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Everything posted by ncc1701e

  1. Perhaps you could pick up the British module of CMSF waiting for a future bundle with CMBS and its first module.
  2. It would be funny to see it just once. German WWII against US marines.
  3. That was my guess. That is why I will not open such a thread. Let's be happy with what we have already !!!
  4. Sorry but do you an idea of what CM3 will look like? At this stage, we can only guess or open a wish list thread, no?
  5. @sburke thanks for your above detailled answer. +1
  6. I assume but they did introduce uncons. And, this was a brilliant innovating idea from Battlefront imo. CMSF1 is a great game. I think engine 4.0 will completely renew the game experience.
  7. So, this is introducing "ground to air" ability, correct? But, which tools can be used by blue side? Are you sure TOE will be rewritten? That is where I am a little confused. I am not sure "CMSF in 4.0" means TOE are rewritten. And, if there are not rewritten blue side won't have air defense like in CMSF1. Only red side will have ZSU.
  8. Would be nice to have indeed. Teaching/learning the AI to use smoke is also important imo. Pop smoke to avoid a potential kill zone is often lacking when AI is attacking. At least, with patch 4.0, we did receive few enhancements: AI AREA FIRE ORDERS: The AI can now be scripted to use Area Fire! Each AI Order can have a target zone designated. AI FACING ORDERS: Each AI Order can be given a location for it to Face towards. AI WITHDRAW ORDERS: AI Groups can be ordered to Withdraw towards their movement destination. Vehicles will move in Reverse to the destination, while infantry will leapfrog back while turning around to face behind them.
  9. Thanks all for your answers. I have found this site useful too: http://www.lonesentry.com/ There is even an article on the vulnerabilities of the Tiger tank: http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ttt_tigervulnerability/index.html
  10. I am just wondering: is it a simple as changing a variable from 16 to 32?
  11. I definitely agree with this. However two questions: I am wondering why (in CMSF1) it is possible at the beginning of a mission to target whatever you want by artillery. Except if you have a TRP, you should not be able to target whatever you want if you don't see it. I consider this is a little cheating doing so (especially on attack). If a spotter has only a 30° angle to see the target point and if the spotting rounds is far on the left or on the right, does sound enter in the equation?
  12. I believe you. Stinger is only listed for SAS. May be this is wrong but anyway this is out of scope of CMSF 1 or 2: http://www.eliteukforces.info/special-air-service/weapons/stinger.php Cheers
  13. I have the same question. Doing some little research, looks like, in addition to US of course, FIM-92 Stinger is listed as used by United Kingdom too. Stinger is used by Germany and Netherlands. Stinger is produced under license in Germany by EADS. I still did not understood exactly what the Canadian army is using if it uses anything. Syria did have before the war: 9K32 Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail) 9K38 Igla (SA-18 Grouse) 9K34 Strela-3 (SA-14 Gremlin) We can imagine uncons would have accessed to them. Chinese FN-6 has been spotted in Syria but this was during civil war (2013) so this is clearly out of scope of the game. What I am still searching is at which OOB level they were employed in 2007. And, this is of subject, I must start perhaps a new thread to discuss, but does Stryker or Bradley have any AAA capability? I am asking this because I have read the BMP-2 30 mm cannon can be used effectively against helicopters and slow flying aircraft.
  14. Will it become true for CMSF once upgraded to engine number 4? Thanks
  15. Thank you. I have seen the youtube videos of Jeffrey Paulding and of Christopher Maillet. All very good stuff. I have already read the FM 3-21.8 and 3-21.10. But, I am still making tons of mistake. I am having difficulties building fire superiority. And, I always try to save my ammunition and I know this is not good. I am just wondering if there are other must have FMs to read to improve myself. I have found common sense is often the best tactic but it is not sufficient.
  16. I assume my question can be considered as general for any CM games so I am posting here. There are a bunch of FMs out there. Could you please advice me what are the ones really useful to read for playing CM? https://web.archive.org/web/20100817051727/http://www.army.mil:80/usapa/doctrine/active_fm.html Thanks
  17. Thank you gentlemen for all your inputs. You know I am the first in these combat missions to take care of my men. And, when I see the end screen saying it's a major victory whereas I have two dead, it is a failure for me. What's funny is my wife's look when I tell her this. Background of this mission is starting by a reinforcement convoy attack at an unexpected location (well behind the frontline). So, let's discuss psychology. You are a company commander and your mission is to reach the frontline by trucks. I am not a soldier so I can not say what will be done in reality. But, playing a scenario like this, what do you expect? The fact that you can reach your exit zones (CM:SF2 soon ) without encountering an enemy. If there are no enemies, why playing then? As such, you will disembark your men and carefully move to contact. That's psychology. Whereas in real life, will you?
  18. Enemies you will really hate because they will use exit zones...
  19. I was willing to have casualties on the ground near trucks to simulate an ambush starting. But, setting a large IED between two trucks is indeed doing better. And it adds random in the number of casualties. I have indeed no setup zones so that it is impossible to avoid this start. That is the only spoiler that you will have I am afraid.
  20. In the editor, you have the ability to destroy a vehicule before the mission is starting. Is it possible to do the same for units? What I would like to do is to start a mission with an ambush just starting where the leading vehicule and unit inside have been destroyed/killed. Thanks
  21. You are correct. Thank you very much, I have learned something today.
  22. Sometimes, I am wondering if the Forward Observer is blind. The interface claims FO is having LOS on the target. I am hearing, on the radio, messages like "fire perfect" whereas they have completely missed the target (it is a point target). I am also cancelling fire mission in this case since FO seems incapable to correct his mistake. This is in CMSF.
  23. As if the situation was not complicated enough. This is now operation Olive Branch. http://edition.cnn.com/2018/01/21/middleeast/turkey-military-forces-enter-syria-intl/index.html
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