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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by DerKommissar

  1. I used to find the whitewashing of world war history to be innocent and amusing, now I am starting to find that people actually believe it. Gravitic drive that runs on Element Zero, apparently. What puzzles me is what exactly it was meant to do? Was it supposed to be some sort of AA defense? An airborne bunker?
  2. That's the part sets Rome apart from most other films about Roman history. It was downright filthy and miserable. Compared to the clean pressed togas and shining marble streets that Rome is associated with. I think a lot of reasons why Game of Thrones was as successful as it is, is because HBO was coming into it, right off Rome. I've had Vikings recommended to me. Looking at the various posters posted around, the vikings in Vikings didn't look very "viking". The costumes, make-up and hair-dos looked too modern. Why are these northerners not wearing hats? Again, not a history major here, and I am quite literally judging a TV show by its cover. If it's anywhere as good as Rome, it's surely worth a watch.
  3. IDK, from my preliminary observations: CMSF 2 does exactly what it says on the tin: it's a "remastered" version of CMSF. However, unlike many big-name "remastered" games -- I can say with some certainty that this one will be in a playable state at launch. *cough* Dark Souls 1 Remaster *cough* Did anyone see the "new" Command & Conquer? Yeesh! All that aside, I would like larger maps, better graphics and performance. Who wouldn't? But, I don't think it's fair to expect that from a remaster of a 2007 game.
  4. What a splendid cast, eh? I can't imagine the historical figures, without thinking of their corresponding actor in that show. I think it's a must watch for people who are into history. I can't vouch for its accuracy, as ancient history is a tangled ball of old documents and myth. It did feel more authentic than most films about the late Republic, early Imperial period.
  5. Pardon my facetiousness, but wasn't Von Braun a Nazi? Anyone watch FIFA here? Now, the recent displays have left me completely flabbergasted. Germany/Mexico? Iceland/Argentina? Brazil/Switzerland? What is going on?
  6. IDK, my good man. I watched a lot of HBO. I generally really like HBO. One of their failings, is that they let their TV series go on for too long (not as long as AMC's, sheesh!). The plot becomes watered down, stakes become stale, and all the magic is gone. Soprano's last season, as well as all the Game of Thrones seasons after the third one (I swear, they make one every year!), Boardwalk Empire should have ended after the 2nd season, I don't think Westworld needed another season. Das Boot is a tight, little, neat miniseries. It's exactly as long as it needs to be. I do not think it or any other similar miniseries (BoB or Pacific) would benefit from the inflation of a full modern production. Be careful what you wish for, as they would inject it with increasingly more filler that turns a movie-level episode into a soap opera-level episode. The only glaring exception is Rome. Rome ran for two beautiful seasons and got denied a third act.
  7. There's a few statistical biases (and potentially a few cognitive ones) involved with this specific straw poll, which is why I chose not to vote. Yet, I do commend the efforts that went into it.
  8. I very much enjoyed Das Boot, even though that one had its share of historical inaccuracies, as well. Generation Kill and Blackhawk Down were also very well made. I also love FMJ and Paths of Glory. The way I see it, a well-made film/series is a well-made film/series. I can enjoy a well-made film/series and not worry too much about the details. This being said, usually when people invest significant time and effort into a project, they try to get the details right. @Sublime Check out Das Boot miniseries, if you haven't already. That "format" is spot on.
  9. Is 0.02$ CAD even worth anything, these days? Now that they ditched the penny and the lowest form of currency is the nickel? I would be happy if they allowed your soldiers to pack away enemy casualties much like they do their own. I think that would be the most efficient implementation. They would just be marked MIA, and become POWs (like surrendered troops do now). This way, any war crimes will not be shown -- but could be implied, in the context of the conflict at large. Which is where the roleplaying aspect comes in. Is it possible that POWs could volunteer information in hope for better treatment? Either way, interrogation (or "interview") is slightly outside the scope of the game. Most likely happening way off screen. All I'm saying is that it would be cool if your troops could react to enemy casualties, instead of leaving them to the crows.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Huge expansion of the customer base would be great. However, I am doubtful that Steam would achieve that. GOG would be a better platform, IMHO.
  11. One of the reasons I really dig these games, is that the gameplay mechanics welcome roleplaying. There's no real reason not to evacuate the dead and wounded, in a safe enough area. I'll admit, I do it too much and often find myself in that Full Metal Jacket scene. This being said, I do, at times, give "hive mind" orders -- even though I play on Iron. A lot of things are abstracted -- and messengers running around is one of them. Runners, couriers, dispatch riders, pigeons, dogs -- all of them were used on a fairly ubiquitous scale. In these games, metagaming is boring. So, I generally keep it to a minimum. I was recently playing the Shield of Kiev campaign. In the second mission, I took heavy casualties -- but not as heavy as OPFOR. They actually surrendered an hour before the game was done. I found the remnants of my infantry platoons searching for their casualties amidst an urban landscape littered with enemy wounded and dying. They ignored them. But I think it would be a triple sick feature if they could react to enemy casualties. Either evacuating them, treating them, interrogating them (to learn vague enemy positions) or even mercy-killing them.
