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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Yes, all attacks repelled In occupied Tokmak town, Zaporizhzhia oblast, locals sent coordinates of Russian radar and reported about new miliratary train with ammnunition on the railway station, guarded by armored train. Ukrainian forces, reportedly struck targets (I think, with Tochka-U, Vil'kha or Smerch). Volunteer fund Back-and-alive clains radar was hit as well as ammunition train
  2. Some frontline news: Mariupol. After a time of next ultimatum has gone Russians hammered Azovstal with FAB-3000 from Tu-22M3 and heavy artillery (maybe 2S4 240 mm siege mortars too). Azov command made a statement the plant territory almost all ruined, they try to take out survived people, dead and wounded from ruins. Russians at this moment don't advance forward. About 1000 civilaians hide in plant undergrounds Zaporizhzhia axix: Russians throughout the day desparately attacked our troops in Huliaypole area to establish better conditions to the entering in the battle rest of forces, but hadn't sucess. Velyka Novosilka axis (JTO south): Russians decided outflank our troops west from this settlement and to breakthrough between Huliaypole and Velyka Novosilka. They advanced from Liubymivka to the line of ponds and the dam near Temyrivka village JTO: Russians could take Maryinka under own control, but our forces after regrouping counter-atatcked and retaken the settlement. In Rubizhne all attempts of enemy to move further where repelled. Now Russians and separs control about half of the city. Calshes around Kreminna. Kherson oblast: Russians launched attack on the north of Kherson oblast to take back positions, lost in previuous weeks, but hadn't success Kharkiv oblast: multiple attempts of small armored battlegroups to infiltrate through our positions and find the hole in our defense - no success.
  3. All sold out already ) Though, many car-dealers don't work yet. In first month there was a problem in Kyiv with car-services.
  4. Ukrainain volunteer fund of Serhiy Prytiula is preparing to buy armored Defenders for different units. Jeeps and pick-ups now in the top 5 of whishlists of our soldiers
  5. This is not true. Russians had some plans for arab fighters, but here is a question - how to coordinate their actions? Also these fighters are very unstable force - they can just drop a weapon and run away toward EU borders to get a status of refugee. Different Russian PMC groups of course present. Vagner is already "brand", but indeed Vagner PMC already doesn't exists. One of those, who fight in Ukraine call itself "Liga". Our troopers engaged with them around Izium and Popasna and in whole have opinion they are more trained, motivated and experienced than regular Russian units.
  6. @sburke @Kinophile Colonel Mikhail Nagamov, commander of 6th engineer-sapper regiment of 1st Guard tank army of Western military district. Got lost of 13th of April. On the photo he has mayor shoulder strips (writings on the photo says he is colonel), Google search also shows he was a colonel since 2019.
  7. Slovakian artist Rado Javor, illustrator of Total War games series issiued two new artworks about the war in Ukraine. Recently he has drew series "seasons in Ukraine" about war of 2014-2015. Seasons: Spring in Ukraine (fighting around Sloviansk) Summer in Ukraine (Ukrainian July offensive) Autumn in Ukraine Winter in Ukraine (Donetsk airport) Also two other artworks Sunflower fields (tank ram of sen.lt Abramovych 12th of August 2014) Winter war (campaign of winter 2015) And new arts: The general Moskva More his arts on history, military, game, sci-fi tematics you can find here: https://www.deviantart.com/radojavor
  8. Clip of actions of Azov and police in Mariupol. After 2:20 just sounds and shot flashes of heavy fighting in the darkness
  9. This is old pre-war video from maneuvers
  10. And to the question of spotting. UKR tank of 4th NGU Fast reasction operative brigade spotted and knoked out enemy BMP through the hole of ruined building.
  11. Mykolaiv under intensive shelling with heavy MLRS. Impacts already during 40 minutes with small breaks. Russians fires from Kherson area Reportedly heavy bomb dropped from Tu-22M3 on Azovstal
  12. This is Russian source, so this is confirmation. See my post above. Yes, this LLS also was near to "Saratov" and cought fire.
  13. @The_Capt @Battlefront.com Our General Staff made a statemant that there are signs of Russia launched offensive operaton. They intensified assault actions and shellings and in nearest days will gradually throw in the battle more and more BTGs. Our twitters reported, Russian after Kreminna turned west and having huge advantage in armor, advance to Lyman town, seizing Zarichne village in 10 km from this town. Situation and possible Russian intentions you can see on the map. Maybe Russian efforts from Izium were just distract actions and here we see initial phase of main strike from Kreminna, which in previous week was relatively calm place after our troops pushed back LPR fighters. I suppose, if the fights around Kreminna lasted three days our and NATO intelligence uncover their plans. So, who asked "where the offensive?", well, maybe it started.
  14. @sburke @Kinophile +3 more Mayor Dmitriy Tiunin, commander (?) of engineer-sapper battalion of 136th guard motor-rifle brigade, 58th guard CAA, Southern military district. Got lost when participated in minecleaning. Data of death unknown Mayor Denis Golovko, deputy commander of 2nd motor-rifle battalion of 71st guard motor-rifle regiment, 42nd guard motor-rifle division, 58th guard CAA, Southern miliatary district. Killeld on 29th of March. Captain of 3rd rank (=mayor) Alexandr Chirva, commander of large landing ship "Tsezar Kunnikov" of 197th landing ship brigade, Black Sea Fleet. Died from wounds 16-17th of April. He was wounded during Uлrainan strike on Russians landing ships in Berdiansk on 24th of March. His ship was damaged. Obviously he was confused with captain of 2nd rank Khromchenkov, commander of LLS "Saratov", which was mistakingly reported as died from wounds two days ago.
