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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Not as hard as to click through your purchase history.
  2. Grenada 1492, the Muslim defenders realized the game was up when the artillery had the high ground. History always repeats.
  3. Really? children of parents who betted on the wrong horse so to speak were discriminated against well into the 60's. No point for them to apply for certain jobs.
  4. It was France and the UK who declared war not the other way around. What Germany did was wrong they waged war against their own people just because they were Jewish. But WW2 started when France and England declared war out of support for Poland. Never mind they themselves colonized most of Africa, and Asia.
  5. Who is going to be prosecuted depends on who wins the war. Now we have another side of the sorry story. You can't commit a warcrime if there is not a war but a special military operation. So according by this wisdom now you don't commit a warcrime if you use dumb munitions which just saturate an area.
  6. History was written by the victors. If the war had gone the other way the likes of Bomber Harris would have swung from a rope. Just point where it is written in the conventions that you can lawfully kill civilians, what the US conveniently calls collateral damage. You can't even use hollow points according to the conventions but nothing wrong with using HE instead. The conventions show their 19th century age.
  7. This is the most ridiculous answer I can think of. They couldn't pursue Kesselring too much because they had to admit their own war crimes. Kesselring's excuse was the bomber crews didn't see the flares to cancel the raid.
  8. Keep your fingers crossed. Microsoft’s latest Windows 11 mishap causes havoc with AMD graphics cards (msn.com)
  9. Probably on the wrong place with this one. Tank Chats about the T14 Armata.
  10. I own an HP myself and with Nvidia Graphics no problems. Here it looks good on paper. I would look at or installing Windows 11 is an option. Better ask for additional advice from BF.
  11. AMD Radeon? read the forums about the bugs with AMD.
  12. The unit receiving fire didn't have an LOS but the US unit did have an LOS. The LOS always comes where you don't expect it. There are no LOS tools in CM for a reason.
  13. Leave it to the TacAI upon full contact it does the right thing. Blind area fire needs to be done with weapon systems designed for that purpose. Play test and experiment.
  14. Move Line Broken no LOS Eyeball from View-1 to check your LOS
  15. We already have it with the move tool. If you can see the white dot from view-1 you could have an LOS. This game is unique because the TacAI has the last say. Cause of discussions by frustrated players.
  16. You know what the Chinese say? If you are not at the table it means you are on the menu.
  17. Treat Putin like the conman he is. That is the most respected title I can bestow on him.
  18. The Demo may run on version 3 while we play on version 4. I am only guessing here.
  19. Tank Crews can be unionized. 4PM and it is time for a Devonshire Tea with scones cream and homemade jam.
  20. Exactly recently it was mentioned that the radio sometimes went missing. BF should learn the customer is always right. The manual looks like it has been done by an amateur. But an enthusiastic one. I find it sloppy.
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