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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. I can't say about all. What I see in twitter among militaries - many questions about price of Bakhmut defense, many of criticism on "stupid generals", but in whole there is no pessimism. "Price will be high but we will do our work". About "Kupol" - he wasn't enough pessimistic, he just told real things and real problems. It's discussionable - had it a right to tell about this in wartime or not. But anyway, as far as from times of USSR Ukrainian army inherited very bad things - "never say about problems" and "never bring bad news to upper chief". Military journalist Yuriy Butusov several days ago touched this theme in own interview. And this is one of reasons, why UKR army has hard situation in Bakhmut. Because low-level commanders often didn't report about lost positions in time, because they are afraid to be "fu...d out" by battalion commander, battalion commander in own turn is afraid to be "fu...d out" by brigade comamnder, and brigade commander is afraid to be "fu...d out" by Operative Command HQ. As result higher HQs can get information from battlefield with big delay and can make wrong decisions (this also can get worse because of incompetence of officers). He told about soldier Oleksandr Matsiyevskyi, who was captured and shot out for "Slava Ukriani!" - his detachment was sent to take positions in tree-plant near Krasna Hora, which on map in HQ was pointed under our control, but indees was several days seized by Wagners. The same was with Soledar - soldiers, who abandoned positions + commanders, who afraid "to bring bad news" = encirclement. Butusov also told that recently in previous rotation, commander of 93rd mech.brigade was removed from command because "dared" to report to HQ about real situation and real problems. Most problematic chain, who still adhere to such "Soviet heritage" - middle-high level of commanders (Operative Command HQs, MoD, many brigade commanders) So, it's big luck, that this Soviet habits are developing in Russian army in many times brighter, than in our own...
  2. Cargo-cult as it is. It's just a sketch, but I will not surprised if Russia really release such a stamp in honor of such "breakpoint glorious victory". All what USSR and Russia can do proper is to steal and pass off stolen as their own.
  3. Video of combined work of 92nd mech.brigade drone recon unit "Flight club", 40th artillery brigade and some unit, who has M270 MARS II (maybe of 40th brigade too). Some already were posted here, but since 2:15 new episode - on 14th of March UAV Leleka-100 spotted 3 Russian BM-27 Uragan near Novonykanorivka village, Luhansk oblast (23 km north from Svatove). Two launchers were destropyed by M270 missiles (writing says "hit with fragmental ordnance" - maybe M31A1?) and third was destroyed by "friendly fire" of burning Uragan from behind, which became to "launch" own rockets
  4. Like and Avdiivka and Maryinka, which appear in news episodically. Especially Maryinka, grounded to "Hirosima-style", but Russians/DPR for the year could take only half of this small town.
  5. Wagner convicts still dangerous even after death. I bet you never heard about this, when rifleman after own death turned out to bilogical weapon %) Serhiy Filimonov, "Honor"/"Da Vinci Volfs" commander after yesterday seizing of enemy positions: - On yesterday corpses we have found wristlets - red and orange. AIDS and hepatitis [latter is very wide sickness among convicts]. All trenches in their guts and other... How we will sit there? - Maybe gasoline and to burn all to fu..d di..s? - Not work. There are more 30 of corpses for 100 m of trench. I don't know what to do with them...
  6. This "something being hit" already was confirmed by Fighterbomber TG - Wagner's Su-25. Pilot survived.
  7. Yes. Probably production was moved to other country, but the factory in Kyiv likely still working too, despite several strikes. We also launced production of own 125 mm HE tank shells, 82/120 mm mortar bombs and some types of 152 mm artillery shells
  8. @JonS Wagners have at least one squadron, equipped with flights of Su-25 and Su-24M. There were plans to equip them aslo with MiG-29SMT, but this didn't happen. Su-24M were transferred to Wagner from 11th mixed aviation regiment (Su-24M/MR) of 4th mixed aviation division, 4th AF/AD Army. Wagners also have own helicopters handed over from Belarus. Includung yesterday Su-25 (not Su-24 as clained 93rd brigade), Wagners lost 4 Su-25 and 1 Su-24M. One Su-24M was damaged by MANPAD, but the crew could land own aircraft. Also at least one Mi-8 was shot down. Wagner has own pilot and engineer personnel, which they hired in Russia and Belarus from retired servicemen. One of their lost pilots was retired 63 y.o. major-general. Their aviation is deployed on Millerovo airbase in Rostov oblast Ukrainian aircrafts are painted now in blue-yellow colors, especially from the bottom, because they fly mostly on extreme low altitudes. Also MANPAD teams likely got warning that our birds will be in the sky. But anyway, alas, we had enough cases of friendly fire. Most tragical one happened in Day 1, when our AD shot down over Kyiv Su-27, piloted by colonel Oleksandr Oksanchenko - best instructor-pilot of UKR AF, who often demonstrated own skills for NATO pilots.
