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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. The same can say about UKR infantry. But this is not sign of cowardice. The armor, especially in attack gives a confidence to infantry. The losses of armor reduce confidence, thus reduce motivation, especailly if this conscript/green troops with motivation low than avarage and their commander w/o any strong abilities ) In the warfare of 2014-2015 both sides often stopped own attacks after the loss of several armored vehciles.
  2. Russians are retreating also east from Kyiv. Our troops liberated yesterday villages Ploske, Svitylnia and Hrebelky east from Brovary. There were first clashes near Nova Basan' - big village of Chernihiv oblast, were main mart of Russian BTG is located. On this map it pointed like already over Ukranian control, but officially this is not confirmed Here our drone recons fly over Nova Basan' to plan the operation of mop-up of this settlement. They see Russians prepare to withdaw. The voice in radio asks what way Russians choose - to Stara Basan' or to Bykiv and says that they is going to intercept their column. After that he asks coordinates and drone operator transmit it to the pad of his assistant and he probably will send it further to recons or to artillery via battlefield information system As if this Russian tank was captured in Nova Basan', but I still don't see strong confirmations that this settlement is our
  3. UKR mobile group of MANPAD. Crowdfunded pick-ups turned out more useful for AT/MANPAD-teams, than statuatory armored vehicles
  4. SOF ambushed small Russian convoy. Fuel tank truck destroyed
  5. One more destroyed column. Location unknown, but "O" marking points NE direction, probably Chernihiv or Kyiv oblast
  6. War is always inavitable losses, alas... UKR forces struck retreating column of Russians NW of Kyiv
  7. Russians shot down our Mi-8, which flew from Mariupol with injured soldiers onboard. The crash site is near Rybatske village in 5 km from SW outskirt of Mariupol. Judging on Azov's Telegram there were several successfull routes, but probably Russians inelligence uncover theses flights and helicopter was ambushed
  8. Heavy clashes around Izium, when both sides suffered big losses. Izium battle probably will most significant in hystory of this war, but all development we will know much later... Ukrianian lost vehicles probably in the town area, which uder Russian control (we still control southern part): 4 BTR-4E1 of 92nd mech.brigade and armored car Triton, captured by Russians (already with Z) - experimental vehcile, which was produced in very small number and served in State Border Guard Service. It have to be equipped with surveilence cameras (i.e. thermal), raising on the mast. And decapitated Russian tank also from there
  9. Yes. But this is unofficially jet. Our command says "There will be good news soon"
  10. Ukrainain TD and Emergency service recovered Russian T-72B3, which fell from the tiny bridge to the river in first days of war. Crew is dead. One tanker could bail out, but was crushed by turret, when tank rolled over
  11. It fully involved on Donbas, where the war has more "traditional" form. It involved in Sumy oblast and Kharkiv - Russian BTGs in Trostianets and Rohan' were defeated not with lihgt infantry (though with their assist). Our "line troops" too busy to make footage, also a censorship there is more tough than in volunteers/TD and Azov, which since 2014 have made PR for itself. You can see Oryx about our losses, we lost about 70 tanks. So, they in fight. Full picture, how our mech. and tank brigades fought, we can receive only after the war.
  12. 25th airborne had some BTR-3/4 in 2016-2017. About 80th they had BTR-80 and HMMWV M1114 and I never seen BTR-4E in their service. Air-assault in last years have been receiving mostly Kozak 2/2M and BTR-3DA, maybe Varta too
  13. The fan of Warhammer And his spoils.... Looks like BTR belonged to some recon unit, armed with Val rifles
  14. Soldier writes, Russians probably withdrew from Bucha and Hostomel, the silence on the front. Drone recon showed as if Russian positions are abanoded. However our troops didn't yet begun to advance
  15. Today Ukraianian Air-assault Command officially claimed UKR forces liberated several villages east from Huliaypole in Zaporizhzhia oblast: Zatyshshia, Vesele, Zelenyi Hai, Chervone, Malynivka. About liberation of Malynivka was reported in social media already several days ago. Air-assault Command also issued some photos of destroyed Russian vehicles and captured gears But clashes on Zaporizhzhia direction is enough tough and UKR forces also have a losses in vehicles. Here is a video of Russians, claimed filmed in this oblast, probably for previous days, when they could take some land on this direction. Looks like mostly National Guard armor, including BTR-4E (I doubt that 92nd mech.brigade, equipped with BTR-4E, involved near Kharkiv could move even a company here). Also damaged captured Varta MRAP, armored car Cougar, BTR-70, HMMWV and T-72AMT
  16. 4th Fast reaction brigade of National Guard, elements of which involved in fighting for Rubizhne city, Luhansk oblast, showed the strike on probably LPR T-64BV (in the video mistakingly identified as T-72)
  17. Because this usual civilian-purpose type of polypropylene bags on post-Soviet space. UKR also use such bags %) Its can be other color, but white is more usual
  18. Reportedly they dug trenches in so called Red forest and lived there about month. This place still deadly dangerous to this time. Even if you take a tour in Chernobyl or Prypyat', the guide track you, that you didn't go in the places when to this time enough high level of radoactive pollution.
  19. Russian Ratnik gear body armor plate resists 5.45PS bullet, but the hole is too deep, our soldier, which posted this photo, says this body armor will not protect from 7.62 (AKM, PKM) and all the more so .308
  20. UKR troops liberated Sloboda village, Chernihiv oblast, 14 km south from Chernihiv aside of M-01 highway Kyiv-Brovary-Chernihiv
  21. So, the fragments of 120 mm mortar shell could penetrate side hull armor and set fire fuel or powder charges for tank shells
  22. Some results of destroying of Russian 59th tank regiment BTG near Kharkiv About 50 % of BTG were conscripts. After 12th of March after scanal in Russia about sendng coscripts at the war, they were moved back to Russia. After the battle UKR troops captured chief of artillery of regiment and chief of communication (this is duty fro senior lieutenant rank), several dozens of serviceman was captured. For example here is a personnel list documents of the recon element of 59th tank regiment BTG - combined recon unit, composed from platoons of 1st and 2nd recon companies + combined comm squad from comm platoon. 106 men according to list, but in invasion participated only 70. Four men before invasion rjected to participate and didn't sign papers with their agreement of participation in "special military operation"
  23. Documents of lt.colonel Alexandr Besaplov (this is old documents, were it in rank of mayor, maybe he was promoted befor invasion), commander of 59th tank regiment, BTG of which was defeated in this battle. There was captured HQs of BTGs of 138th MRB and 59th TR. The body of Bespalov is not found yet, many corpes need to identify. Maybe he withdrew, but lost the documents.
  24. This guy either immortal, or have steel balls, or just crazy stupid. Kyiv-Warsaw road, Borodianka area.
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