  12. Combat Mission: FIFA confirmed? Why do I feel there are at least 5 Der Untergang parodies about the Germany/Mexico game, already? Also, does anyone remember the Micheal Bay Pearl Harbour movie?
  13. 90s Stalingrad movie was superb and thoroughly entertaining, except the obligational morality tale. As Eastern Front films go: I absolutely adore the Liberation series. I have never seen combined arms battle scenes like that. The ATG sequence was fantastic. Valkyrie nicked the Schtaufenberg bit from this series, scene for scene. Except Valkyrie much longer and filled with silly Tom Cruise shenanigans (Tom wasn't too bad in this one). Is it historically accurate? I doubt it, a bit too much of "the national spirit" that's akin to Hollywood films. It does feel authentic, though -- even if it had a bunch of cold war tanks cosplaying as panzers. The Soviet film industry took a lot of these movies seriously. At War as at War and Only Old Men Go To Battle are fantastic, and you can see them on youtube with english subtitles! It's also important to note that I enjoyed Patton, Der Untergang and A Bridge too Far. I can overlook glaring historical inaccuracies, if the filmakers do their best to make it feel authentic. Also, a good story and great casting help!
  14. What is this? Is this proof that Shock Force is set in an alternate timeline where Assad allied with space aliens?
  15. I felt like the tanks were ashamed to be in "White Tiger". They cried tears of lubricant.
  16. Hollywood movies don't care about historical (or any other kind, really) accuracy? Colour me purple and call me Grimace! Truly changes how I feel about Hollywood. Who knew that they were disingenuous hacks? All jokes aside, I do agree with Beevor on Darkest Hour. Amazing performance by Gary Oldman, but super-hero Churchill. *shudders in disgust* Enemy at the Gates....
  17. I am curious as to how precise this detection is. Would airborne or ground sensors be able to pin-point the source or get the general area (city block). I take it APS radars are low to the ground and lower power. SNR is nothing like one would expect from a conventional ground-based radar. I'm sure APS can be turned off like conventional ground-based radar when not in use, potentially alleviating this issue. SEAD-like strike possible? I'd surely think so. However it would require more precise sensors, for sure. Maybe mount a passive radar on a drone?
  18. The numbers represent a trend of interest in tactical wargames. Which happens to be minimal. A good counter-point would be that players playing the game doesn't equal to players buying the game. Steam is full of archivists. Also here's the stats for the Close Combat games: Gateway to Caen: 17.6 (players per day, average of 30 days) Panthers in the Fog: 8.9 (players per day, average of 30 days) Men of War: Assault Squad 2: 1311.3 A little bit higher than the others in our tactical wargames genre -- still, considerably small compared to more "arcade-y" titles. Not a perfect stat analysis -- I do welcome better ones. I like Steam, especially the sales. I am just saying that if I was BFC, I'd probably focus on my core audience or make a game geared towards Steam, and its systems. Something like MoW:AS 2 or Steel Division/Wargame is designed for Steam users, and is therefore, moderately successful on Steam. Also, I didn't see the strawpoll and didn't vote.
  19. I was playing the first mission of the UKR campaign in BS. I had an Oplot-M's APS destroy an RPG aimed at a BTR-4. It detected the infantry and shot a bunch of MGs at them, they vanished. I moved the tank up, a bit -- boom! BTR-4 was hit by an RPG from the assumed clear area. Driver being the only KIA for that mission. After that, I brought the infantry in...
  20. As someone who has worked in IT, let me tell you that there is no bottom limit on computer literacy. I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe. On Steam: I think BFC has good reason to keep off Steam. Besides the issue of licensing and Valve's cut, the main issue is the Steam user base. How many customers would Steam bring? I think significantly less than one thinks. Let's take a look at some stats from Steam Charts ( http://steamcharts.com ) Theatre of War 2: Kursk -- Monthly Average Players per Day: 2.3 Theatre of War -- Monthly Average Players per Day: 2.2 Graviteam Tactics: Mius Front -- Monthly Average Players per Day: 15.9 Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 -- Monthly Average Players per Day: 6.5 Steel Division: Normandy 44 -- Monthly Average Players per Day: 395.5 Wargame: Red Dragon -- 699.7 Arma 3: 16,329.6 Tactics games aren't really popular, even when compared to related genres. I seriously doubt the move to Steam would offer a significant increase in users. This being said, I'd love to see the older CM games on GOG! I think GOG is a much more friendly platform to old-ish tactics games.
  21. Like DCS or Graviteam Tactics? That would be awfully convenient, wouldn't it? The only issue is that the overall complexity of the software would increase. Which means potentially more hard-to-fix bugs. I'd still like to see that, but it would take a lot of man hours to implement/maintain. How do you play CM with only one mouse button? Speaking of OpenGL and Unix-based stuff... Debian CM? I would very much like that. Maybe even re-purchase a few titles.
  22. Aye, so would I. The arctic front is often forgotten and there are few, if any, games that explore it. Continuation War, Lapland War, battles of Finnmark and Petsamo, would make neat campaigns. Not a Finn, but my great grandmother was.
  23. Looking for pakwagen oddities. I found this: Description is: "SdKfz.250 - Sfl 5cm Pak 38 L/60, Belgrade Military Museum, Serbia." Was this a last ditch frankenstein or a post-war invention? Some more oddities:
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