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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Yes, BTR of naval infantry blew on AT-mine. While the tank came to pull it out, BTR got two RPG hits. Tank towed BTR and returned to supress UKR positin in building, but, as wrote our sources, it was blown on IED, disguished in a tire. Alas, IED was activated too early.
  2. All vice versa. Many experienced veterans of 2014-2016 have retired from serviсe after 2017 and now most of them were mobilized again. Of course, they need some retrain, but most of people, who now in regular army are so called "operative reserve 1" (who participated in th war) and "operative reserve 2" (who served in army in previous years, but didn't participate in ATO)
  3. UKR troops ambushed Russian supply truck, which carried 152 mm 3OF39 Krasnopol guided shells. Several of them looks quite intact, but after such explosion, its, alas can't be used safely.
  4. Looks like Ukrainian advance to Kupyansk, Shevchenkove liberation and Russian counter-strike are fantasies of Cuper. He writes great artilcles, but I have imagimation, he often use that, what he calls "RUMINT", also he sometimes confuses in Ukrainian settlement names, so this is probably mistake. After UKR troops pushed off Russians from Korobochkyne, they secured NE flank with recapturing of Lebyazhe, Bazaliivka and Pechenihy. There is no any informationm - neither official, nor in social media about further advance and liberation of Shevchenkove. I don't know, where Cuper took it. All Russian "counter-strike" probably is official info for 19th or 20th "Russians tried to attack near Stara Hnylytsia village, but w/o success" (this is 8 km SW from Korobochkyne)
  5. Nearest point to Kupyansk now, controlled by UKR forces on the R07 road is Korobochkyne in 60 km west
  6. On the first video operator says this was BTR-82A of platoon commander and there remained his radio and documents, so this APC had to be evacuated in order all this didn't fall into the hands of Azov. Also he said BTR was immobilized becuse blew up on AT-mine but platoon commander was a lucky and got only arm injury. Azov shot in BTR twice with RPG-7, but both hits despite penetrations didn't set fire to BTR. Despite this, he added, APC need in serios repair. Looks like tank also ran onto mine
  7. @sburke @Kinophile I've found these two mayors are absent in your database Mayor Sergey Kashanskiy, 19th separate special force detachment "Yermak" (Novosibirsk) of Rosgvardia, Syberian military district of Rosgvardia. Killed around 26th-28th of February Mayor Sergey Reznichenko, chief of the staff of some supply battalion. Killed 13th of March. On the photo he has lieutenant shoulder strps, but Russian artilce says he was a mayor: https://мтв.онлайн/feed/obshchestvo/na-ukraine-pogib-31-letniy-mayor-iz-volgogradskoy-oblasti-7128555454.html
  8. Ukr troops shot down Russian helicopter (filming from the drone) in Zaporizhzhia oblast. Judging on the form of the pond this could be near Temyrivka village. Claims this is Ka-52, but it's hard to recognize the type because bad quality of video. The second video - aftermath from the groud, the guy claims two helicopters were shot down. This twitter account claims the second is Mi-8 So for this day we have already two or even three visually confirmed downed manned targets Su-34 (?), Ka-52 (?), Mi-8 (?). All three were shot down with Igla MANPADs. Russian Su-34 fell on occupied territory, bailed out pilots probably landed also on Russian-controlled ground. Air-assault Comamnd also claimed they shot down Russian Su-25 and UAV Orlan-10 with Stinger and Starstreak MANPADs, but for now only Orlan-10 visually confirmed
  9. Russian tank is ass-knocked by Stugna-P of 128th mountan-assault brigade. Judging of missile flight time, the range was about 4000-4300 m And here a short video of combat work of this brigade, who asked about footage of Ukrainain regular units.
  10. @sburke @Kinophile I hesitate to count this officer or not, but as you wish ) Colonel (DPR-promoted? Or posthumously?) Statsenko Alexey, deputy commander of armament of 1st motor-rifle brigade of DPR. Citizen of Russia. "Volunteer". He had a real Russian army lt.colonel rank, so he either retired officer -"volunteer" or "vacationer" and conducted a shadow command of DPR units. So this is a question who promoted him to colonel. Killed near (or in) Mariupol 31st of March. Also two more separs high-ranked "officers" deaths, which became knowingly. "Mayor" (LPR-promoted) Alexzndr Shepel, battalion commander of 2nd motor-rifle brigade LPR. Citizen of Ukraine. Considered as "best battalion comamnder of LPR". Killed 6th of March "Captain" or even "mayor" (DPR-promoted) Agranovich Sergey, company commander of recon-assault battalion "Sparta" of DPR. Citizen of Ukraine. Fought since 2014. Killed 20th of April in Avdiivka area, Donetsk oblast.
  11. For this our foces have to defeat Russians on wide front on the south, advance 90 km with limited AD capabilities, engage Russians in Mariupol, breach their outer positions, defeat them in urban fights to join with Mariuopl garrison and... what next? Withraw back by the same 90 km, repelling Russian attacks? Or to sit in siege, but how much ammunition need to bring with you? Alas, unil Russians are grinded this is impossible. This is high risk to lost these "two light brigades" already on march.
