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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. @RescueToaster Could you make someone 400 years old happy, and change your moniker to Pop Up?
  2. No, it is down to the AI/tank commander whether we agree with his choice or not.
  3. No, I don't think it is "balance" either. I think it's a flaw in the game and a pain in the 'arris, as we say on this side of the German Ocean.
  4. If I remember correctly, this was my least favourite mission. Trying to attack blind is no fun.
  5. @0:48 Beneath the appalling din Ivan's mind drifts to back to the wind-up gramophone of that bordello in Murmansk where he spent his last night of leave.
  6. In the interests of animal welfare I tried a test using the scenario "Busting the Bocage", rather than a real baby rhino. Ten minutes with two Sherman Rhinos and no damage to trees whatsoever.
  7. Yes. I was talking about trees (in game) in standard terrain. As opposed to woodland (or "Forest" as it is misnomered by BFC). I did try to find a picture of a Rhino taking out a tree in Normandy but couldn't find one. Meanwhile... "Knock down a tree? Clear off, I'm too busy being cute".
  8. I've never tested it. But, I think if you have a line of trees on a map the Rhino will will just drive straight through them.
  9. Great advice. You can simply use the "Target" command to measure the distance from suspected sites where the enemy might be, buildings, clumps of trees, ditches etc. If your tanks are a few hundred meters away then they are safe.
  10. A nice little video. But I can't see your username without this popping into my old bonce ...
  11. I think that in the same way we have to see all of the different games, we also have to see all of the threads for each game. It would be good if we could edit what we see, e.g. hiding all the modern titles if we are only interested in WW2 or vice versa. But, sadly we can't.
  12. I'm cutting my early 1944 teeth on "Breakthrough to Kovel".
  13. I quite like "Across the Oder". I think that it would have made a decent title. It reminds me of my curse of choice if I do something stupid when playing as the Germans. The air gets filled with "Unter den Bloody Linden".
  14. Ah, it seems like a misunderstanding. I thought that you had lost the campaign with your defeat at Cheneaux.
  15. I think "Rubble's on Fire" would have been better than "Fire and Rubble" as a title. But you can never top "The Balalaika Boys take Berlin" in my humble opinion. As for finding a game fun, that is the most important thing. And we all have our favourites in that respect. I don't like fighting up mountains, so I don't like Fortress Italy, other players love it. OK back to the wintery wastes for me. My Stugs need to start nailing some T-34s pretty damn sharpish.
  16. It isn't "important". But, they are available as stand-alone battles on the Few Good Men website. And if you do take them on it would be nice to have your views on them.
  17. I've just taken a look at my results and I scored a fairly low casualty "Total Victory". Although with my old sieve brain I can't remember how. With the campaign over will you be playing any of the missions as stand-alone battles? If so, I'd like to hear your views on them.
  18. As we pack up our things and leave Mindboggleton Magna for a little hamlet down the road, I think that the last word on the events of 25th February be left to the 2nd most important band in British history. Cue ...
  19. @Probus Is this "hot" enough for you? You brain dead see you next Tuesday. This sick thread should have been closed down straight away.
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