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Everything posted by db_zero

  1. In my experience speed matters. Move command is safest. Quick is less safe and fast will get your vehicles bogged quickly-at least that's what I've found to be true but don't take my word as the final word. Some terrain like vineyards that you encounter in Fortress Italy will completely immobilize vechicles no matter what speed. That's what I discovered. Don't know if that's changed and so far in my limited Final Battle experience I've yet to encounter that sort of terrain but who knows it may exist
  2. Nasty little battle. I don't know who the German Officer who is calling in the artillery fire but he sure does have an uncanny ability to rain down effective fire on my infantrymen even while they are hiding in the forest and unseen? I don't know if I should give him a medal or shoot him on sight....I should be able to take the place but most of my platoons will be depleted and I lost the flame tanks. Playing on ver 4.0
  3. I agree the M-16 is unreliable is a hold over from the past that has been discussed endlessly. Pretty amazing it's been around so long. imo the next revolution may be ceaseless ammo. If it can be perfected and perhaps a bullet in the 6.5 range you may get something revolutionary but then again the military probably has other more pressing priorities.
  4. I've replied to threads like this in the past so I know I won't get what I'd like to see so I'll just have to settle for what I get. Looks like a later 1944+ Italy and 1944-1945 Eastern Front is what I have to look forward to and a Black Sea Module. Hopefully a 1941-1943 Eastern Front game is somewhere in the queue and Africa module too, but it sounds like BF isn't into it or its far, far down the road. Fulda Gap and the Cold War....I used to play all sorts of SPI, GDW (Assault, Boots and Saddle) and the NATO and other board games that covered this period. I really wish I kept the games. The Next War.They are worth some coin-Especially the monster ones that covered WW2 like War in the Pacific, Campaign for North Africa, Atlantic Wall, Highway to the Reich. Some of the more esoteric titles Like Art of Siege are very collectable -especially if in new or unused condition. To think I had them all...sigh For all my past interest in the period I'm not very interested in the period anymore myself, but that's just me-I can see what there would be an interest in the period. Reagan, Star Wars-SDI, not the movie, the basing of Pershing and cruise missiles in Western Europe, brings back a lot of memories. It was also a period when the military was viewed much differently. I guess if BF wants to be corporate and focus on turning a profit at any cost they can do a Zombie Apocalypse or Game of Thornes game. I wouldn't buy either, but I'm sure there would be a huge audience for it as would a Star Wars themed game, licensing issues aside.
  5. It is a unit specific and niche command but it would greatly increase effectiveness of infantry AT team in an urban or any other area with clustered buildings against armored vehicles and would extract a greater punishment on a player who does not execute proper combined arms tactics in these areas. There was and is a reason why armored vehicles that go into built up areas without proper infantry support get handled roughly by small roving bands of tank hunting teams.
  6. Erwin is correct I was referring primarily to infantry AT teams with portable AT weapons. This is applicable to not just WW2 AT teams but also to Black Sea.
  7. Ah yes the subject that never dies. If I were a betting man this will still be debated years from now.
  8. We obviously are on the same page. I've been away for a while and just hijacked your thread...sorry
  9. I've been working more than I like and been away, but I've been able to play a little lately. This may have already been asked, but I think a "shoot and scoot" option would be a great addition especially for AT teams that use bazookas, panzerfausts or for the modern AT teams that use RPGs or Javelins. Yes you can tell them to run after they fired or give a pause, target arc and then run away command, but A shoot and scoot command where they wait, acquire a target, fire at it and then run to a fall back position would be a welcomed addition. This may be more of a WEGO thing as real time play is different. I've just experienced a lot of times where an infantry AT team fires and then sits there when I would imagine that they would be hauling ass as they would know that the act of firing an AT weapon would give away their position. When playing wego if the AT team fires at the beginning of the phase it exposed for a long time. It would be nice to have a shoot and scoot command where you could set it and set a fallback position. A unit given this order would hide. Once it sees a target fire at it and then immediately haul ass to the fall back position. This could also be used for tanks and other vehicles. I'm sure the old "Ambush" command that was present in CM1 has been discussed, Be nice to see that again.
  10. I'm pretty sure this is in the game-the XM25. Looks like in real life its something of a question mark to the US Army. Maybe they can issue it ti tank and vehicle crews. Might be useful in urban situations? http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a22792/xm-25-punisher-us-army/
  11. I heard this was made by the "government " version of virtual battlespace. There is a civilian version and one used by the military that is "very expensive" idk much about either. Diverging OT I also stumbled on the new Steel Beast 4.0 that is supposed to be released in June. I'm definitely looking forward to that!
  12. Did you type oe tsc g&v into the search?
  13. I was looking at Mission Building for DCS World videos and stumbled on this by accident. While not really applicable to Clack Sea and Combat mission-save for maybe a few concepts, these are some very interesting and well done videos that would probably appeal to anyone who is interested and plays Black Sea. Just got to youtube and type "oe tsc g&v" into the search. Here are just a few of the videos you can view.
  14. I setup a quick battle - small, Achen Map - urban mayhem. Automatic force selection, Waffen SS vs US random mix. Aside from a Sherman and SP artillery piece the rest of the forces I go were infantry and 2 60mm mortars, 2 HMGS and 2 MMGs The AI Germans have a mix of Panthers, AA guns in infantry. I'm seeing the AI use the flanks, breaching walls with charges and from what I've seen so far some decent armor and infantry coordination in attacks. The SP AA guns are providing fire support. I setup some QBs in urban setting in Red Thunder and was less than impressed. I won't make any judgements yet, but looks promising. If an AI QB can provide a decent challenge in a urban setting, that's a big improvement.
