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Everything posted by db_zero

  1. WW2 was a long time ago. The average front line soldier was not so nearly well trained. Most were draftees. While I don't dispute the validity of WW2 studies the world and warfare has changed and perhaps it time to re-evaluate and change. Most Armies are volunteer-that applies the the US. Training is much higher. Effective and low cost optics is also available that makes fire from infantry weapons far more effective. In WW2 99% of the infantry used open sights. Today lightweight optics that turn every infantryman into a potential sniper is in widespread use. Optics issued to everyone can vary from simple red-dot, reflex to 2-6X+ variable. The revolution in optics is something that has gone largely un-reported but has greatly enhanced the effectiveness of small arms and now makes effective longer range shooting by juts about any trained infantryman possible. A round that is less affected by variables like wind, distance and humidity is desirable. In the future expect more of the same type of warfare where discriminant use of firepower is required. It may be too counterproductive to use artillery, mortars or other heavy firepower and more discriminant use of firepower is required.
  2. The leadership of China biggest worry is internal strife. The PLA and new tanks are first and foremost there to keep the people in line and if need be crush them if they get too ornery. Taiwain is next on the list as is North Korea if it collapses. Somewhere way down on the list of priorities is an actual land war with the west... Many view China as a homogenous country which is far from the truth. Lots of ethics groups who have thousands of years of disagreements, political intrigue and disdain for one another. Then there is the rural vs urban, costal vs countryside things going on. The war being fought is basically a cyber one.
  3. At one time the US and USSR faced off with MAD. Now the US and China face off in MADE (Mutual Assured Destruction of Economies). A war would really hose both economies. That being said there is a game going on over some reefs in the South China Sea. Huge reserves of resources is reputed to be under the ocean in the area and the Chinese fear the US could easily interdict the area and cut off the oil supply to China if conflict took place. China would definitely fears any unrest or collapse of North Korea as they would not want a huge refugee problem on their shared borders. The world has changed since 1950 and the likelihood of another major US-China clash in Korea is remote. An air-naval clash would be more likely, but once again a pretty remote chance of that happening.
  4. I've brought up the topic of Asia in the past and from the semi-official response will never happen. If you want a modern Asia fix there are a few. I stick to CMNAO. Next week a new DLC that will have things like EMP, rail-guns, high energy laser should allow some interesting US-North Korea and other Asia based scenarios to be tried out. There is a DLC out now that covers Korea. Of course CMNAO isn't an in the weeds type of game. The only other ones that come to mind that cover Asia is something like Wargame Red dragon which I could never really get into. I did play People's General and Force 21 back in the day...
  5. I think the chances both the Army and Marines will get a new rifle and round are quite good. The political climate is right. There could also be domestic politics that will come into play. The current administration is 2nd Amendment friendly as is the overall make up of congress and the senate. As a result many of the domestic gun manufacturers have an oversupply of AR type platforms and other guns. Sales are flat line to falling as the fear of a crackdown on guns has diminished for the time being. The recent election made that a fact. A new weapon system with the associated potential for lucrative government contracts in congressional districts may sweeten the deal. Save jobs and keep manufacturing in America as the new slogan goes and anyone with any clue to how the convoluted defense industry works knows this isn't a far fetched scenario. In addition there are many civilians out there who would jump at the chance to own whatever weapon the military has. As crazy as that sounds this is America and America is a gun culture. The Army and Marines are quite clever in bringing this up now and they should move forward and ask. The worst that can happen is they get told no, but there will probably never be a better climate to get what you ask for than now.
