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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Of course, yes. But in airmobile/marines/special and in some specific separatist units variations not so significant. In UKR forces units consists of cadre officers, contractors and mobilized officers and soldiers. By law last two serve one year (but in real can delay up to several month over), so typical company in 2015 approx. has 10-30 % of cadre/contractors and rest - mobilized. When they just come to front they have one level of experience, close to to end of service they, as rule already have firm "regular" or even "veteran" level (in some units, where good training and initaiative commander and which have many fire contacts). Motivation significantly doesn't change - but when mobilized delay on positions after year, of course its became lower.
  2. If crack too high, who then can be elite ? :). You know, men, officers, which have many years of service and passed several long bloody conflicts - not surgical special operations or "turkey shot" like during Iraq wars, turned out to real "dog of war". Especially if they have idea and motivation. Of course "crack" appropriate not for everybody of them, but veterans - 100 % But such cathegory not so numerous in separatists forces, especially now. Of course among them can select sub-cathegory "regular"/high motivated, but as I said it is rough classification. For other hand I can say about Ukrainain troops - here also all different. Most skilled and motivated are airmobile units (regular-veteran/good+ motivation). Infantry mostly green (especilally in 2014), after 2015 already close to regular due to comabt experience and raised number of contractors. Motivation - mostly poor in 2014 and normal+ now. Marines - regular/ good motivation. Special forces regular/good in 2014, now close to veteran/good+. National Guard (former Internal troops) - green/poor+, National Guard (volunteer-formed) - green/high in 2014 and regular/good+ now. Of course all these values also "avarage temeprature in whole hospital" - for each operation and unit its values could differ itself even among one brigade or battalion...
  3. Big part of this cathegory are retired officers and sergeants, which served in VDV, Marines or Spetsnaz. In Russia exist veteran organization of these forces - in every region or big city, so not a problem to gather many of people, which have experiencxe of Afganistan, both Chechen wars and S.Osetian war. Many of them really have as minimum level of veterans and huge combat experience.
  4. It's hard to say. Different units have different staffing, so its skills/motivation also will be different. Here of rough classification of their personnel: - Russian volunteers - retired soldiers. They are mostly skilled and motivated. Big part of them are served in Soviet and (or) Russian army and they have experiense of 1-3 wars. By CM gradations I would give them "veteran"/"crack" levels. But now, when active war paused and among "militants" reign alcoholism, robbery and showdowns between leaders (indeed showdowns between different Kremlin curators) many of idea veterans abandoned Donbas and returned to Russia - Next category is also Russian volunteers, but they are either young people, victims of TV propaganda (some of them served in modern army, someone not), or peoples under hook of police (jail or training camp in Rostov and go to Donbas), or peoples wich have problems with bank credits (especially hipotec). Most of them are "green" with motivation average. - "Vacators". Regular soldiers, which direct by their command to separatists forces as "local miners". Some of them go to Donbas by own will, but most of them are go there by order - both contractors and conscripts. By words of our soldiers I can judge, that they have avarage "regular" level and motivation average or lower. - Cossacks. Both local Don cossacks and Don cossacks volunteres from Russia have a reputation even among Russian militants like drunkers and uncontrolled bands, though now they united in several battalions and regiment of LNR by iron hand of Russia. They can toughly fight for own settlement or area, but can reject to fight somewhere else. Good example fight for Lohvynove during Debaltsevo battle. Among cossacks also enough quantity of army or police retired, but in whole their avarage level "green-regular" and motivation, which can very differs depending of task and enemy forces. - Locals- retired servicemen. Many of Donbasians served in Soviet army and army of Ukraine, but here means most active pro-Russian people. But unlike Russian veterans, single experience for them left far Afganistan war. So they are "regulars" with morale hihger, than average (up to fanatism). - Local criminals. Donbas is extremaly criminal region. I will not tell why it so - this is long story, but criminal subculture is one of features of this region. When war have started, many of "tough guys" - from mafia security forces to street bandits "legally" took the weapon. I would give them "green-regular", but motivation average. - locals. Wide cathegory of men. Somebody go to militatnts by ideological moods fight wuth "junta", somebody turned out without money and go to militants for its salary, somebody was conscripted, somebody go to militants in order to have opportunity to "play in war" in real. They are most numbered and most poor part for intensive actions. "Green" (end even "conscript" at the summer 2014) by training and lower than avarage motivation.They need commander with +x Command level :), else they can't fight too long under fire. So, by mixing these components in different proportions and considering commanders level you can receive resilence and combat skill
  5. Agree, this is problem of players, not the game. "Far from reality" is only single Oplot in UKR tank forces. But players have a choise and Oplot has a appropriate rarity for QB. About new ATGMs and other. Of course, speed of its coming to service is insufficient, but about two companies of 92nd brigade (single mech.brigade on BTR) already have BTR-4 and also one company of 25th airborne brigade also has this APC. Anyway, when you choose BTR-4, you can imagine that this is National Guard unit - really NGU squad almost the same like squad of mech.unit. BTR-4 hasn't big problems. But we have poor drivers training for its and lack of experience for field repair units in field works on this APC.
