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Everything posted by ChappyCanuck

  1. OK lads, the Lady Jacqueline and I are off this morning to a music festival all weekend until Monday night. I will be looking forward to seeing some action when I get back! Cheers!
  2. yes, we all know that friction causes heat. Look at us, talking like soldiers lol
  3. The Lady Jacqueline would not be dressed much in your home state lol
  4. I'm back from a wild Canada Day outing yesterday complete with craft IPA beer and martinis...a deadly concoction of poison but hey...you only live once right? Hey snake eye, bravo on the terrain analysis, the core of any plan. Timing is always critical for any operation, all we can do is react, or better yet, force the enemy to react. So we have already forced the enemy to react by storming the Moro...but we have yet to see what form that takes. As for smoke, we do have smoke arty rounds but everything is reserved for the two leading companies. However, as commander, I can decided to change that up or have them call down smoke if you arrive at a vulnerable time and need some cover. The beauty of working as a team
  5. Note: file 003 is not a movie - it's the setup and plot first turn moves.....just in case anyone else was as confused as I was, doh! Grunt_GI - since the immobilised tank is in your sector, it is yours for this battle
  6. Update: just finished "Crescendo of Doom" and the the supposedly last battle, the subsequent night attack, both with total victories. The second battle was a close run thing due to the Germans being given an additional 10 minutes. But I held on. However, I was then given a bonus battle, which I assume is the very last one as it takes place...a month later? Anyway, it's a large, 1.5 hour duration battle that should be fun!
  7. It all sounds clear to me Koh. I'm looking forward to the multi-player battle!
  8. ahhhhh that is much better Although there seems like a little too much red for me!
  9. I am awaiting further orders from our CO Chappy and Axis Turn 003. Kuderian: No change in your orders: you are to advance directly against San Leonardo. You have some 4PLDG scout carriers, etc and these are to protect your flanks/front as you advance. On your right you can see B Coy digging in to protect the engineers building the bridge. Behind B Coy on the other side of the Moro River, you may or may not see D Coy in the far distance, in a forced march to get to the river and cross it. They will be passing through B Coy and will join you on your right. Behind YOU, across the river, is C Coy, the Battlegroup reserve. Kuderian and Grunt_GI: Brigade int has warned us of a possible German counter-attack, so be wary. Your orders do not change at this point, but if a counter-attack is mounted, I strongly encourage both of you to coordinate your efforts either in this forum or private PM. Communication is everything, and then, a good plan. You both are sharing the arty resources, unless I step in to prioritise the arty. As of now though, you are both free to divide up those indirect fire assets as you both see fit. Again...communication and coordination. Have a good one boys....we will be watching the battle as it unfolds!!! Pro Patria!!!
  10. Thanks for remembering those carriers, and yes they go to Kuderian Correct on all of the appointments. Wow, I can't wait to see this multiplayer battle play out. Obviously it will take a little longer due to increased file sharing, but I think this is the way to go. I am loving this very flexible campaign style...kudos to you Mr Koh
  11. Unless anything untoward occurs, you will pass through B Coy and advance on San Leonardo, yes. B Coy will be digging in and guarding the engineers as they construct the hasty bridge. Unfortunately it will be some time before you get vehicles of any sort. A dismounted advance!
  12. Well done Kuderian! Now it's over to Mr. Koh and his giant map....more to follow!
  13. I'm not sure...maybe our CO, Nathan, knows a little more about what is transpiring at higher HQ?
  14. Am I wrong to assume that it is only a problem with the old campaigns and not the individual battles?
  15. Hi Ken. Here is another bug - the brilliant Scottish Corridor campaign. Battle #11 (No Hiding Place) states clearly in the briefing that there are supposed to be 12 Churchills. I had only eight. I have not been paying attention to other battles within the campaign, but I have probably been disadvantaged in some of them as well, after reading some other posts. The only save I may have is an end battle save which may or may not be any good to you. I hope this can be cleared up soon
  16. I will see if I do...I usually delete the old files as I move on in the campaign. If I do have a file, it will be an end game file. Will that suffice?
  17. Not Belfast!!!! lol See those 4 buildings or so near the town by themselves? Where you advanced through? That might be a good place to hold up. Consolidate your 3 platoons into probably one....tanks in defence covering German counter-attack routes. Arty on call. Just my recommendation though, it's your battle
  18. Yeah he has you greatly outnumbered in infantry right now...maybe just consolidate in the outlier buildings? That company is finished
  19. What an interesting topic! To see my nationality's main dish being served (smoking hot beaver) in addition to a free can of Spam has certainly peaked my interest. I have never been to Texas - isn't everything bigger there? (I want to check out the Victoria Secret's store!) I'm not sure much gaming would occur, for me at least, as I would probably be taste testing your state craft beers for medicinal purposes....nothing like quality liquid bread to get the juices flowing and preserve the organs! (minus liver) I must check airline prices to Texas, from your snowy neighbour to the north, and get back to you, Mr Koh. I believe you are going with October now? Do you have a date yet? PS: the presence of bacon may seal the deal Can I bring my hockey stick?
  20. A very interesting topic Holien. Good stuff! So, I am currently playing the superior and wonderful campaign "The Scottish Corridor" by PaperTiger and I noticed at battle #11, "No Hiding Pace", that I was missing some Churchills. The briefing clearly states that I was to begin the battle with 12 Churchills, yet I was only given eight! This campaign is challenging enough without disappearing equipment!
  21. This IMO is the best campaign pack. Agree with you 100%. I have not played all of them yet mind you, but the level of AI play, the awesome maps, and the storyline in this campaign are superb
  22. Campaign Update: Just finished "No Hiding Place" last night with a total victory...but wow, there were some really intense moments! There are some fantastic battles in this series so far. I only have two minor complaints and both regard spawning. 1. In one of the night battles (battle #8 or 9???) my company commander, FOO and sniper team spawned well in front of my troops right next to the enemy. And of course they died quickly. Is this spawning supposed to happen? It just seemed out of place 2. "No Hiding Place" - after doing a defensive appreciation, I determined that my best line of defence was the line starting at the most forward objective (Obj "Foot"? It's on the far right and most forward) through the higher ground in the center where the first buildings forward of the setup area are, to the farm on the left, enclosed by walls (it has an enclosed fountain surrounded by walls). I rushed my forces forward and fought the battle from there. In a bizarre spawning, about halfway through the battle, Germans miraculously appeared in the same building I was defending (Obj Foot?) as well as along a bocage line I was defending. A German AFV spawned there as well, which immediately brewed up a company commander in a bren carrier. This was not fair at all, since I was defending those locations and they spawned right on top of me...I had no chance and I paid for it. Anyhow, I am on to #12 against the chateau with Typhoon support...that should be interesting! I think I am getting close to the end of the campaign....it really has been a treat. Thanks PT
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