  6. I a little surprised by this. I don't agree with all of the reasons stated in this article-I think the AR is far more reliable these days, but the other reasons seem to have some validity. If the Army moved to a new round I would guess the Marines and other services would have to consider doing so. Its still not a done deal and Congress will have the final say. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/why-army-thinks-needs-bigger-192100754.html
  7. I restarted GG WitW and Torch. I happen to like it. Then again I I can't think of a GG game I didn't like. You just have to be prepared to digest a full 20 course meal and dessert-it is a Gary Grisgby game and they are massive, complex and full of details. I'm now playing the Torch scenario. I played the Sicily scenario again to re-familiarize and the Rommel Attacks. I still haven't tried the full campaign against the AI yet. Don't know how challenging or difficult it is. I also played a little War in the East and looking at the forum most say as the Germans its not too hard to win the full campaign, but the first turn is critical. Playing as the Soviets is more of a challenge from what was said. There was an interview with GG and he said eventually a 1940-41 expansion for WitW would be added and eventually WitW and WitE would be linked. If that happens it would be insane. I'll stater a PBEM of WitW eventually and maybe WitE. I have played a full WitP and WitpAE PBEM campaign. I played a full Campaign game against the AI 3 times when the original War in the Pacific was released in 1992. I never played a full campaign against the AI in the newer versions. I'm not sure you could program a competent AI for that.
  8. I looked at Decisive Campaigns Barbarossa and it really looks good. The system seems like it would be great for other campaigns, but sounds like the developer isn't going to make any more. I'll have to get it when it goes on sale again
  9. It takes time and study to get the hang of the new system. It may be a while before I jump back into WitW. I got Torch mainly because of the sale. I did jump into SCWiE and was able to subjugate Poland in less than an hour-without having to play a tutorial or read the manual. I've stopped for now and will read the manual and watch some youtube videos so I hopefully won't make some early mistakes that will cost me later on. I've started researching amphibious warfare so I can invade Great Britain-after I take over France. Then I'll have to decide if I take over Russia or try to invade the USA. Gotta love the simple games now and then....
  10. Yup War in the West. The new air system is great and its too bad its not ported over to War in the East which I have, but not really played. I have WitPAE and spent 2 years of my life playing a PBEM grand campaign-we often did 2-3 turns a day and 4-8 on the weekends. The Torch expansion does have a hypothetical scenario that starts in 1943 and assumes Hittler was deposed and thus Germany has a more rational strategy... I wonder if they will expand War in the West to 1939. I also have the latest Hearts of Iron. Gary Grigsbys games are always a beast, I remember playing the original War in the West for hours
  11. You've cost me some more $$$ I took a look at the new Strategic Command War in Europe and decided to get it. I have the older ones that cover Europe and Pacific. A nice beer and pretzels game. Also got Gary Grigsby Torch expansion for the new War in Europe the exact opposite of a beer and pretzels game. At least I got the 30% discount that ends today so it takes some of the sting out
  12. Looks like I'll have to try this one next as I'm near finishing MM after a re-do. Im a bit sidetracked by Afghanistan 11 which surprised me. I'll probably need a break from the frustration of A11 and start this one for more frustrating times...
  13. Its been a long time since I've played Strategic Command, but SC is primarily about combat and waging war. A11 is about waging war and has combat, but combat and killing the enemy, while important isn't going to be enough. You have to make contact with the natives in town and villages, send them UN Aid, build things like water facilities and roads as well as protect them from attacks. Once you win the trust of the locals they give you intelligence. You're going out destroying opium crops, training the Afghan Army cause you have to turn the country over to them and they have to survive 10 turns. You can't be careless and neglect monitor the roads as they get mined with IEDs and that can easily ruin your day. Seeing trucks loaded with supplies or aid get destroyed by IED's or Taliban attacks will piss you off to no end. You have airstrikes, drones, special forces, Blackhawks, Apaches, Chinooks. Where you build your FOB's and how you supply them is critical as the Militia and Taliban will attack them as well as mine the resupply routes. You can expand FOBS with hospitals, repair facilities and artillery pits. They come with a mortar section and you can garrison them, but you must be able to keep them in supply. There are Presidential election you can influence and the candidate that wins affects the game. usually around the election time the Taliban will mass for an offensive and you have to avoid casualties and damage to infrastructure. If you start to suffer casualties you lose Political points which you need to buy things and perform certain actions. Its far different than SC
  14. This is one of those games where you can stay up well into the night saying to yourself-just one more turn. It's also difficult and brutally so at anything past regular level. From what I've been able to gather the AI doesn't cheat. I have never agonized so much over the loss of a Chinook. Logistics has never been so much fun, challenging and frustrating. Every single thing you do can have a huge impact that often doesn't become apparent until later on oftentimes fatally so. You can kill off dozens of militia and Taliban units and it will make no difference if you don't win the hearts and minds of the natives or suffer casualties and cause political dissent, which then paralyzes you. Once that happens then all it takes is for the militia or Taliban is to knock down a unit or 2 or cause casualties to one of your units and you're in a hole that you won't be able to dig yourself out of. This game is pure genius.
