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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. Because CMx2 action squares are an 8 meter square, I concur. A Sherman's "footprint" is about 3 meters wide by a bit more than 6 meters long. It only occupies 30-35% of the action square area. Infantrymen within that action square have sufficient room to clear out of it's way. I think the game realistically captures that. So I think we agree?
  2. For singleplayer, try the "Devils' Descent" campaign. For H2H, can't miss "In the Shadow of the White Manor" - not well balanced, but the map is really well done.
  3. I think it's OK that infantry can't be crushed by tanks, it makes sense they roll out of the way. But I think it would be a nice touch if (small) AT guns could be run over and crushed. I know this was done a couple of times in real life, usually when the crew had abandoned them.
  4. I have also seen this bug a couple of times, but I don't think I saw it in 4.0 yet. It was very rare in 3.12 but it could happen that a team got stuck and refused to move. In this particular case, I think the culprit is the bunker somehow. Bunkers count as vehicles, and movement around vehicles can be a bit odd sometimes.
  5. I haven't seen the AI react in any way to cover along the way when moving troops. Are you sure? To me, it seems the AI just gives random move orders in the general direction towards next move zone. It will happily run straight past shellholes, walls, hedges, etc. and then plop down on open ground.
  6. The graphics show their heads poking up over the sides, but the enemies won't open fire on them. This is particularly noticeable with the Bren carrier. So I'm not sure what the graphics really represent.
  7. I'm not sure how the spotting of halftrack passengers work, but when they spot something, that doesn't automatically mean the gunner will spot the same thing (if it's the halftrack's dedicated gunner). Maybe if the passengers are also manning the gun, they can somehow spot and engage better? Not sure.
  8. In my experience, the gun shield makes the gunner spot markedly worse than a single dude in the open. I don't think any peeking over/around the shield is abstracted. The gunner 's vision is limited a bit like the hull gunner in a tank. But I haven't tested it scientifically. I just like to keep an eye on who spots what during battle. German halftracks only really start to spot and engage by themselves at 200m range, which is way inside danger close range. They are best used to hang back at least 300m and preferably 500m+ range and do area fire for suppression.
  9. All I know for sure is that the telescopic sight is visible on the actual model of the MG42 on its tripod. And that the infantry MG42 is definitely way better at spotting and engaging at long ranges than the MG on the halftrack. It's possible those effects are just from having more guys out in the open, spotting, and one of them having binoculars. But given the detail of these games, I'd be surprised if the actual telescopic sight didn't give some sort of bonus to spotting and accuracy at range. Especially since they also do modern games where scopes are much more prevalent. It must/should be in the code.
  10. It's not about halftracks being too weak or strong. It's just about realistic behaviour. I don't want my own halftrack guys to fight like lions if they are panicked. Neither do I want them to be uselessly picked off one by one when they should be cowering. Yes, German halftracks are decent in the right circumstances. However, they spot very poorly, because of the gun shield and because their MG doesn't have a telescopic sight, which the HMG version has.
  11. Yes, I think so too. Not expecting a "Wunderwaffe", but I think the STG44 should at least be something to be reckoned with. Something to be noticed when present. But I don't have the time and skills to do a proper testing to prove there's an issue. The only thing I can do right now is to write on this forum that I'm a player who has this opinion, and if I'm the only one to have that opinion, well.. as they say, everyone has one.
  12. I haven't tested it extensively, but in my humble experience even at close ranges (50-100m) in forest or towns the STSG44 does not seem to perform better than the Garand. I actually think the Garand is better, which surprised me. At longer ranges, the STG44 fires very slowly for an automatic rifle, and accuracy seems really low.
  13. Yes, I understand, but my point was that I haven't really felt much difference in this game. I sort of feel I should be able to notice a real difference, but I'm no military historian or expert. All I know is that when I started playing CMFB, I was very interested in whether my infantry had STG44 or not, but now I don't really care. I do care if they have 1 or 2 MGs though.
  14. Yes it is. But I don't really see much impact for a weapon that was apparently revolutionary at its time... Just my two D-Mark
  15. For flavour maybe. But I don't think it really matters much in gameplay though. The stg44 seems quite weak in this game. At least in CMFB I don't really notice it. Seems as effective an mp40 more or less.
  16. Today I toggled off the sound and played for about 3 hours. Then it crashed again. Seems I could play for longer with the sound off, but it could also just be a coincidence.
  17. I don't know if you meant this as a joke, but maybe you're on to someting. Maybe the experience level affects the protection level of the bunker? When I tested the bunkers some time ago, I found they provided little protection, but I didn't try various experience levels for them.
  18. Thanks, will try to see if the sound helps. Would be a bit boring to play without sound though.
  19. Thanks, yes I think it's the same problem. I posted now in that thread too, to keep the cases together for reference.
  20. Ok, now I also join the club of people who get these crashes. I'm also using an Nvidia card on a windows 10 machine. Newest drivers. The game will crash after about 20-30 minutes of play. I also made a test where I just let the game sit inactive for some time, and it crashed without me doing anything, but I don't know exactly how long it took. When it crashes, it just freezes for a couple of seconds, then I'm back at the desktop.
  21. Nothing else. Not even Steam. It's possible that there could have been a windows update; they happen semi-regularly. Also, it could have been an Nvidia driver update... difficult to say...
  22. I used to be able to play CM for hours on end, and it would never crash. But all of a sudden, CMFB now crashes about ever 2-3 turns. It just suddenly freezes for a couple of seconds and then I'm back to desktop. It crashes whether or not I actively play the game or just let it sit at the replay phase or command phase. So now I have to save constantly to not lose progress. Anyone else having this problem?
  23. I think it's ok that they at least try to stay on the gun when ordered to do that, but when they panic, they should stop responding to orders. This was actually massively improved by 4.0... My tank commanders duck down quite quickly now when under fire, so if I keep at least 300m distance to potential enemies, they often save themselves. Before, they would stay up forever while bullets whizzed past.
  24. When a US halftrack is unbuttoned (manning the gun), it will stay unbuttoned even if the crew and passengers are in the "panic" state. And the player is unable to order the halftrack to button. So the vehicle will keep driving around randomly, and the passengers will keep getting shot one by one as they pop up to man the gun. This is not the behaviour of panicked people, but of very brave or fanatic troops. Panicked guys should stop manning the gun, and try to hide at the bottom of the halftrack. If rounds start to penetrate, they should bail out and run away. I know there have been cases of very brave troops who kept manning the guns even though they were under heavy fire. However, I'd argue they were not panicking, but merely rattled or shaken in CM terms. Thanks for your attention. You're now welcome to tell me I'm all wrong
  25. Apart from ... Where's the patch? When's the CMFI module coming out? Where's the CMSF2 Demo? When will CMSF2 be released? Why doesn't Steve provide developer updates? So, where's Steve's new developer update with news about the extra options in the patch for CMSF2??
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