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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Reportedly Russian troops, which withdrew to Belarus, established there a market for selling and exchanging to each other with looted things. They carried all these goods by trucks. One of this truck, couldn't reach the border. Its seen, it carried three washing machines and many other
  2. 1st AK (DPR): 1st motor-rifle brigade, 3rd motor-rifle brigade, 5th motor-rifle brigade, 9th motor-rifle regiment (naval infantry), 11th separate motor-rifle regiment "Vostok", 100th Republican Guard motor-rifle brigade, Commandant regiment (military police), 2nd separate tank battalion "Diesel", separate recon-assult battalion "Sparta", separate motor-rifle assault battalion "Somali", 1st SOF battalion "Khan", 3rd SOF battalion, artillery brigade "Kalmius", separate AD battalion, 1st-6th battalions of territorial defense, separate UAV company, separate EW company Number of personnel (on paper) - 35 000 2nd AK (LPR): 2nd motor-rifle brigade, 4th motor-rifle brigade, 7th motor-rifle brigade (initillay was in DPR subordination), 6th Cossack motor-rifle regiment, separate recon battalion, 4th separate tank battalion "August", artillery brigade, separate AD battalion, commandant regiment (military police), 14th territorial defense battalion "Prizrak" Number of personnel (on paper) - 15 000 TO&E of their brigades mostly matched to Russian motor-rifle brigades. Also unknown number of rifle regiments were established from conscripted citizenssince the war began. I spotted for now only two - 113th and 127th rifle regiments of DPR. This is just footmen rgiments without combat vehicles in battalions. Both AKs are subordinated to 12th Reserve Comamnd of Russian armed forces.
  3. Your western hypertrophied tolerance, false humanism and "real politic" led to Russian attrocities in Georgia, Syria and Ukraine. Western world - the stronghold and the stream of civilization turned out to the bunch of frightened wimps which deadly scared of this "superstate", made from "s**t and sticks" and gave us "48 hours to new political reality". So, this is our right how to relate to Russians. Here, in ruined Mariupol and Izium, in looted, raped, murdered Kyiv outskirt cities and villages, here completely other reality, where all liberal or leftist ideology voices must shut up and keep silence until last Russian scum find own death here. Yes, even among SS troopers not all were murderers. But whole SS was criminal organization and the spot of blood fell to all. So this is no matter either private Vania looted or murdered or not. The spot of dirt on them all. This is not Putin loots and murders. This is Russian soldiers. This is not "SOME". This is "USUAL". The army is a cross section of society. So it reflects Russian society. So if I hear "common Russians shouldn't bear the brunt of sanctions", "stop bulling and cancelling of Russian" etc., I say "Too few sanctions. Too few cancelling. Too few rusophobia". Russia must be destroyed, derashizied and de-nuclearezied. My hate speech is finished.
  4. Sorry all for this pictures, but after this no one dares to accuse us in "racism", "bulling of Russians", "violation their rights" and other bull****. There many killed civilians were found in Irpin', but now our troops came to Bucha and have seen THIS. The nation, which let all of this must be punished. ALL, maybe except those, who actively represented own anti-rashism position before this nightmare. GRAPHIC IMAGES! Just tortured and executed civilans: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPSd5RMXsAoLdXy?format=jpg&name=900x900 The street of Bucha, littered with dead bodies of civilians: https://twitter.com/i/status/1509985789404459011
  5. All Germans were collectively responcible for HItler's crimes after WWII. Russians also have to be. Indifferents and confomism of milliions gives rise of the impunity of one tyrant. Russians really turned to zombie. Even mothers and wifes of Russian soldiers ask them to loot as much as possible, make "wishlists" for them, whish them to kill more "khokhlov". Russians are terminally ill with rashism and chauvinism, this nation fell to the bottom. Only huge national catastrophe and de-rashization (like de-nazificztion for Geramany ) can bring them to their senses. And to do ot is a the duty of civilized world.
  6. 100 is old data. On 2018 there was about 200 launchers and 2500 missiles produced. But Stugna-P is heavy AT-asset of brigade's AT-battalion level - it can be compared with TOW. It really too heavy to carry it. Initially Stugna-P crew was three men, but already probably since 2015 it was reduced to two, that made this launcher more hard for quick position change. So, different ways of increasing of mobility were implemented - from mounting its on technicals like Mitsubishi L200 in 2014 in 79th airmobile brigade (now air-assault), to ATV vehicles in National Guard and 93rd mech.brigade and finally on armored Novator heavy pick-ups.
  7. In what Russia is really great is in their rich juicy obscen lexis, which firmly infiltrated not only in Ukrainian and Belarusian (and other post-Soviet space languges), but even in Polish language. There is just impossible to translate this in Englisgh equilvalent . There is a joke - English is for communication, French is for socialite tlaks, Italian is for singing, German is for command, Russian is for dirty swearing. The backside of language of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoyevskyi.... I think, this video was filmed in first days of war.
