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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. We in Ukraine believe, that if Russians overthrone Putin, that not because he started all of this, but because he failed and didn't meet expectations of "deep nation". Putinism and Russians is symbiothic system. Most of Russians want such leader with such ideas like Putin and Putin in own turn feeds Russians with that they want to hear. You can take out Putin, but "deep nation" put on the throne next Putin. Even so-called Russian liberals indeed hidden Russian chauvinists (I don't like the term "Russian nationalists", because they are not nationalists but just chauvinists and imperialists). "Liberal" Navalnyi initially supported the war on Donbas in 2014 (but later started to criticize it) and on the question "Would you return Crimea to Ukraine if you became the president?" He answered "Crimea is not a sandwich to transfer it there and back again". You can recall Putin started as enough liberal politic in 1999-2000. Why we have to believe Navalnyi will not turn to new Putin through 10-20 years? Those Russian liders, who really could led of Russian moving on democracy way already dead - Nemtsov, for example. Or Novodvorskaya. Rest, whom Putin "spared" like Yavlinskiy or Khakamada turned into nothingness. Here is an article about general Zaluzhnyi in the "Time": https://time.com/6216213/ukraine-military-valeriy-zaluzhny/ And his words: For his part, Zaluzhny is girding for a long and bloody slog. “Knowing what I know firsthand about the Russians, our victory will not be final,” he told TIME. “Our victory will be an opportunity to take a breath and prepare for the next war.”
  2. TOWs were included in August aid package. As I recall 1500 missiles. It's hard to say either we saved producing of RK-2/3 missiles for Stugna-P/Korsar or not. "Artem" factory is working, but in missile manufacturing were involved many factories, including optical factory in Izium. So, probably we will duffer a lack of domestic ATGM soon, but I've seen videop of Stugna launch about two weeks ago
  3. No. I suppose, this is BM Oplot, which belongs to Malyshev plant as demo specimen was handed over to some unit. Or even this is third tank, so called Oplot-2M, being ordered by Ukrspetsexport compnay in March 2021 as one more demonstrator. Probably Malyshev plant at last finished its production. Up to 2021 two BM Oplots were manufactured - one remained as property of Malyshev plant, other was transferred to USA in October of 2021. Since 2020 Oplot project was under R&D upgrade works, named "Bastion", which have to substitute Russian parts of the tank. First specimen of new Oplot should be produced in 2023, but the war has begun
  4. Judging by the name of channel, they write about N/NW of Donetsk. Locals report about intensive fire exchange there
  5. Russians this night have struck with Shahed-136 some ammunition storage near Odesa. Four drones were launched, but only one was shot down. All village was evacuated. On otehr hand UKR HIMARSed Russian Shahed/Mohajer base in Chulakivka village, Kherson oblast, were personnel and Iranian instructors as if were deployed. Though, main place of drones launching reportedly still Cremean Tarkhankut cape.
  6. It's just RUMINT, but... UKR troops as if entered to villages Iziumske and Olhivka. This is shows likely this groupling can have a task not to attack north on Borova - Svatove road, but to move east toward Makiivka village, laying on crossroads Svatove - Zarichne - Lyman and Borova - Starobilsk. Further UKR troops can advance toward Ploshchanka village to intercept the road Svatove - Kreminna. Likely this groupling have a task to cut off Russians on line - Drobysheve - Lyman - Yampli, when other grouping, which reportedly has begun advance from Kupyansk-Vuzlovyi - Petropavlivka toward Svatiove (or Borova?) from NW. Allegedly, UKR troops in this time again entered to SW part of Drobysheve and Lyman outskirts and fight with enemy troops. Russians move reinforcements there - this is reportage of DPR TV from Torske village near Zarichne, you can see combimed unit, which moves to Lyman - mainly trucks with markings of 3rd Army Corps (circle in triangle), tank with Z and truck with Z in square.
