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Everything posted by borg

  1. Noooo how could you ? After all those years together.
  2. those AA guns are tough didn't know they ca point the hell out of the infantry in buildings... soon i report.
  3. We are just greedy BFC turned us this way.
  4. Nice. But until., i see the TC manning the 0.50cal.. and shooting all those Krauts I'm not happy or settling for this and Tank must be a Sherman.
  5. it won't be a Blue Monday if the game comes out. it will be a Blue Monday if the game doesn't come out.
  6. Amazing pics that go along very well with an amazing post - and nice job openings Im in.
  7. Thanks kohlenklau i'll be back at your EDITED version soon later today.. as I'm off to work now Your edited one outshines mine 10x.. i'll continue polishing it up
  8. coool see this https://maltagc70.wordpress.com/category/1942/april-1942/Hitler and Mussolini during a summit discussing invasion plans.. i guess German Paratroopers are in for a tough time But let's focus on Ortona first
  9. Hey !!! You know about this ?? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Herkules Our terrain here in Malta is very much like Sicily
  10. You're a gifted guy Im new to all this... so - how can i help ? Not sure about scenario design.. but can help in testing ? and story layout ?
  11. Now this is funny. The 36% glitch - affects all Macs ? I have it installed on an OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 and runs smooth. No crashes no glitches.
  12. One more turn addiction - WARNING!
  13. Aaaaaaaaa. Now I undrstood. Let me open up & unbutton the tc and take him & his MG for a spin. Sorry didn't understand instant.
  14. Murphy such a mischief on the field isn't he? But I would love BFC to edit and enable the use of MG on the tank @ user will. Of course - I presume this will not happen - fast.
  15. So deliberate use of the 0.50 cal is not an option but target lightly 'might' bypass the main gun & use it instead ? Thanks Guys.
  16. Hi guys ! A fairly n00b question on my part... however, i didn't really bother before... When i point my sherman to target anywhere.. literally anywhere - either a target of my choice, enemy infantry, a vehicle, etc.. is there a way on how to 'CONTROL' which shell i use? HE AP? and... how about the .50cal Gun on top.. is that used by the 'open up' command? or something else ? Thanks guys. These classic tanks... are nice to ride. I just watched FURY last weekend - anyone watched it ? and its encounter with a Tiger ?
  17. Let's try sburke - Steve ? Any chance..., of having an Epiphany Bone ? Today it's the day that the three kings visited our Lord (not Mord )
  18. Kieme I love your CMSF overhaul mods... Will u cook for CMBS too ?
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