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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Somebody once said I lead the 6th Panzer Division because we have only 6 tanks left. Here you go that is how they did it.
  2. According to Wikipedia No 2 is the assistant and carries 3 HEAT Grenades while the first gunner carries 2 HEAT Grenades But in your administration panel there is only one projectile. Could be that you could acquire more projectiles from your IFV. I am not 100% with modern warfare.
  3. Key Terrain is relative depending on the unit. It is a spot which provides cover and concealment for the task at hand. For a scout it is different than from his Regimental HQ. For the scout the KT is his commander's intent his KT is to carry out his commander's intent and staying alive.
  4. I had the recon crew acquire the weapons from a universal carrier. Scenario the Loamshires.
  5. You don't need air superiority to destroy a bridge nowadays. Is the airplane becoming obsolete?
  6. If they stay technically at war they won't be able to join NATO. Something for the bureaucrats inside NATO to solve.
  7. When you get a clear incidence of an act of war you can't wish for it to go away. A dictator will take the go away wishers as weaklings. The plain truth is decent people can't go back to do business with the Kremlin.
  8. I watched a movie on Netflix about him, very enjoyable. To become a millionaire during WW2 is a hard act to follow.
  9. This guy cheated Goring saw it as his patriotic duty. But he fooled all the experts by painting the old masters himself. Died in 1947 imagine what he could do with Photoshop?
  10. They invented Valhalla the hall with broadminded tarts and plenty of booze. No problem if you died fighting.
  11. Imo opinion it is not cheating. The Old Masters had their toys too. Camera Obscura literally Dark Room, the Master sat inside his Dark Room and a Peephole reflected the image of his subject upside down on a White Wall. With mirrors the Master traced this image on canvas. That is how some photographic like images were painted in the 17th Century. More or less the same we do with Software on the computer.
  12. I think after observing enemy forces after a full surrender is their soft factors. Rattled to Broken if they are in that state they no longer follow the orders of the AI Plan and could surrender but forces off map obviously do and in those instances you are forced to find a lonely straggler hiding in a cellar. This is just my theory about it. In a Campaign it may work against you as cease fire may cost you victory points.
  13. It is with religion a stupid motivation to start a war. People have the right to think what they want not the right to start wars.
  14. Acquire whoever is mounted on the carrier. With the 51 mm mortar I let the driver acquire it and dismount (bail out). That was the Recce Universal carrier. You need to quote the scenario and the formation. Used well it is one of the best AFVs out there. With recce units hide the vehicle and dismount. Vehicles are easy to spot not something you like to do on a recce mission.
  15. I think RU Troops realize they have been lied too. It is not going according to plan.
  16. I like elephant videos on YouTube. Social thinking is a virtue Socialism is not put National in front of it and you get a strong Deja Vu experience. It is all a balancing act.
  17. Not always agreeing with his atheism but here he is right. Nationalism is the worst reason to start a war. Imo this is the case with Russia and Orthodoxy is singing the same tune there.
  18. Currently watching this on Netflix. We only see here the beginning.
  19. They are not permitted as evidence they require the original card with the original RAW data.
  20. SF2 house clearing with small arms WW2 British Commonwealth and Soviets it is the guys with bolt rifles and hand grenades Soviets mix up the sub machine gunners too.
  21. Frontal attack the Soviet method not 3:1 but 6:1 at least. Only massive fire superiority will succeed without communications. Funny the Germans attempted something similar in 1940. North of the country at a place called Kornwerderzand. They didn't get further than a probing attack, only place in Western Europe where the Wehrmacht was stopped. No way they could flank there, the Dutch Navy supported the defenders in the bunkers which were very strong defensive positions.
  22. I watched more the interview. No such thing as only name rank and serial number. there are conditions in regards to drinking water.
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