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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Frontline is in 80-90 km from Mariupol. And our troops on this line involved in heavy defense battle with superior forces. Alas, in nearest time this impossible. We have to break through enemy lines, drive this 80 km on open steppe and defeat Russians in Mariupol. Defenders in the city can only stand and fight, holding down the enemy forces.
  2. Russia will try to encircle JTO, so huge battle in northern axis near Izium area and on southern axis in Velyka Novosilka area. Already two days we have many photos of destroyed enemy vehicles from southern axis, so Russian offensive has some problems. Northern axim more problematic for us, the enemy try to advance from two directions. Also heavy fights in Rubizhe - Sieverodonetsk, Popasna, Maryinka. Latter Russians already grounded on 50%. Unclear situatin near Avdiivka. Russians heave shell and bomb the town, but hasn't sucees on the ground. They can't pass industrial zone (so-called "Promka"). Some separs resources claim the fights continue near Yasynuvata (near Avdiivka, under DPR control since 2014), but I don't think this could be our counter-attack. Probably they meant clashes in area of Promka and Yasynuvata road junction
  3. Mother shows to UKR soldiers a body of own daughter, which was shot dead by Russian soldiers in first day of occupation of Bucha. She just went out a gate of own yard to look at Russian column and was killed. Mother partailly buried her in own yard as she could, covered her with polyethylen film and boards. The body lay for about a month. Reportedly 410 bodies already were delivered from territories of Kyiv oblast, liberated from occupation GRAPHIC VIDEO: https://twitter.com/i/status/1510654141516943371
  4. GDP and people wellneess can't be matched in Russia. All Russian GDP turns in luxury yachts, London real estates, villas in Switzerland and Italy, millions in foreign banks and off-shores. Russian oligarchs, most of them are just purses of Putin and Co have all income. Russian people except rich Moscow, St.Peterburg and some other cities, indeed have average salary in 220-300 USD according to pre-war exchange rates. High "Average salary" in Russia is average between dozen millions income of oligarchs and businessmen, big salaries in Moscow and 15-20000 RU of usual salary in the Russian outback.
  5. No. No any einsattzgruppen. This is usual soldiers of regular units. Many have opinion, that most cruel are Chechens, Dagestans, Osetins. But no. Most cruel are minor nations of Russia - Buriats, Tyva and Russians from depressive regions themselves, from deep asshole villages. Exactly units from Buriatia, Far East, and SE Syberia mostly occupied NW outskirts of Kyiv. Locals now tell the origins of their fury and hate is that they came here and seen that "oppressed by nationalists" live much better than in their "raised-up Russia". That even our villages have paved roads and lightening, that our houses clear, inhabitants have hausehold appliances, electronic, much better clothes. One woman told, Russian soldier, which lived in their house, said " I will come piss to yard". She cried to him "Damn! For why you crap my yard if here is a toilet in the house!" Then Russian in angry hit the table with a fist and became swear that "you damned "khokhols" fattening here! We will burn this all to the f...k!" This is just orc horde. New barbarians. But on other hand Russian FSB had "shot-out lists", composed by local 5th column. Main targets - rtired ATO soldiers, Maidan activists, civil volunteers. Many of them missed on occupied territories. Russian also has been kidnapping local town mayors and village heads, forcing them to collaboration. In many cases they liberated them later, but for example all family of village head of Motyzhyn, Kyiv oblast icluding hук relatives, were executed - 6 victims total.
  6. Situation is ridiculous. We have such development of 120 mm guided morar shell as far as since 2014. But... Our MoD didn't interest this all theese years. Even after 2016, when upgraded version with name Krucha has appeared, situation didn't change. So, our development bought Poland and now is producing guided 120 mm shells for own SP-mortar RAK. And we can just hone our skills in shooting acuracy with dumb ammunition.
  7. Between "ready to production" and "ammunition in storages" in Ukraine can pass more than 10 years. Last mentinons about this project is September 2020. New version of Kvitnyk now has name Barvinok and in that time it only prepared for state test program. And this in not so quick process. Especially in that time, when former Minister of defense Taran almost disrupted State Defense Ordering Program. https://mil.in.ua/uk/news/kvitnyk-staye-barvinkom-ta-gotuyetsya-do-derzhavnyh-vyprobuvan/ So, I doubt we have such ammunition. If we didn't capture Russian Krasnopols somewhere, of course.
  8. I think, yes. Of course, I want to belive that we had time to produce at least several dozens of Kvitnyk ammunition, but... there was no information neither from official and semi-official resourses, nor from "insiders" in social media. Also there was no one training with such ammunition. Our media show all achievments of our defense productions, but there was full silence about Kvitnyk. I suppose, this guy found Kvitnyk in wiki or somewhere else and cried Evrika! Sensation! Here it!
  9. No-no-no. Alas. Production of Kvitnyk was stopped in 2014. About half of components had Russian origins. Only in 2021 there was some information, that project was upgraded and "foreign" spare parts were found for substitution of Russian components. But there is no any information about Kvitnyk production was restroed. Several times this ammunition was used on initial phase of war on Donbas in 2014, but for now we havn't guided artillery ammunition
  10. Reportedly Russian Mi-28N shot down two days ago it's first victory of StarStreek
  11. 86 on 86. Among our released POWs 15 women
  12. I almost don't mean about Russian missile strikes, but every day dozens Kalibrs, Iskanders and Kh- are launching. In last week Russians systematically hit our oil storages in different places. Today mass missile strike badly damaged largest in Ukraine oil rafinery plant in Kremenchuk, Poltava oblast
  13. UKR artillery destroyed radar 9S36M of Buk M3 complex in Novyi Bykiv area, Chernihiv oblast. ...And Russian crewman looted kids water gun... Most of their soldiers came to army from deep assholes, that even toys are valuable spoils for them
  14. Somewhere on the East. Destroyed/abandoned Russian vehicles.
  15. I've written several days ago that Russians conducted helicopters landing in this area (SOF of aimobile units), which even captured a village, establishing new bridgehead, but were eliminated all later.
  16. Two targets with one shot - from 44th arty brigade
  17. Reportedly in Izium area 95th air-assault brigade destroyed two Russian helicopters, which tried to land the troops. Targets as if were hit with ATGM Korsar. On the video is a smoke seen on the crashsite, on other video, soldier says that two choppers shot down and they go to clean up terrain from survived Russians airbornes.
  18. 130th recon battalion hit Russian BMP-3 (?) with ATGM. Big BOOM
  19. Russian vehicles in flooded area of Irpin' river, probably between Hostomel airfield and Moshchun village
  20. According to Oryx, Russians/DPR captured at least 12 Javelin misiles, including 3 CLU in unknown conditions.
  21. "Regular" LDPR forces and LDPR conscripts are different by quality forces. Enough number of LDPR fighters have significant combat experience, gained for theese years in Donbas terrain conditions or at least their motivation sometime even higher, than regular Russians troops. Since war began, many retired LDPR "veterans" turned back in own units. Some of their special units have enough number of Russian volunteers - retired soldiers and officers, passed many conflicts. But anyway about half +/- of their troops are just "15 000 RUB contractors", which enlisted to army mostly for salary, than because of ideology. But even their level anyway higher, than conscripts. But problems of poor discipline in many units, poor technical conditins of vehicles, poor maintanence and supply and armamemt of mostly Soviet period didn't allow them to achieve objectives without support of Russian troops.
  22. It's claimed Javelin hits T-72B3. No evidences this is exactly a tank, but somehing really burnt
  23. India will not. They were oriented to Russia and even didn't join to sanctions.
  24. I added in the post some info about new-formed rifle regiments from conscripts
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