  15. I suppose, CMBS Stugna-P was modelled as its export version Skif. The difference is UKR ATGM hasn't laser range finder in own guidance module, when Skif has it. No one Russian tank, except T-90A has laser beam detectors. And there are many discussions about will this detector react on weak and short LRF pulse or not. Stugna-P has two modes of work - semi-automatic and manual. If manual mode using, this ATGM fires as usual ATGM, missile flies by direct line, operator controlls it by joystik on remote module. It can initilaly keep the mark some aside of target to avoid LWR reaction and move it on the target before a strike. Semi-automatic mode requires thermal sight. Some of Stugna-P since 2019 were equipped with such thermals Eye LR S of Turkish "Aselsan" or SLX HAWK of Itlalian-British "Selex Leonardo". Thermal sight can detect a range to the target (and then you can see the range on the display), transmit it to guidance module for calculations and then, guidance system launches the missile by over-target trajectory, automatically moving the beam on the target in last second before impact, so LWR will have no time to activate smoke. So, really CMBS behavior of Stugna-P and reaction of tanks on it must be fixed, because it hasn't LRF and it riding beam doesn't touch the target before hit.
  16. About situation around Kreminna, Luhansk oblast. As stated the head of Kremiina military-civil administration Olexandr Dunets, hevay clashes for the town lasted three days. Russians concentrated big armored forces there, Dunets told on one direction agaist one UKR platoon Russian threw in attack 43 armored vehciles (full battalion). This night Russians entered to the town, but couldn't hold position, so they heavy shelled the town with artilelry, damaged seven resedential buildings and large sport center (probably they though this is a base of UKR troops). Now UKR forces have abandoned town, just small rearguard detachments is covering their withdrawal on Kreminna outskirts. Kreminna surrounded by forests, so probably Russians could approach throug hsome forest roads with a help of traitors. In previous days units of 128th mountain-assault brigade has sucesfully been repelled attempts of LPR forces to take the town. Looks like Russians decided move here large part of own troops to take the town and open the way to Sviatohirsk and Rubizne, for which continues heavy street clashes. There was yesterday's information that UKR troops threw out enemy from Kreminna on several kilometers. This was obvious "broken radio effect". This information was actual as far as 10 days ago, but somebody have seen it only now and hurry to post it again. But situation is changing too fast. Izium, Kreminna, southern direction - unlike JTO zone, which have tough strongpoints, these areas have in best case light trenches. The war on these axises mostly is series of meeting engagement punches exhcange of multiple small tactical groups + continous artillery strikes, so some territories can change owners day by day. Here is just illustrative map of Kremiina area, which was actual 7-10 days ago. Current frontline configuration still unknown
  17. This is "thin red line" of compelled conformism and betrayal. I doubt this Bobby or vichy, or Polish police were too happy in this situation or demonstayted doggie loyality to ocupants. As I know what wrote our soldiers about Donbas police, procecutors, judges etc - many of them dreamed about Russia would come here. This is another guilt of former power, that since 2014 libarated part of Donbas wasn't cleaned from active and hidden pro-Russian elements.
  18. They just will assume this fact. Many will call our soldiers "fascists", "punishers", but... they will do nothing more. And will take own salary and pensions from our budget. This is their mentality. This already was on liberated Donbas territories in 2014. Relatively large amount of people will await "Russian liberators" anyway in Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Druzhkivka, Konstianmtynivka and many other. For example almost all police in occupied Berdiansk defected to Russian side.
  19. As I told recently, population of Crimea and industrial East before 2014 was not so pro-Russian, but mostly Soviet-nostalgy. They equalized modern Russia with old good USSR times. So many of these people, which because of many factors were Ukrainains only by passport, but by own moods remained "Soviet poeple", at least didn't mind that Russia would come here. They thought Russia would bring here Soviet style of life, Moscow-level salaries and cheap prices. There is good aphorism, we lost part of Donbas not because pro-Russian moods were so strong there, but because majority of people didn't care. Most of pro-Ukrainan population abandoned occupied Donbas territories. Only real pro-Russians left or conformists, which will take power of stronger force because of typical Soviet mentality "we are "small people", we do not influence anything", reigned in these territories. So, of cousre overal attitude for Donbas population like to "miserable traitors, who trade Ukraine for cheap sausage and vodka". Attitude to LDPR fighters always was scornful. But since real war began it obviously will more and more shift to more tough. I think, after liberation of Donbas better way will be to force pro-Russians to go away to Russia, to their "promiced land" or establish the term of "non-citizen" like in Baltic states. The harder situation with Crimea. Many of locals were glad, when Russia came, but now after Russian oligarchs has been destroying unique Crimean nature for own villas, hotels and new residential districts, when locals encountered with full decline of medicine, food quality degradation and rising ot prices, their love to "mother Russia" significantly hesitated. But anyway, since USSR time in Crimea and especially in Sevastopol, many retired officer families from Northern of Pacific fleets were settled. At least 30-40% of pre-war polpulation confess strong pro-Russian and agressive anti-Ukrainan position. Also at least 500 000+ Russians migrated to Crimea since 2014 and bought here own real estate. And we should solve somehow this problem. I think, most of them will run away by Kerch bridge without our help.
  20. No, judging on display this is Stugna-P, just missile was lauched from upper storeys of the modular building
  21. Ukrainian forces, defening Azovstal and port in Mariupol rejected to lay down a weapon. Russians started heavy shelling and bombing this territory with heavy ammunitions, including heavy bomb strikes from Tu-22M3
  22. Very good disguising of Russian SP-howitzers, but looks like it didn't help - position was abandoned.
  23. Kids play in checkpoint. Man jokingly two times incorrectly says word "palianytsia", which Russians usually can't say in right way
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