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Everything posted by ikalugin

  1. To be honest if I were a US authority sending anything to Ukraine I would spend about the same sum of money making sure it does not get sold to separatists for Horilka or used as rather inefficient ovens.
  2. And this is strange - what is the purpose of such force, IF NATO armies are massive and in constant combat readiness?
  3. Modern wars are "come as you are". Thus loss of the plant would not change things much, if it happened during the all out war that is.
  4. Err, those are Russian vehicles. I see a T80U, but nothing else close to Oplots.
  5. Georgia did not get Western tanks in a similar situation - force modernisation/armed forces reform in a "Russia scared" situation.
  6. Lucas, look at the Georgia's Armed Forces modernisation. No western AFVs there. Generally thinking that they would be procured by Ukraine (or gifted by the West) is dumb, especially considering positive externalities of aiding domestic Ukrainian production.
  7. It appears that they mostly use non encrypted voice over radio systems. Those and cell phones (though phone usage has decreased by a lot since summer). Which is why they get Grad a lot.
  8. I heard that some 2 of 3 Counter Mortar Radars sent to Ukraine were already disabled (for various reasons).
  9. Russia. Those plans would take time to be realised of course, but fighting the digital inequality is a policy.
  10. Government plans for broadband fibreoptics to every inhabited settlement (ie to every single village with 1 or more person permanently residing in it).
  11. John, E for Export. This was one of the earlier attempts to sell the T64 series on export markets without resorting to dumping prices. Was bundled with the BMP64, as a common heavy IFV/tank combo. The T64E is an interesting system, it had improved protection and self defense fire power - I think they even were trying to fit twin 23mm. http://topwar.ru/8333-modernizirovannyy-tank-t-64e-novaya-zhizn-starogo-tanka.html
  12. In that sense they could be equated to Soviet pattern detachments, yes, but not line battalions (which were to operate within the framework of the regiment).
  13. We would see how Russia-EU negotiations would go (if those do happen), they may yield some results.
  14. I think they could procure the various ex WP Soviet pattern weapons. The other issue with such aid is the costs, considering that both the EU and the US are reluctant to give large sums of money to the Ukraine, it is less likely that such military aid would be adequate. Morever I think that those funds would be better spent arming Poles for example.
  15. Oplot-T is a very good tank (about the same level as the T90MS), the issue is that there are issues with producing those tanks in the numbers that would matter, especially considering the loss of a number of important suppliers in Crimea and Donbas.
  16. Interesting thing, despite the excellent Intel Soviets had, they distrusted it, as that Intel did not correlate with what the Soviets assumed a competent opponent would do. And that drove the paranoia factor higher.
  17. OOBs are different, as Ukraine (and Russia with 2008-2012 OOBs for that matter) went through a shift towards independent BDes.
  18. Good lord, is every single new user here from those forums too? The problem with any tactical game, where one side fights on operational level and the other on the tactical, is that there is a very small amount of playable scenarios. I mean playing as a battalion, just to be smashed by the enemy arty and have a division- roll over your corpse is not fun.
  19. Where did he get his DPRK OOBs from?
  20. I see, that said don't you get social projects by the government to provide broadband Internet access for everyone? Because we do.
  21. ERA does not add much protection by itself, it decreases the penetrative power of the weapon and thus acts as a multiplier. Thus if you have a thick armor array to back the ERA up you get a significant protection increase (making it very efficient). I am not sure about K1, but K5 roof tiles did offer protection against EFPs. Panzer, on the Tow video the explosion begins before the hit, you could send that from frame by frame analysis.
  22. The problem is that they won't retreat, as Soviets would make those villages go away before going over their ruins. Those cities have extensive bypass road networks (it isn't like we even need roads, but still). Tanks have deep wading equipment, the shores would be prepared by engenier/sapper teams. Sure, the III corps and such would be there, but in the probable scenarios they would be fighting meeting engagements with Soviet OMGs and then the Soviet 2nd operational echelon armies (from Baltic and Belarussian MDs). Late 80s, sure NATO forces in Europe did receive a lot of shiny toys, but if we are talking about the early 80s it was the Soviets who had the technological advantage on the ground.
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