  6. You mistake :). Single "fantasy" in the base game is Oplot. Abscence of some vehicles like BMP-1 caused by TO&E list was made in 2012. In future module or patch this will be corrected.
  7. "Stugna-P" already exists in base game (but named "Skif"), thogh new RK-2M missiles appeared with 1100 mm penetration beyond ERA (base RK-2S has only 800 mm) Picture place with BMP is empty, I can't see what exactly BMP-1 modification, but I think its BMP-1UM. ERA blocks are not ridiculos - this is "Nozh-L" special variant of "Nozh" ERA for light armor. But on this specimen its just boxes w/o HE element. BMP-1UM exists only in one piece as demonstrator. No money for upgrading of existing BMP-1 and MoD don't hurry to adopt it. By our laws MoD can't to order no one bullet if it not officially adopted. So, in some cases we have weird situation, when National Gurd, which can to order all what it want, equipped better, then Army. Especially in light armor. "Dozor B" - alas, we have big problems with serial production and quality of first party of these light APC. Now its directed to the training center for final tests. If its again will show weak points in some construction elements, MoD can even refuse to adopt Dozors to service. So, don't expect it in next module. "Warmate" - no any info about it serial production. This is just test specimеn, delivered form Poland. Possibly production will start in this or next year, but MoD didn't adopt yet "Warmate" to service.
  8. DNR/LNR forces united under 1st (DNR) and 2nd (LNR) "people militia corpses". Both subordinated to 12th Reserve Command of South military district in Russia. Real command in General Staff of both "republics" conducts Russian hi-ranked officers - curators, though in brigades they operate under pseudonymes like "locals". Each corps has several brigades and regiments, one arty brigade, recon units, territorial defense battalions (mostly in LNR) etc. I have structures pics, but its on Russian. Both corps has 30-40K of personnel, among them about 60 % are locals and rest are Russian volunteers and "vacators". Also 3-5K of regular Russian troops, but they are stay in rear, only EW and sometimes artillery operates on frontline. DNR/LNR corps has heavy problems with discipline and morale, has lack of personnel.
  9. Just not Chernova, but Chervona ! Chervona Hirka means "Red hillock". In your writing CheRNOVa Hirka got "Rough draft hillock" )
  10. No, I can't comfirm that. Before war 92th brigade prepared to disbanding, but in 2012 was assumed decision to save it. In winter 2014 its has only one combat ready company tactical group, all other vehicles was stored. Also was lack of qualified officers, some of brigade officers have pro-Russian moods. Brigade has some trouble with personnel and its training. So, during summer campaign brigade guarded north-east border. After Russian invasion 18-24 Aug 2014 company task group of 92th threw to help of surrounded troops near Ilovaisk, but commander hasn't a plan of route and even a combat area map - as result, company task group lost on their way, was uncovered by Russian UAVs and heavy shelled with artillery. Soldiers fled in panic, all BTRs, tanks and SP-guns were destroyed or captured. In 2015 92th brigade, which at least completed own eqippping operated in "Sector A" - mostly has position contacts. Company task force took part in battle for Lohvynove village during Debaltseve battle. Tanker of this brigade in one fight have destroyed three enemy tanks and was awarded by "Hero of Ukraine" rank. Interesing, this was just second battle of this officer. Exactly 92th recons captured Russian special forces troopers Yerofeev and Alexandrov, which were changed for Savchenko. So, now this is "tough mid", but not "more effective". Though, recenly brigade have received 14 BTR-4E - this is single mech.brigade, which has BTRs, not BMPs
  11. That guy from photo is Andrei Marochko - now he occupies a duty of press-secreter of s.c. "LNR peoples militia" in rank of mayor.
  12. Partially. Insufficient of funding is felt in part of special fund of state budget on which tied some programs. All other maintains from general fund part. Several days ago, for example MoD gives 50 millons UAH for ordering of armored medical vehicles.
