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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Backhoe training takes a minimum of a month. After he or she will do a basic job like this. Here employers are screaming for licensed people let alone in a warzone area. Come to OZ for $50/hr.
  2. Wonder or he was a cricket player. Seen some incredible fielding from 50 yards straight at the stumps. But do they play cricket in the Ukraine or Baseball?
  3. You need some skilled people for that. This fresh straight trench may tell us something.
  4. Hard to dig zig zag with a mechanical digger.
  5. We don't see all of the network looks like a communication trench looking at the length of it.
  6. Drew the move command panel. Top Left. Pause all movement of unit or units selected. Cancel all orders. Evade even on WeGo it saves time.
  7. LOS is an ongoing issue between players. It gives you a guide that is all. Your TacAI has the final say. For me I use the move tool and eyeball my unit from View-1 the lowest camera setting. I eyeball the destination point and when I see the waypoint I regard the unit's situation as being in a danger zone. Over time we all developed our own playing style.
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/corruption-in-russian-army-under-scrutiny-after-commander-arrested-for-selling-tank-engines/ss-AA1aCxJr?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=a6abf5f403734f3d94f6197667cce673&ei=12 Not bad Free Enterprise Entrepreneur.
  9. Read an interesting article. Ability to maneuver whilst you are observed. The role of artillery is making the right guess where you can disrupt the enemy's ability to observe you. Once you break cover.
  10. Excellent Website. Modern War Institute - (usma.edu)
  11. The evade button if a unit is rattled using the evade button will make him go for the nearest cover. In a building it means the ground floor and that is where he stays. His morale is like shaken but you still can give him orders. But from cover you have a hard time till he recovers to nervous or caution. On WeGo I found it also useful starting a turn, but look at the terrain first.
  12. The Green on the Left is Pause. The Circle in the Center cancels all orders. The Cross on the Right is to evade. Very useful when you have a lot of waypoints to manage.
  13. The present Russian regime is a regime with which no decent person can do business with.
  14. Follow this sound advice when you play CM.
  15. Watch the debate in British Parliament regarding the WHO. The UN Authorities become the dictatorships of tomorrow. We move off topic here. But countries like Russia ruling like tyrants have the seat on the security council. Can invade anybody an veto any resolution they don't like. Nationalities still matter now more than ever.
  16. What is worse? A system where you can say what you like but will be ignored. Or a system where you can be thrown out of the window for saying what you think? The latter system is easier to resist and fight. The Romans already knew it with their Bread and Circuses.
  17. Something like the Kremlin can't be called Elite. Just watch this expert yourself.
  18. A Cocky is an Australian Farmer often struggling. One solved a lot of his problems by restoring Bren Gun Carriers. Also a member of our gun club. One day a big secret came out he restored also a Vickers Machine Gun and showed it off. Unfortunately a fellow member was a policeman. Sorry Bruce but you better handle it in first thing in the morning. Bruce one of these guys would anything for you with his handyman skills.
  19. That one is two hours. It is the story of one of the units who didn't make it to Arnhem and got no further than Oosterbeek. The consequence of the LZ too far from the objective.
  20. Excellent scenario and like all scenarios a sandbox to model your tactics on. Now a more difficult one if you like crack infantry formations is MG Dreijenseweg. Their CO died in RL as he refused medical aid and told his XO to take over and press the attack. A Hero who was on his best when the enemy did their worst.
  21. Who should heed the lesson Russia or the Ukraine? How Long Should Ukrainian Forces Defend Bakhmut? Lessons from Stalingrad - Modern War Institute (usma.edu)
  22. I play mostly WW2 and had a formation of JS2 vs Tigers and Panthers in a Hull Down position. I spotted the Tigers and Panthers before they spotted the JS2s. Reason I used infantry to do the spotting a Regular Ivan without binoculars spotted a Panther in a Hull Down Position from over a Km away. He ran back to the nearest JS2 and when they moved, they got the first shot in. I find it hard to accept that BF lowered the standards in CW. CM comes close to real life but there are differences.
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