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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Oh dear. You missed again. The clue was in the award of 20 points. The correct answer was No.20. Grosvenor Square. The place Dartford Mick was going to storm in 1968, but he decided to go to the corner shop, buy Marianne a Mars Bar, and go home and write "Street Fighting Man" instead. Personally I was more interested in the European Cup Final, than what was going on in the streets. In my defense, I was only six at the time
  2. I don't think anyone has asked about the "Eisenhowerplatz" variant. So I will now add an extra bonus in addition to the "Splash" 10 points, and the "End of Battle" 15 points which are still on offer. Anyone who can tell us where "Eisenhowerplatz" was located during WW2 gets 20 points. And in the same way as Noddle Head can't get points for the previous bonuses he can't get any points for it.
  3. I love that picture too. It is one that I've looked at at lot recently.
  4. Oh dear, and you were doing so well. Your first three attempts gained you six points. But, then you fell into our Mafioso Frank pratfall and lost five. Still you are now up to 19 and with just one full day of competition left I don't think anyone will catch you.
  5. Thankfully all those Chamberlainesque "Keep Calm" posters got pulped in the Spring of 1940. And then it was time to "Get Angry and Kill Nazis".
  6. Current standings Vergeltungswaffe -18 Points Warts 'n' all - 16 Points Falaise -4 Points LongLeftFlank - 4 Points altipueri - Minus 5 Points So with just a couple of days to go and bonus points still up for grabs can Noddle Head cheat his way to victory?
  7. @LongLeftFlank Hahaha. You've obviously not studied the Eisenhowerplatz variant rules. They clearly state that what I say goes regarding what is, and isn't an eligible picture. As for "putting" me "on to Lucille Bogan", it was a job in music distribution that did that, many years ago. But, it was a nice try.
  8. Just a quick question. 1) Had you you scored any penetrations on that bunker prior to the turn in the video? I always check inside of a bunker before moving across it's field of fire, unless it only contains a scout team armed with short range weapons
  9. @LongLeftFlank I can't give you any points for the songs as they didn't accompany a photo of US troops with trees or hedgerows. But, I will give you a special two point bonus for bare faced cheek. Or, should that be bare ...
  10. I must have hit the wrong button last night when I was updating the standings. Anyway you are up to 18 points. You wouldn't find any of my music mods on CMMODS, they are just for my own personal use.
  11. Despite being decidedly mediocre for decades Bromley Dave and the Self-Publicists did hit the nail on the head with Rebel Rebel, the guitar riff still sounds great. And the lyrics, wow. "Hot titties and worn out shoes. Barry Obama always sang the blues. Ribble valley, I kinda like your style. Ribble valley won't yer put it on trial?"
  12. @Vergeltungswaffe You get six points for these. Sadly for you, I'd already used the great "Jumpin' at the Woodside" to open the competition. You also missed out on five bonus points. If you'd have used the Glenn Miller version of "American Patrol" rather than Shep Fields then you'd have uncovered my "Intro" music slot. So for people paying attention, there are still two pratfalls to avoid, and still bonus points for my "Splash" and "End of Battle" tunes.
  13. I remember as a sprog, I always loved the Rank gong filling the cinema screen. Ah, we were all so much younger then, he says, wistfully.
  14. Now that is very interesting. I got through "A Bloody Ride" without encountering the bridge bug. Whereas, with "Mission to Maas" my first tank met the first bridge, turned sharp right and ended up stuck in the mud. After that I made sure that I saved the game before sending any vehicles across a bridge. I've read lots of stuff on the forum over the years. I don't think anyone has come up with an explanation as to why it happens, and why it has never been fixed. Very frustrating.
  15. To be honest, I didn't know that the Bridge Bug had ever gone away. I just thought that it was more prevalent on certain types than others. Or on their alignment on the map.
  16. Current standings Vergeltungswaffe - 12 Points Warts 'n' all - 12 Points Falaise - 4 points LongLeftFlank - 2 Points altipueri - Minus 5 Points
  17. You Put it in, I'll Take it Out - Papa Charlie Jackson
  18. @Vergeltungswaffe Thanks. So that's ten points, taking you up to 12..
  19. And so as we come to the end of the 2nd day here at Royal St. Georges lets take a look at the leaderboard. Warts 'n' all - 8 Points Falaise - 4 Points LongLeftFlank - 2 Points Vergeltungswaffe - 2 Points altipueri - Minus 5 Points Hopefully competitor No.4 can get back to the judges soon with the info that they need so that his score can be updated soon.
  20. Wow, someone has been busy. Just a quick question from the committee before they dish out any points. No.s 1 and 5 don't look like they fit geographically, and No. 4 looks like it falls outside of the time frame. Perhaps you could tell us when and where.
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