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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. My father was still spitting blood ten years after entering a house, thought it was ok after a grenade. I am not a pro lol.
  2. They have been asking to be able to do editing straight in the 3D area. We can play the game why can't we do editing there? Edit from View 5to9 and preview from View 1 to 4.
  3. They are a decent size compared to Battle for Normandy.
  4. Saw a picture of a US Satchel and tried to draw something similar. Textures and shoulder strap let me down.
  5. They had a unit called Nightingale Battalion after the war they were inmates at the Gulags.
  6. What is the difference? We didn't do as well as we did yesterday, but it was terrific compared with tomorrow.
  7. Their C2 were on horseback and runners. They did their calculations with Roman Numerals. Still the Russian Army can't equal them in administration.
  8. From Discord open a picture from there into your Browser and you can paste it straight here. From the URL.
  9. The German Bundeswehr Q&A talks a lot about the Leo 1. Easier to maintain and easier to train the crew. Also far more are available. I translate Nachgefragt as Q&A literally it is not correct.
  10. Well are they still allowed to enter the Olympics?
  11. Standard Rifle got only five cartridges. Take this into account in urban settings. I like drawing too easy on a computer.
  12. T34/76 had a more reliable method. Open the breach look down the barrel and fire at an enemy tank you see through the barrel. You can't use this commonsense method with an autoloader. It makes perfect sense.
  13. I make scrambled eggs with butter right from the fridge. It soon gets soft.
  14. It is also connected with the C2. When in C2 with HQ once the HQ has contact the units under his command are more likely to face in a sensible direction.
  15. I like to see a more detailed manuals. Too often new players ask questions and we can't reference the manuals for an explanation. It is all trial and error. Example they mistake the radio icon for the actual icon. In FB and RT-FR units access radio by mounting a friendly AFV. But can's access any other radio from nearby friendly units.
  16. I don't know, I think it may be a regional celebration.
  17. A T34/85 is a tank. It is that old a Javelin or an NLAW possibly won't lock on.
  18. Nothing beats Retro Tank RT 34 sounds good.
  19. All in good fun. The Rottie appointed himself once as a fielder and the ball almost knocked him out. The ball was ruined he managed to bite some holes in it.
  20. I just looked it up and edited my post. M26 is almost three times the weight. A baseball weighs slightly less than a cricket ball.
  21. I respectfully disagree, I don't know anything about baseball. But a cricket ball is solid inside and if it hits you can do some serious damage. Here it show the energy it can break a bat. M26 hand grenade is almost three times the weight.
  22. I realize that but the way he delivered that grenade reminded me of my mate Ted an A Class cricket player. He was in our social team lol.
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