  13. This is not regiment. This is designer team (including former members of Morozov design bureau) which exists at "Azov"... movement. This is not only regiment, but their civil wing, civil volunteers, businesmen, close to Minister of internal affairs Avakov, for which "Azov" its his favorite toy. No many information leaked, but known, that state have announced a contest for new heavy BMP and new tank. Together with state design bereau, "Azov" design bereau tale part too, received some funding for own project and through six months made "Azovets" - heavy tank support vehicle for urban combat. But they claimed, that if tests results will be good, on the base of "Azovets" will be developed new universal tracked multy-purpose platform. Their TIREX now is just concept on paper, but they claimed that have tecjnology, which allow to upgrade 10 T-64 to TIREX level at the months. Sound like fantastic, but from other hand war showed, that private structures and volunteers more flexible in implementation of novations in army. While state companies are canning not to build even light armored car Dozor-B, private companies have developed and give to army several types of armored cars - Bars, Kozak-2, Triton, Varta-2, not counting KRAZ armored vehicles. About modern tank. Situation is such, that we can't wait of future. Hundreds tanks need NOW and even day ago. Separatists has tank group, which exceed all tank forces of Germany. What better - to spend huge money and to receive battalion of Oplots through 5 years or to repair old good T-64 and some T-72 in order to fill all brigades with armor and to have reserve of tanks ? Most our tank losses - artillery and MLRS fire on stationary tank positions, mines and road bombs and technical problems. Oplots will not help so much in these conditions
  14. Malyshev's tank factory encountered almost with the same problems like Armata manufacturers and even more. No modern machinetools, no modern technologies, no qualified personnel, no state funding, all production capabilities engaged in building Oplots for Thailand. Also no critical need in SO modern tank - separatists uses the same T-64BV and T-72B like in Ukrainian army. Time of one Oplot building in 2014 was 14,5 months. In the mid of 2015 some new machinetools were bought, but unknown either gave funding on UKR Oplot or not. State military ordering program is classified. Some sources says about approx company of Oplots, which will operate in 2017. But many experts say Oplots will build in small quantity - this tank already hasn't any upgrade potential and too expensive. Now tests of new universal platform "Azovets" have started, which will develop in new generation tank project. Also possibly TIREX project (deep T-64BV upgrade with unmanned turret) of "Azov" regiment design bureau will come like temporary MBT instead Oplot, while new generation tank will be under design works. You can ask "so, why Oplot then in the game ?". Because of on moment of TO&E assembling in 2012-2013 there was information about Ukraine will adopt Oplots in 2013-2014 and will expand production to 2017 - time of the game. But reality turned out other. But from other hand, Russia in the game has T-90AM, which their MoD will not order for service.
  15. Heh... "Grifel" APFSDS "testsing"="no IN PRESENT TIME IN SERVICE" (this I mean). And these tests can last ...em... long time. How much time Svinets-2 was adopting ? In first time its data were posted on Otvaga-2004 as far as 2012, when some period of design and test works already were completed. And only in past year was funded the order for these ammunition. According to such tempo, new Grifel will come through several years...
  16. This is interview with general director of "Uralvagonzavod" about "Armata" perspectives: http://ria.ru/interview/20160418/1414147290.html in Russian, so summary: - sanctions against Russia impede production of Armata - no new machinetools and technologies. - 152 mm gun is possible variant, but now T-14 will has 125 mm 2A82 gun - no new 125 mm APFSDS "Grifel" for 2A82 gun. - 1350 hp engine on current Armata prototype. 1500 hp in plans. 1800 as forced variant. - serial production will start in 2017. Probably. If MoD will give money. - but no qualified workers and engineers for serial production. Need 5-6 years in order to teach them.
  17. The same situation with many things, which now uses in our army or appeared in these two years, but abscent in the base game. Equipment list for Ukraine was composed in 2012-2013 and reflects exactly this time army condition with some new vehicles (more for game balance and for "unicity" of UKR side). Of course, will be changes in next patches/modules etc...
  18. Interesting video, which shows how changed a work of artillerists since 2014. Mid of summer 2014 - battery of 2A65 Msta-B. Leisurely, slack soldiers slowly preparing guns to shooting... ... And spring of 2015. Also Msta-B battery of shortened composition (4 guns instead 6). Haste nervous work. Several salvos and run away until enemy not fired back...
  19. No, this is Giatsynt-B. These guns were returned back to service in late 2014. Now its in service of some artillery brigades, including Navy artillery brigade.
  20. Thanks Previous version of this forum had grammar check tool, which allowed to avoid many mistakes...
  21. 82 mm automatic mortars 2B9 "Vasilyok" (eng. "cornflower"). Before war its were in airmobile units only and in 128th mountain brigade, so its appearance in the game will be in next module I hope. Now these mortars also in service in some other infantry battalions too, mostly like supernumenary weapon.
  22. ahah, where "red shame face" smile here ? I have too few speaking English experience (and hurried to write this post before go to work), so, don't shoot in a pianist, he is playing as he can
  23. Soldiers say, when a man turns out on frontline, he already through two weeks can clearly define what exactly weapon fire on it regardles on distance, nature obstacles or meteo factors. He also can define either incoming shell will dengerous and need to cover or it just will hit nearby. If man will not capable to learn this lessons, as quick as possible, then he risks to be wounded or be killed more apparently.
  24. This is BMPT-64 heavy IFV demonstrator on the base of T-64 of older modifications. Exists since befor war times, but still remain like experimental to this time. No money for further development... Green thing is custom heavy infantry support vehicle of "Azov" regiment. Its has round defense of Duplet ERA and armed with two RWS with ZU-23. Developed for infantry advance support in urban combat. "Arena" and "Drozd" didn't use in Donbas. Some schemes have incorrect conclusions or data, but never mind...
  25. No, we have VERY bad situation with modern APFSDS and HEAT. Current ammunition allow to succesfully fight only with T-64 and older T-72 tanks. In 2008-2010 were some APFSDS projects "Konchar" and "Konchar-2", but its were closed becase of lack of funding. I don't know many about these projects, just it's developed with some assist of Poland, which developed own APFSDS "Pronit" with Israeli tungsten rods. So penetration of Konchar would be +/- equial to "Pronit"...
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