  7. The video of Rubizhe defense time - UKR BTR-3E1 of National Guard (likely 4th Rapid reactin operative brigade) fires at the enemy tank, hiding behind the corner of building
  8. It's claimed this is somewhere between Oskil and Siverskyi Donets rivers or NW from Lyman area, but still unclear - UKR forces are advancing trhough destroyed Russian vehicles aside the road And here is outskirts of Lyman - fighters of 102nd Territorial Defense brigade (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast) after short skirmish in reeds captured some wounded Russians or mobiks. In other twitter account I've seen the info as if in this skirmish 11 enemy troopers were killed and 4 wounded were captured, but maybe this was exaggeration
  9. Almost ten days of rains and here is... Bogged M1142 YPR-765, sliding even on light mud
  10. Zelenskiy in own interview to CBS said US handed over to Ukraine two NASAMS batteries
  11. When Russians captured Russians (Russian fighters of "Legion of Freedom" captured Russian troopers)
  12. Probably T-90A of 2nd GMRD, but tactical sign is unclear
  13. According to Mashovets information, Russians are throwing in counter-attacks in Ridkodub - Drobysheve - Lyman area remains of two BTGs of 144th MRD of 20th CAA and additionally moved there two regiments of LPR mobiks.
  14. First of all this applies to those, who got Russian passport. Until you are not citizen of Russia, you can not be registered in enlistment office. Of course, they can just give passports by force, theating to fire from work or even to take by force without Russian citizenship, but I suppose they will adhere to some bereaucratic routines. But in present time in Melitopol', for example, Russians are forming "volunteer battalion after name of Sudoplatov" from local collaborators (Sudoplatov was NKVD foreign intelligence officer, which was born in Melitopol and fought with Ukrainian national movement, personally assasinated Yevhen Konovalets - leader of OUN) More concerning rumors about they can mobilzize UKR POWs, which already "voted" in Olenivka for TV cameras
  15. Well, maybe I confused guidance and homing, but it's just discussion about terms. I just meant Strela-10 has opportunity to fight low thermal signature UAVs, using photocontrast/optical channel
  16. Kontakt-5 also doesn't protect against tandems as well as against "canon ball", but Nizh can degrade latter. So, this is approx equal ERAs, but Nizh slightly better and more modern.
  17. Well, what is optical guidance? Photocontrast channel can select the target on background of the sky. Here is about Strela-10 in Syria - there is noted this SAM can detect UAVs with photocontrast channel only on 3,5 km range, because thermal channel (as well as in Igla MANPAD) was almost useless in conditions almost zero thermal contarst of targets: https://uc.od.ua/columns/1533/1231999
  18. In the article meant that "Duplet" ERA is suitable against tandem warhead. Though, "Duplet" is just two layers of "Nizh"
  19. Russians write about units of 20th CAA. Likely something combined from different units, beaten near Balakliya-Kupiansk. According to last Russian TG posts, despite the order for 20th CAA "stand to the death", enemy units have been beginning "planned regrouping" from Drobysheve and Lyman. As I know UKR units on this direction represented by National Guard, SOF and likely some elements of 66th mech.brigade
  20. Photocontrast channel of guiding also called optical. Also in the list of Strela-10 launcher composition are pointed two optical viewfinders: https://www.kaznu.kz/Content/ЗРК «Стрела-10»/page1.html Боевая машина 9А34 (9А35) предназначена для размещения, подготовки и пуска ракет (рис. 2). БМ представляет собой многоцелевой тягач легкий бронированный (МТ-ЛБ), на котором размещены: - пусковая установка (ПУ) с четырьмя направляющими; - средства прицеливания (визир грубой наводки и оптический визир); Also here: НРЗ производит запрос государственной принадлежности цели. Аппаратура оценки зоны оценивает параметры движения цели. В момент входа цели в зону пуска в оптическом визире оператора загорается лампочка ЗОНА, что является разрешением на пуск ракеты.
  21. UKR claimed for today 4 Russian jets - 2 Su-25, Su-30SM and Su-34 SU-30SM (though Russians claimed this is just compressor surge) As if Su-34, downed with Igla MANPAD, by SOF operator Bad quality video, but it's claimed Ka-52 shot down Partially such high losses are confirmed by Russian Fighterbomber TG channel: "Fu...g day" And this: "Attention, the question to trouser-stripe-holders [meant "generals"], where we will mobiulize jets if all go on as today?"
  22. Just HIMARS. Or how it called in Ukraine "Сhimera"
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