  9. UKR 2S1 (former Polish) was resqued from Lancet attack by defensive netting Probably the same Lancet already disassembled. It's turned out, except main charge it has also second small charge in the tail part.
  10. @LongLeftFlank Try The Operational Art of War III or maybe IV (if it was issued) - hexagonal startegy. It can model any conflict from mid of 19th century to novadays, because it has cool editor and huge database of weapon
  11. Upd. Looks like post of Filimonov didn't relate to Zaporizhzhia attack. The very grafic video was issued with dead Russians after "Honor" assault, but it's claimed happened near Bakhmut. Other details from Polohy area. Russian milblogger says from Russian side involved elements of 219th motor-rifle regiment of 42nd motor-rifle division, 58th CAA. He thinks this is just a probe, maybe first from many in future, which can be sign of UKR offensive or false attacks so Russian command thinks that the offensive will be here
  12. Pro-Russian propagandist Shariy claimed UKR troops conducted successful local assault operation on direction to Polohy, Zaporizhzhia oblast. As if participated about 50 men with support of 3 tanks and 3-4 IFVs ] Other Russian milblogger confirmed "activation" of Zaporizhzhia front, but says only about "there is a clashes near Polohy, UKR troops are using armor" Some UKR twitter accounts have written as if they have confirmations of success. Some of them tied this operation near Plohy with a post of Serhiy Filimonov - commander of "Honor" company in "Da Vinci wolfs" batatlion. Tranlastion: Guys had first assault without me. Successful. I almost died of nerves. To conrol over the battle, where your closest friends work - it's scarier, than to go forward personally. Today there were alot of dead moth....rs Probably Filimonov now is a comamnder of "Da Vinci wolfs", but there wasn't information they were moved so fast on other direction. Also interest thing for today UKR General Staff claimed two Russian radars and one SAM complex were hit.
  13. Judging on subs, yes, UKR assaulted the trench. 92nd brigade - from north of Kharkiv oblast down to Svatove. At the end we can see writing "UKR troops seized "crossroad" of this position"
  14. Good example why infantry in the trenches not always has an opportunity to repell tank attack even if they have RPG. UKR tank of 54th mech.brigade shot by shot destroys Russian position almost at point blank somewhere on Lysychansk direction. Each shell explosion rises huge amount of smoke and dust - RPG shooter can even doesn't spot the tank. Except this soldiers of both armies told that direct tank fire is most terrible thing at the war. I suppose, such often impacts of 125 mm shells can force each to hide in far corner of blindage. Also explosions can just stun or shell-shock soldiers in the trench, so they can be in deep suppression to get out from trench with RPG
  15. Even this was Ukrainian action, Russia never will recognize it because this would be deadly strike at national prestige (and prestige of Putin as strong leader) in eyes of Russians %)
  16. BTR-4 survived after ATGM strike (or SPG-9 or other HEAT projectle) and even kept moving capability. Probably cage armor degraded hollow charge stream.
  17. Here is other post of our soldier of 93rd brigade, who raised a flame about Bakhmut. Now he reposted FB article of other serviceman, who writes some things, which show us why Wagners have success in Bakhmut. And this is not only because thier flexible tactic + drone control of attacks + meat waves + unlimited arty and - many of our poor trained troops. We have SEVERE lack of artillery support. Even "conscript" level troops can more stable if they have proper arty support. Wagners attack continuolsly with small groups from different directions. And if our the same small squads turn out face to face with Wagners w/o arty supoprt, thius quickly exhausts small-arms / RPG ammunition on our positions and this is also factor, which forces our troops to withdraw Translation: - 12th of March Russian T-90M was spotted in northern part of Zabakhmutka (eastern district of Bakhmut). Artillery stike was conducted, but because of lack of shell, howitzers could fire only several times and couldn't hit the target. Closese hit was in the roof of hose, where tank hide. But Russian crew paniced and abandoned the tank, hiding in other place. - Information about tank were transmitted up be C2. At the evening some, probably arty spotters of brigade level or some drone recons communicated about T-90M question - they told they could hit this tank with "western wunderwaffe" - further typical Soviet sh....t has begun - 13th of MArch, when all plan of strike was agreed on lower levels (Russian tank still stands on the same place!), "big bosses" of some HQ denied the strike because "western wunderwaffe" is too expencive and allowed to use only if target is firing or there is a threat of breakthrough. But your tank just abandoned, so no. - All day lower level chain has been proved that "wunderwaffe" is worth to be used on T-90M in 2.5 millions $. "Chiefs" gave permission. - 14th of March. Russian tankers finished drink vodka in basement, sat in their tank again and changed position. Spotters handed over targeting directly to infantry and communicated them directly to brigade level arty. Howitzers made two shots, missed and... this is over - technical malfunction. Tank ran away. And this is only top of iceberg! Russian units movie mostly free on 1-3 km from zero line! Not only infantry, but jeeps, armored vehicles etc. There was happen they moved Grad on 3,6 km to our positions, but several shots forced them took away. We know 75 % of Rusian positions, command centers of company/battalion levels, but we can't hit them! No ammo! Severe limits ! If work is permited we have limit in 5-7 shells, but this is in more "fat" days! As far as on 18th of Feb we were promised to solve shell problem for the week. Now 14th of March...