  15. I saw it a while ago and had no interest so I didn't bother paying any attention. How can a game at the operational/strategic level on Afghanistan and counter insurgency with less emphasis on combat and more on nation building and winning hearts and minds be? Surprisingly well done and for its appearance of simplicity is apparently very difficult to do well from what I've heard so far. I'm still new at it but from what I've seen so far really like it.
  16. I just saw this, looked at it and reviews and decided to get it. A very interesting concept. I can't really describe it, but its a combination of Civilization and a turned based RTS
  17. A very nice scenario. I know it takes a lot of work and research to make a scenario. Back in the old CM1 days I made a scenario and called it "The Hornets Nest"? It was a long time ago and had M-18's in it and a defensive position. Took a lot of work for just that. I can't recall if I ever posted it as it was 17 or so years ago. I did see one of my old Soldiers at War on some website a while ago. Gave me a chuckle. Must be interesting to visit an area where a battle took place and you're making a scenario out of it. I'm a big history buff and know a bit about most of the Campaigns and battles, but this one was unknown to me until now.
  18. That's more than enough. You can get a nice system with disco lights if u so desire. Heck you may even be able to get both a nice desktop system and decent laptop for $3000
  19. I upgraded to an Intel I7 6700K, 16 gigs of RAM, SSD drives and Nvidia GTX 970. Load times increased dramatically and no problem with Combat Mission or other intense sims like Flight Sim with Orbix terrain, DCS world or Atilla Total War cranked up to max settings. Throw enough money and resources at the problem and you'll usually be happy. How much $$$ do you have to spend?
  20. There have been stories of platoon leaders in Viet-Nam calling in B-52 strikes on targets so I guess its not completely out of the realm. I could see a MOAB or thermometric being used as a pre-planned strike right before an assault on a key position. Be kinda cool to have one go off on turn 1 and you then move in to clear it out, but then you'd have to simulate rubble, blown out woods a massive crater and to be fair to the defenders you'd have to give them tunnels or something to hide under. IIRC the Command and Conquer Series had the MOAB in it.
  21. I suspect that like nukes, chemical warfare, MLRS and civilians, MOABs won't be on the menu anytime soon....?
  22. I wasn't aware of the British or Canadians joining this fight so I would not count on Fireflies joining in but I could be wrong. The M-10s do have a 3 inch naval cannon that needs to be respected. Some of the Shermans I knocked out were armed with long 76mm that may have some silver bullet ammo that could be dangerous. Those bazzoka teams can be deadly. Lost recon tanks to them. Panthers are tougher but in previous PBEM games I've lost Panthers to them. Losing tanks and other vechicles to becoming bogged and then becoming immobilized is a real risk for the Germans. Knock out a German vechicle on the road and any vechicle that follows in its path will have to go around it. That is a slow process, potentially exposes the weaker sides to high velocity fire that has a better to good chance of penetrating and also runs the risk of bogging and/or becoming immobilized completely
  23. May as well ask....are there any plans to model the MOAB soon? ? Im sure there are maps big enough to accommodate the mile wide crater
  24. This is turning into a nice challenge. The combo of poor off road mobility for vechicles and unpredictable green crews in Panthers makes for a management challenge for the Germans. Do you send a green crew in the lead? Or do you risk your more experienced crews in the hope they will get off the first killing shot?
  25. May as well ask....are there any plans to model the MOAB soon? ?
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