at times I must at least switch on the German Subtitles. Thank you, I can sleep more easily tonight.
  12. IDown right ridiculous what passes as a broadcast. Plenty of Lend Lease from WW2 here. lol
  13. According to the manual the sensor head is mounted on an extendable mast.
  14. Tell the difference when they are actually receiving fire. Give the hide command means they turn off their engine, but the engine is not doing it either. Once I get a full contact, I reverse the vehicle. These vehicles are good spotters in the campaign. I suggest find good spots in the deployment zone and contacts soon pop up. I apologize for suggesting spoilers here. But once you move them the enemy is aware of their position.
  15. A good analysis by a German colonel. The translator in settings does a decent job. Title Ukraine offensive operations, Russia under pressure.
  16. There are thermals. In the game a Challenger spots a sniper from a building the moment it fires. Binoculars are just primitive compared with the stuff in some vehicles. Doesn't model periscope? Did you test this? There is no animation, but it doesn't mean it is not modelled. I tested the vehicle in fashion as I did above. It didn't receive any fire and it passed on the tentative contacts. But I agree a proper animation would be nice. Too many things which should reflect reality is abstract.
  17. A time honored and I must say a rich tradition.
  18. I spent my childhood in Amsterdam and was raised in an apartment with 20 other families. Cars were for Sunday drives and holidays. Commuting was indeed by electric trams. The cars were often rented as required.
  19. Pointless to try to act like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  20. You can make some Babushka Dolls out of them.
  21. You see it is not a "Glasbak" (Recycling Bin) but a proper military vehicle.
  22. The Russians even managed to find clean white underwear.
  23. Not in Australia, did a fair bit of bushwalking. It still gets cold sometimes even here.
  24. I must say the Ukrainian soldiers pay due respect to the flag.
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