  18. At the end was an episode, when after the clash both squad leaders made cease fire agreement to take own KIA/WIA. UKR commander rises up hands to show he comes to own wounded/killed soldier unarmed, but in this time Russian commander throws grenade and runs away
  19. "Kupol" is from 46th air-assault brigade. Also ostensibly elite. But brigade after heavy Kherson operation almost without rest and replenishing was moved to Bakhumt. Then it has short rest, probably it got many new personnel, which should have more training already in brigade, but suddenly sh...t happened in Soledar (yes, there soldiers abandoned own positions and caused collapse of defense), and one of battalion of 46th was thrown again in desperate counter-attack to deblocade units, encircled in the town (and likely this was also politically motivated step). They surprised Wagners, so partially could acomplished own task, but themselves were engaged by Wagner units and suffeerd many losses. As I wrote - exactly in Soledar we had 1:1 losses ratio. Problem of training always was big for us. Not all training center are so bad. But 169th "Desna" training center, probably largest Ground Forces training center was under heavy criticism as far as since ATO times. All attempts to rise their level failed. Even new chiefs, who showed own profesinalism on battlefield, being appointed to this center could do almost nothing, smashing at the wall of inertion, indifference, work for good reports for higher ciefs not for efefctive results amomg officers and MoD, who very slowly adopt methodics to new reality. Also weird fact - in the summer Russians hit "Desna" center with two ballistic missiles - was lost by killed or wounded almost all course of arty crews for Western howitzers. SBU detained officer of this center in the rank of colonel who reported to Russians that all graduates will gather in one barrack after receiving of certificates and celebration (this was also violation of General Staff order - do not deploy in one place more than 30-35 men, but all sides have ignored this order) UKR civil volunteer Roman Donik since ATO time have been trying to enchance training system. He organized parallel course of DSHKM-TK gunners, marxmen and snipers, using "Desna" facility. Now he with full support of High Command expands intensive courses of riflemen and squad leaders. Their rifleman course lasts two weeks, but it showed many levels highter effectiveness, than formal "Desna" training. But alas, this course now can train only 80 riflemen in two weeks. And most capable of them, who developed own leadership qualities get offers to pass course of squad leaders. And most capable graduates of squad leaders course get offer to pass course of instructors for riflemen courses. Enough good training center has National Guard, and now they intensively train "Offensive Guard" - "rebranded" existing Natinal Guards combat units, which probably got the "shtat", close to air-asault brigades. Most of their 28 000 "volunteers applications" indeed applications of current servicemen of theese units and servecemen of other force structures, who want to be transferred to these brigades. But other enlisted - former civilians now under three-month course of training as reserve of these brigades. Now we have "under rifle" million or more people. Russian pressure even with "mobiks" and "zeks" doesn't give us much time for quality training. We actually forced to answer "meat" on "meat" untill or strike fist under training in NATO countries and on more deep training in Ukriane. To this time RUMINT says about approx ten different completely new brigades (not including "Offensive Guard"). For example 47th mech.brigade conducted quality selection of personnel and under training already more that 6 months, in parallel way defending Belarusian border.
  20. Reportedly Russia has begun search&resque mission in the area of US drone crash. As if they already recovered some fragments.
  21. Burning Russian tank on knife-range. And DShKM-TK - upgraded HMG, "main caliber" of position warfare of 2018-2021 still in service
  22. LostArmor talks: As is Wagners has thrown to the battle for Bakhmut additional reserves, likely of their "core" troops. Also Russian regulars have thrown there. As if Russian command seriously concerned with opportunity of UKR counter-offensive and as if their recon spotted concentrations of UKR troops, preparing to attack in Chasiv Yar - Kostiantynivka area (SW from Bakhmut) Looks like both sides conduct intensive PsyOps battle ("MoD doesn't supply Wagners" from Russian side and rumors about preparing to counter-attack from UKR side) and false hits tactic (two attack attempts on the north). Russians now activated again on SW direction, trying to breakthrough to Chasiv Yar and intesivlely shelling with heavy MLRS Kostiantynivka, Druzhkivka, Kurakhove. Probably they reeally think they hit probable dislocations of UKR reserves Kostiantynivka now
  23. FPV attack from 24th assault battalion "Aydar" of 53rd mech.brigade
  24. Spring in Ukrainian fields is hard not only for vehicles %)
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