  12. Turkish body armor ceramic plate, soldier survived
  13. I think, this was 120 mm mortar shell. Looks like building is of concrete, probably some railway facility and mortar shell exploded after hit the roof, so shock wave and fragments could be bring by two floors over the soldiers. But if this was 122 mm and especially 152 mm artillery shell, it could penetrate to ground floor.
  14. Azov and marines breakthrough from Azovstal to the port and secured passing of UKR units (500 servicemen mostly of police and border guards) to their positions on the plant. Port group was cutted off and almost w/o ammunition Article in Russian: https://inforesist.org/smi-morpehi-i-azov-spasli-poltysyachi-bojczov-gpsu-i-naczpoliczii-iz-porta-mariupolya/ In Mariupol spotted vehicles with V marking, which participated in offensive on Kyiv
  15. One more of fresh Russian units, moved from Far East - in the clashes around Severodonetsk was killed company coommander of 57th motor-rifle brigade, 5th CAA, East military district So, who tracks Russian units, you can draw new mark. Recently elements of 127th motor-rifle division of the same army were spotted in action Graphic photo!: https://censor.net/ua/photo_news/3335501/komandyra_roty_57yi_brygady_zs_rf_znyscheno_pid_syeverodonetskom_foto_18 PS. other link under this article shows a video with another company commander - of 6th company of the same brigade, killed at the same location, but as far as on 2nd of April, so at least one BTG of 57th brigade already three weeks involved in fight
  16. This also vehicles of special forces and some air-assault units.
  17. Alas, this is not quite. Significant part of Ukrianian generation of "millenials" and younger are indeifferrent, apolitic and even cosmopolitan. Instagram images of сarefree bright life, life like entertainment or in best case, trend struggle "save coalas" or something like this, IT or blogger career and "get away sometime from this country" - this typical ideas of many young people today in Ukraine. Despite of 8 years of war, many of them consider that Russian business, society and culture give more opportunities, more respectable etc. For example, many pupils and even more senior listen dirty Russian rap, propaganding violence, anti-social behavior and "criminal romantic". So, this part of young people, which you could see is some sort of responsible citizens of own country, passionaries. Fortunately we have them, but... all not such in bright colors... I hope, this war forced at least a part of rest to rethink their values.
  18. Well, first confirmation of arab fighters in Ukraine. On 18th of April in Popasna, Luhansk oblast were killed about dozen of Lybian fighters, probably of Khaftar forces. Looks like they were included in composition of Russian PMC, which oparates in this area and already suffered some losses. Lybians look enough well equipped, dollars and lybian currency was found. Judging on writings in their notepads, they knew Russian languge at least on basic level. But of course, we can't say about 10000-20000 of Arab merceneries. I suppose their number can be several hundreds as maximum. GRAPHIC PHOTOS!: https://censor.net/ua/photo_news/3335495/10_liviyitsiv_zi_skladu_rosiyiskoyi_pvk_vagner_znyscheno_ukrayinskymy_voyinamy_v_popasniyi_fotoreportaj
  19. MRAPs, IVECO Rys', Tigr - this is sepatare recon battalions stuff of divisional level. Usual tactical recon vehciles in battalions are BRM-1K, BMP-2, BTR-80/82A
  20. This is not regular AFU unit, this is "Hospitallers" volunteer medical unit, operating since July 2014 for medical support of VUC Right Sector fighters. The founder of battalion is 18-years old (in 2014) Yana Zinevych, which was heavy injured in 2015 in car accident. Tasks of this unit - first aid on battlefield, evacuation from combat zone, surgical. Their tac-med level, level of equipment and motivation are very high. During the war on Donbas this unit evacuated from battlefield 2750 wounded soldiers of VUC and army units. In 2017 "Hospitallers" had 60 of personnel and aout 100 of reserve.
  21. Looks like our manufacturers soon can change the name of this alcohol for export. Vodka, which more familiar to western customers, is Russian name of such type of beverages, traditional Ukrainain name for it - horilka. Historically horilka and vodka wasn't the same, but since in 19th century Russian chemist Mendeleyev has found ideal reciepe of vodka 40 % of wheet grain spirit+60 % of water, the difference on industrial level was eliminated
  22. This is 54th mech.brigade (black chevron) and volunteer UAV combat group K-2, fighting long time in composition of this brigade (round camo chevron). The footage is from village Stepne, 15 km south from Maryinka, wich on the moment of filmilng was in neutral zone. Here is full version Here is continuos of the video, where UKR soldiers entered to the village And here is uncutted video with shelling of 2-storey building in the same village. It was posted here, but ended on the moment, when separs ran across railway. In full version, they were eliminated in tree-plant
  23. @sburke @Kinophile There is no point to include him in list, this is our local criminal scum, not Russian. He participated in the war since 2014. Promoted to "lt.colonel" by LPR "authorities". He was a commander of 11th territorial defense battalion "Ataman" of LPR, which consists mostly of local and Russian Don cossacks. Killed on 18th of April in the battle for Kreminna.
  24. As I said, there almost no heavy fortified positions and the warfare has mostly a character of meeting engagements or probes of small battle groups
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