  8. According to UK, 40 % of all destroyed Russain armor is a work of NLAW
  9. Brigade general SBU Andriy Naumov, the chief of SBU internal security directorate have lost own post as far as in July 2021 due to corruption scandal and dirty intermal withstanding inside SBU. He left Ukraine on 23th of Feb, one day before war began. Brigade general SBU, chief of SBU in Kherson oblast, Serhiy Kryvoruchko also left territory of Ukraine before invasion. Reportedly he gave to Russians all defense plans of Kherson oblast, which allowed Russians to seize it so quickly. So, for now Zelensky can only dismiss them. Prosecution will be after the war. The irony, both were appointed and later promoted to brigade general ranks personally by Zelenskyi. And looks like he did it by advice of Andriy Yermak, the chief of Persident's Ofiice, which many in our contry consider as Kremlin agent of influence. And after the war his political opponents will remind him on this.
  10. Commander of Azov speaks on behalf of all defenders of Mariupol Translation: ... It is quite difficult, taking into account that the balance of forces and means is just disheartening. We understand that in the next couple of days it will be even more difficult for us. But our soldiers do not give up and will fight to the last. We are military, we are ready to die for this country, we are ready to fight for it, and this is our duty and our obligation. We have people sometimes fainting from hunger. We eat once a day, our provisions are also running out, just like ammunition. We try to save its, even our seriously wounded have to boil technical water so that they can drink it. I managed to wash myself since 35 days maybe three times before a full blocade. We are ready to kill and rampage without sparing ourselves. When people, after the third or fourth wound, pick up a rifle, grit their teeth in pain and go further into battle, I don’t think these people are afraid of something.
  11. Unicycle troops - in any situations Ukrainians never lose their sense of humor ) Baсkground song is "Koleso" ("a wheel")
  12. No, recently, on the 25th of February we attacked Millerovo airfield either with Tochka-U or with drone - one Su-30SM was burnt (we claimed two, but only one confirmed with photo), also there were losses in airfield personnel
  13. One more video of Stugna-P ambush of TOS-1A (or TZM-T), in this time successful. At least one destroyed
  14. We havn't such slogan indeed ("з нами Бог" is correct). If some use it, this not not widespread practice. This is more Russian thing with their agressive slogan "We are Russians! God with us!" Or Serbs, with their "God is on the Heaven and Russia is on the Earth"
  15. Izium is abandoned by Ukrainan troops. Russians tried to advance further to Mala Kamyshuvakha, but were repelled. From Izium to Sloviansk 50 km. Reportedly Russians try to advance to this city from two directions - from Izium and from the area north from Sloviansk - form villages Terny and Yampolivka Russians and LDPR forces also conducted heavy shellings and fierce assault actions in Siveroidonetsk, Rubizhne, Popasna of Luhansk oblast and launched offensive near Velyka Novoselivka, west of Donetsk oblast toward the group attacking from the north
  16. Mi-28. On previous video, posted by akd, you can see they worked in pair - first Ka-52, second Mi-28. Ka-52 has two coax rotors, this one has only one
  17. This was "Belgorodnefteprodukt" oil depot, the largest one in Belgorod oblast. It belongs to Rosneft company, control stake of which owns state Rosneftegaz company.
  18. Russian Mi-28N shot down yesterday in Holubisvske area, Luhansk oblast. On other video local settler says, crew is survived
  19. Yes, we have. Tochka-U, and guided rockets Vilkha, modernization of Smerch. But first enough easy to intercept with modern AD systems and latters too few.
  20. On Russian forum has writtten, the codes are changing every 2-3 days, so it wouldn't work
  21. The strike on retreating Russian column in Chernihiv oblast, destroyed vehicles and pontoon bridge
  22. This is place of strike 19th-20th of March, when many Grad launchers were destroyed, but turmed out except them, there are many other vehicles was wiped out. Some mistake in translation screen: "job of Pion's and Zanova's (launchers)". Zanoza (rus. splinter) is not a launcher, but probably volunteer UAV recon unit.
  23. Russian disguised BMP as haystack, but this didn't work. The song on background is "Arta", a mockery thing, how our artillery eliminate Russians, written as far as in 2017
  24. @Ultradave I, think this will be interesting for you as for specailist. This is video of pre-war trip in Chernobyl zone. The car on full speed drives not far from Red forest. And here what show the device, which has 10 seconds delay - in the air in closed car. I don't know what this units, probably mSv/hour, - it showed 18.67 in maximum. Author of tweet claimed inside the forest there is 40 as minimum. And this shows other device in other car in that place - 2, 34 mR/hour
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