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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. But the points cost does not represent historical availability. That's what the rarity cost is for.
  2. Yeah, it's really tempting to do it, but I also try not to! Sometimes I do it against the computer, but never against a human opponent. Rather lose the game than to win that way.
  3. We sort of agree, but you're only one dude with one set of eyes. In reality, troops notice and react to all sorts of things even if the commander is looking the other way or on the phone with B Company. The game actually limits what you can see in the replay. If nobody spots incoming rounds, you can rewind and replay all you like, you won't see anything. Sometimes, you can trace an enemy AT shell from the firing point till impact, sometimes it only becomes visible just before it hits. WeGo makes the game more realistic by allowing you to play all the different roles of leadership at the same time. The most unrealistic part of WeGo is that you can fly around the battlefield and locate weapons firing by their sound.
  4. You got BARs on excellent EQ level, I got several on average. Maybe just lucky? I think the carbines are a bigger hit to their firepower than the BARs anyway. Also they do have comms; all platoons have a radio.
  5. Thanks. I consider it confirmed that points costs were dramatically reduced in 4.0. Assuming this is a mistake.
  6. Someone told me that US fighter bombers (strafe) only cost 30-40 points in CMBN 4.0. I'm still running CMBN 3.12, and I see the following ppoints costs: US P-47 Thunderbolt 273 US P-51 Mustang 167 US P-51D Mustang 218 Could anyone please check the points costs they see in CMBN 4.0?
  7. Yes they are weaker, but I don't think they are that different. No bazookas is of course a tangible difference, but the rest seems to be smaller nuances. One way to make them play differently would be to make them behave like Italians - unable to split the squads. Representing a breakdown of leadership.
  8. Thanks for the good replies. I did a little testing, setting up a US straggler group and an infantry company, both purchased with equipment set to "average": To sum up: No bazookas Fewer grenades No rifle grenades A bit less ammo per squad More carbines instead of Garands Fewer BARs (but still some) MGs and mortars attached to company leader instead of local HQs Heavy MGs instead of light MGs (but with more ammo! 2K vs 1K) One less 60mm mortar No assistant leaders per squad Can't directly use 81mm mortars or other goodies from battalion level And I can add, myself: No specialists (gunners, antitank) in regular squads. I assume this means their few BARs will be less accurate. So, there are differences. I would personally have liked to see straggler groups having more chaotic structure, such as widely varying head counts in the various squads, some squads directly commanded by company HQ, fewer heavy weapons, and less ammo count generally. Straggler 60mm mortars come with 32 bombs per default, just like regular formation mortars.
  9. No. they are just regular infantry for all practical purposes. I don't understand why BF even spent their time making a dedicated straggler formation, as you could just choose a regular company and delare them stragglers. That's why I asked here if anyone else knew something I don't.
  10. I only recall them firing at Panthers. It's something I notice, because it seems odd. And I never noticed it with other tanks. the closest I get is that once, a Sherman .50 gunner fired on my Pz IV from the flank at very close range (which made sense, because it partially penetrated, knocking out the driver...)
  11. I think you might be right about this... I am testing right now, but can't reproduce it. Running 6 M8s in front of a company of German stragglers at 40m distance, none of the Germans open up with anything. Doesnt matter if they face the front, rear, or sides.
  12. Yeah, I see that happen too. I think it's a bug. I even see the .50 gunner fire his pistol at Panthers if his MG is out of action. The .50 doesn't appear to like to fire at other types of tanks. So it's like somewhere in the TacAI for the .50 there's a line of code that says "yes, you can hurt that beast, fire away".
  13. I'm seeing my German infantry using rifles against M8 scout cars at about 250-300m range. They have no chance to do any damage, but they sure get some in return. Anyone else seeing this? I can't remember this happening before. The TacAI is usually pretty good at deciding whether or not to shoot. The AC is buttoned.
  14. [...] I think there might be an interesting connection between those two quotes Better to wait till they actually release the real game, download the demo, and see for yourself how the game is - then decide to buy it or not.
  15. I also get that issue, and have reported it in the past. I know it's pretty widespread, because I saw it also in several CM videos on youtube. As Ian said, it's known and reported. But it's good to get some more focus on it...
  16. I understand straggler groups are supposed to represent small groups of infantry that have been cut off and are now trying to get back to friendly lines. I don't really see much difference in the editor though. Stragglers seem quite well armed and organised. Stragglers still have machineguns, bazookas, and mortars (and the US stragglers have heavy machineguns for some reason, whereas the US infantry companies have medium MGs). Also, the stragglers have one less 60mm mortar, but they still have two. Their command structure is a bit different too, as the heavy weapons are under the direct command of the company leader, not heavy weapons platoon HQs. Anything I overlooked?
  17. The game already has the guys shout "incoming!" about 1-2 seconds before the rounds hit, so they are currently able to detect shells in flight. However, they don't seem to duck down before taking suppression from the explosions, which is often too late.
  18. There's an element of that, but CPU computing power is not increasing exponentially any more, and hasn't for some time.
  19. I must say it also annoys me quite a bit too. If anything, I'd also prefer to see flamethrowers in the Target Light category. The MGs would still be able to suppress at range; the FT would only be fired at quite short range. The game would not get confused, because it already knows how to do this. Just like when firing an infantry squad at long range, the bazooka and SMGs don't fire.
  20. I think all move orders are the same actually, when it comes to getting spotted or not. Even if there's a concealment bonus for walking, it also means troops stay moving for more spotting cycles to reach their destination. The only order that makes troops more stealthy seems to be SLOW, and I think that's mainly because it keeps troops down where grass, crops, etc breaks or degrades LOS. But I don't know for sure. It's just my impression.
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