  15. Playing Cutline To Grosshau. Looks good out of the box. Atmosphere seems appropriate. I'm very interested in seeing how QBs is and if greatly improved, hope it makes its way to other titles already out there.
  16. Haven't been following this and I'm not as enthusiastic as before. Interested in the topic, but just not as excited. Would have rather seen something for Black Sea done. I still went ahead and pre-ordered. Got an email saying my order was ready for download...got head faked.
  17. The Russian mobile AA artillery in "game terms" are highly effective-especially in urban setting-there are a lot of uses for them. Just have to use them carefully. The American have nothing like it. The mobile SAM's on the other hand have just 1 use.
  18. I played a little BS when it first came out then when back to the WW2 stuff. I recently revisited BS and I like playing h2h, but those have been very urbanized battles. Not sure how open or less urbanized battles will turn out. For playing against the AI I still like the WW2 titles. Its good to hear the Red Thunder built in campaign is good as I haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I'm still working on the Market Garden Allied Campaign and the British have a tough time moving down a narrow corridor with a single road. I also have a almost finished Italy campaign. I played the Black Sea stock campaign and it felt pretty 1 sided to me. It does feel to me the WW2 stuff is better. I think with some improvements Black Sea can get there. The ATGM issue needs to be addressed. I would certainly like to see some better buildings and more variety for urbanized combat. Looking at building available in the editor it seems like there could be more added that would better depict modern day buildings. Most of the population is moving to urban areas and many recent battles are centered around built up areas. Another aspect that would improve the game is ability to give units more control over what weapon system to use against a target. While not asking to be able to micromanage down to the last detail, I would argue that infantry are given a level of training these days where they have a good idea of what weapon system works best for what. I also strongly feel consideration should be given to having a 2 tier system for buying stuff in QB's. 1 for artillery, air support, SAM, EW and supply assets the other one for the rest of ones forces. Revisiting the sandbox might be interesting, depending on how its implemented and Asia would be great. While not in widespread service, giving the Russians some of the new stuff that just came out would be interesting.
  19. I'm referring to US infantry using their AT4s against infantry in buildings. Is that what you've seen when you gave target command? Did you target the building? Or did you target the infantry inside the building? I've seen AT4's used against APCs but that's about it.
  20. I've setup a test battle with American vs Russian squads in buildings and gave American squads target command against the Russian infantry in the building and have yet to see the American squads use their AT4s against the Russian infantry in buildings. I even moved an American squad outside of the building and targeted the Russian infantry inside the building and they still didn't use their AT4's. TOWs also don;t seem to fire at infantry inside of building. I would think they would be pretty effective in that role.
  21. My understanding is that in the overall scheme of things infantry shooting their personal firearms has generally caused few casualties. Mortars and artillery do most of the damage. The job of the infantry aside from finding the enemy is to suppress the enemy and support the crew served weapons. When it comes to small arms machines guns are more effective that the individual assault rifles-especially if its mounted on a stable tripod. Losing the radio and ability to call in fire is considered a very bad thing. Be interesting to see however if the introduction of optics has made individual shooting more effective. One thing I would like to see implemented-especially for quick battles is the option for sides to pick some artillery and mortars without having to spend points, same with the other stuff like air support. Some of the nice stuff is very expensive and you have to give up something. It would just be nice to have a nice sized force on force engagement and some of the nice goddies too and just fight it out. A system where you got some slots you could fill with support stuff , or have a tiered point system where you have points for combat arms like tanks and infantry, engineers and separate points you could use for artillery, mortars, air support, drones, EW assets and resupply trucks.
  22. Do a search on the internet. It may be old, but still relevant. The FBI did a study on gunfights and most took place at 7 yards or less and most shots fired missed their human sized targets completely. I don't know or remember all the specifics, but this included trained personnel. Its not military specific, but the basic point is valid. Shooting at paper/steel targets is one thing, but once it gets real things happen. Unless you're a complete psychotic sociopath with absolutely no fear or feelings, you're going to go through instantaneous psychological changes when its real and that is going to have a huge effect on your actual performance. Maybe someone with a PHD can give a more detailed explanation. Fearing for your life and safety is going to affect you. Its hard to describe unless you've been through it and it affects people differently. Other factors can come into play. Years ago there was an event called the North Hollywood shootout. Those shooters were on Phenobarbital to calm themselves down and enhance their shooting performance - at least that was the probable intent. I saw stories about Iraq where the insurgents were injecting themselves with stuff to enhance their performance. The Germans during WW2 used speed.
  23. American squads have the AT-4. Doesn't this have a firing mode for building that is very devastating and is designed to be fired from withing building? I never see them used against infantry in buildings. RPGs on the other hand are used against building a lot.
  24. I'm still trying to get a handle on the infantry aspect of the game. So far my h2h experience has been against a very good opponent who has a lot of games under his belt and has lost very few. We're also playing games in very urbanized maps. They say MOUT is the most difficult and challenging. I find the Americans are more forgiving, but that being said and done I'm discovering them to be highly vulnerable to RPG's especially when they are in buildings. As for the RPGs teams, it seems like you may want to buy some extra RPG teams and make sure they are of good quality and use them like snipers. The auto grenade launchers are also deadly, but take time to position and deploy. I'm trying to figure out if mortars using airburst are effective in urban areas-especially against enemy firing from windows. Do you keep squads intact or break up? The firepower from intact squads is impressive, but one RPG or shell burst means lots of dead or wounded men. Creating a scout team provides useful recon ability, but if discovered are easily lost and they don't have a whole lot of firepower. LOS is always a touchy subject and I'm not sure how reliable the LOS tool is when it comes to urbanized maps. Building can provide cover, but also become death traps.
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