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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This is old video for 4-6th of March, when Russians advanced on Brovary, east from Kyiv. There is incorrect translation in subs. It says "We took it of the gravel pit", but Indeed the farmer pointed the name of village, from which BTR was taken - Hrebel'ky. I don't know, why "gravel pit", the name of village means some kind of "little weirs" About Russian MREs, our soldiers inspected it, most of their packeted food is a cheapest junk made of low quality raw materials, palm oil, diffrent chemical components like "with a taste identical to natural". Here is other possible reason why they robbed our supermarkets and houses and then told in phone calls what superb and jammy food in Ukraine, including ice-cream. I wonder what then terrible ice-cream can be in Russia if I consider most of our ice-creams very poor in comparison with Italian )
  2. This can be NSM too. UK before a war have started to develop a missile boat for Ukraine with NSM missiles. But NSM can be coastal-based too Our anti-ship missile Neptun during tests has been received targeting from US satellites via our Delta information battlefield system. Later the Malakhit radar for targeting was brought to sevice, but we can anyway get targeting for missiles from NATO assets via Delta
  3. This enough too good to be real. What to do with nuclear weapon? More real is "Iranian" or "N.Korean" scenaio - oil+gas in exchange on food. No hight technology export. Variants of elites substitution, coup, external control and derashization are utopia in presernt time and can't be implemented without direct invasion, occupation of Moscow and changing of authorities on pro-western.
  4. Boris Johnson brought a plan of military and financial aid - 120 armored vehicles (probably armored cars or some sort of this) - 800 NLAWs - StarStreak - Anti-ship missiles
  5. I've written about lt.colonel Khametov in previous post )
  6. @sburke @Kinophile +2 Mayor Denis Yagidarov, commander of airborne battlion of 31st separate air-assault brigade Lt.colonel Dinar Khametov, MLRS battalion commander of 200th motor-rifle brigade of 14th Army Corps of Joint Strategical Command "Northern Fleet". Probably killed in Kharkiv area, when BTG of 200th brigade was almost completely destroyed
  7. First visully confirmed shot down Russian UCAV Orion. Estimated number of produced items is about 30. It can carry up to 250 kg of payload: adjustable bombs KAB-20, KAB-50, guided bomb UPAB-50, usual bomb FAB-50, guided missiles Kh-50 (some sort of Hellfire)
  8. Russian and separs social media this hypothetical operation comapre with operation "Little Saturn" (Middle-Don offensive operation) 16-30th Dec 1942 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Little_Saturn
  9. Chech Republic made a statement they alredy two weeks have been supplying heavy combat vehicles to Ukraine - tanks, IFVs, howitzers, anti-aircraft means, ammunition. This can be T-72M1, BVP-1/2 (Chech-produсed BMP-1/2) and probably SP-howitzers "Dana" and Strela-10 SAMs - all what Chech Republic can give from own storages.
  10. One Russian strike in eastern Ukraine in late March knocked out an entire Ukrainian S-300 battery This is mistake of author. He saw that video was issued on 30th of March, but this battery (or even battalion) was wiped out in first day of the war east from Kharkiv. They even didn't have a time to deploy. Also he writes about 125 miles range zone for missiles, but we have Soviet-era S-300PS/PT with old missiles for 47 and 75 km only. Slovakian S-300PMU (slightly apgraded S-300PT for export has 75 km-range missiles)
  11. Our military experts expect this offensive throughout a week +/- Russians hastly move to Ukraine new reinforcement from Far East - about 10 BTGs of 5th CAA, Eastern Military District. They should be the second echelone for development of success. But they are still in the way. All what Russians do now in Izium area and in the area near Velyki Novosilky and Huliaypole on the south is just building up efforts, but not offensive itself yet. By opinion of our expetrs Russians will try to breakthrough to Lozova of Kharkiv oblast from Balakliya - Izium area on the north and to Pavlodar, Dnipropertrovsk oblast from Vasylivka - Huliaypole area. And this can be outer line of encirclement of JTO. Also Russians can try to make the second, inner line of encirclement of JTO from Izium to Barvinkove and from Velyka Novosilka to Dobropillia - Pokrovsk.
  12. Aftermath of Kramatorsk railway station strike - 50 killed (among them 12 died in hospital), 98 wounded. Among killed 5 children, most of victims are women
  13. Enemy BMP was hit somewhere on the outskirts of Mariupol
  14. 128th mountain assault brigade claims on own FB, they pushed off the enemy from Kreminna town on 6-10 km. This is NW of Rubizhe, Luhansk oblast. Resourse Ukraine War Map (twitter @War_Mapper) claims also Zhytivla village was liberated, but I didn't see this in 128th press-service post. Though, it could be withing this "6-10 km" Kreminna wasn't captured by the enemy, but Russians/LDPR assaulted the town like neighbour Rubizhne.
  15. After explosions on several ammunition storages in 2016-2018 we have some... not a lack, of course, but significant reduction of some types of ammunition. As if this is first of all 152 mm shells for Giatsynt heavy guns (2B36, 2S5) and 270 mm rockets for Uragan MLRS. But this is on the level of forum talks...
  16. Mini-Bayraktar UAVs probably in Ukrainan service now: https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/04/new-bayraktar-uavs-spotted-in-ukraine.html
  17. Alas, because different backstairs and conflict of different interests inside our MoD and defense industry this order was foiled. But I think, Dana M2 would be better choise now, because of we have too few 155 mm ammunition, which was purchased only for tests of our 155 mm Bohdana SP-howitzer
  18. There are more videos from this place. Here in better quality on Youtube. Pay attantion how flooded Irpin' river after the dam to Kyiv reservoir opening. Before this here was narrowest part of the river, though with marshy ground aside. And the Moshchun village itself, where the battle lasted several days and Russian plans to cross Irpin' and expanded bridgehead for advance to Kyiv were disrupted
  19. The order for 100 tanks was in 2016: https://newizv.ru/article/general/19-02-2021/vsem-horosh-no-slishkom-dorog-kakaya-sudba-zhdet-tank-armata Since two years, when a lot of problems of experimental party of T-14 were discoverd, project was stopped for better times. The article for 2020 - UVZ just says about "finalizing the project" and "for now T-14 is not adopted for service": https://rostec.ru/news/t-14-armata-absolyutnoe-prevoskhodstvo/ In February of 2021 UVZ promised again first serial T-14 in 2022, but I doubt they can do it: https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/21/02/2021/60322d719a7947247e90fe9b
  20. Rejected in 2018: http://by24.org/2018/07/31/no_money_for_armata_tank/ Instead Armata the programs of T-72B3M and T-90M were offered
  21. Russian Legion in Foreign Corps is forming. Fighters got UKR uniform and own chevrons with a flag of "new Russia" - without bottom red strip. As if this is a colors of Novhorod Principality, which had noble democrasy form of ruling (sometime it names Novhorod Repuplic) and was conquered and slaughtered by Moscov Principate in the end of 15th century. The writings on chevrone is "Freedon for Russia". Number of personnel of the legion is unknown.
  22. There were fighters of Georgian Legion. Their commander, which 3 months spent in Russian captivity in 2008, lost several comrades in Irpin' and saw during the clashed all, what we all have seen just now, told he and his unit will never take Russians prisoners alive. Especilly Kadyrov's fighters. I understand, such guys like HRW and rose-heared millenials will resent. But here is not fantasy world of white unicorns. Here is war of annihilation against us. After Bucha and many other places, which we will se soon, there will be too hard for commanders to keep sodiers from such really terrible actions. PS: some people in Ukraine believe that our flag have to be upside down ) This is long hystorical and even esoteric discussion in our society.
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