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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I hope nobody is here of the opinion that they understand the issue better than the Ukrainian Generals running the campaign in the Eastern Donbas.
  2. Four Fs Find, Fix, Flank and Finish. Blitzkrieg of 1940 was a flanking attack they flanked the Maginot line. It is the function of armor. Flanking is assaulting Imo you can't attack straight on when the suppressive fire unit is behind you.
  3. Still, DPICM would be very effective against the entrenched Russian formations arrayed in depth that the Ukrainians are trying to overcome, Shoffner said. Because these munitions cover such a wide area, they also require less precise targeting information than Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems. All of the article. They need to breach the Russian trench system. Why the US is considering giving Ukraine cluster munitions (taskandpurpose.com)
  4. New systems this could be adapted to clear trenches.
  5. Cluster munitions are not nice, they are not meant to be nice. What is also not nice is clearing trenches in which you see your mates killed. I understand a cluster load can clear a football area of trenches. It is what the Ukraine needs to get rid of the Russians. Tell me if I am wrong. Russia, the Ukraine and the US never signed or were part of an agreement to outlaw cluster munitions. Just the way I see it.
  6. The product of a wood-chipping plant are woodchips. The result of a battle are dead bodies we all agree it is not nice.
  7. We have something unique here. A Jump from Tyranny straight to Anarchy without Democracy in between. Socrates would be puzzled watching Russia today. Churchill also had a good analogy about the Kremlin. To put it in US English like watching two Pitbull's fighting underneath the carpet. Lift the carpet up after the growling and gnashing stops to find out who won.
  8. Frontal by the units covering and the maneuver is doing the flanking. It all depends.
  9. Terrain dictates, example hard to do a flanking attack on D-Day.
  10. Fire in the hole. Satchel Charge just for an Obergefreiter?
  11. Battlefront said something like if you protect your kin in your own home everything is permitted. I apologize in case I misinterpreted their statement.
  12. I let the driver acquire it. And he can bail out as required. Use it like a Jackal in SF2 with their AGL,which is of more use outside the vehicle.
  13. If I understand it correctly a Gaelic is a Scottish Lesbian?
  14. Yes and one in the Loamshires had a para's 51mm mortar which you can only see when you open the acquisition option. So keep them close to their HQ and send them to reinforce a regular infantry platoon.
  15. The platoon scouts universal carriers show the radio antenna's but no radio icon ever pops up. Seek some insight how to do recon if you can't report back. Now I use them as infantry support to even the odds against German infantry. During set up I check what each one carries and some a spare 51 mm mortar. Others 2 Brens with plenty of ammo. To use them now I embed them with standard infantry. I feel this may not be the idea.
  16. You can buddy aid any casualty and pick up his ammo. I don't think using IC/XO as medics is a good idea. Within the limitations of the game I rather use the team of the casualty. They are more probably nervous or even rattled so not ideal for a combat situation. First secure the area you can pop off the unit who performs buddy aid.
  17. I agree I can't honestly recommend BS to anyone. I stick to WW2 and modern SF2 is far better value.
  18. German Crew dismounting to enjoy the Dutch countryside.
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