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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. One more T-90A (4th), abandoned in Kurylivka, Kharkiv oblast. Likely also from 27th MRB.
  2. @akd Here the full video of episode, where Russian T-80 destroyed UKR T-64 with point blanc shot, but this video filmed already from Ukranian drone. Part of it I've posted several hours ago, but this one has additional episodes of Russian infantry bombing from the drones. This was near Yehorivka village, Donetsk oblast - Vuhledar sector. I thought, Russians had (or seized) some positions in tree plant and our troops hit them hard with arty. Probably tank was sent there, but simultainosly Russian troops (likely 61st naval infantry brigade) sent there armored convoy with T-80 and BMP-3 - 6 vehciles total. UKR tank spotted the enemy, when they already approached. Maybe crew paniced, maybe gun failed, but T-64 got a shell from T-80 and set fire (at 0:48 - 0:54). But Russians also were surprised and became to roll back, probably expecting more UKR armor. When half of enemy armor became to withdraw, ATGM launcher of National Guard SOF unit "Omega" launched a missile. First hit mid Russian BMP-3, but it's abscent on next cadres, so it probably either could move itself or was towed away. One BMP-3 stayed near treeplant to take wounded or dead Russian soldiers from destroyed position. When it departed, next ATGM chased it.
  3. Frontline. Russians periodically shelled border areas with mortars, arty, MLRS. Especially many such shellings in Sumy oblast. Our troops response on Russian territory. Situation on the border with Belarus is quiet
  4. Soldiers give sweets, kids ask about chevrons )
  5. This is not chemicals, this is consequences of personnel and vehicles lack in engineer-sapper battalions and regiments. This is spheroid HE charges, which they use to establishing AT dithes
  6. National Guard SOF "Omega" fighter with jammed ZALA 421-16e UAV. The area near border crossing point Hoptivka, Kharkiv oblast
  7. Optimistic post about this with some hints from UKR soldier Vitya, fu//k them tough! My friends from Kherson area tell, they will outshine Lyman and I will be ashamed, that I braged with participation here [Lyman], but not there. Please God, bro! I am only "for"!
  8. National Guard special force unit "Omega" (main tasks are special operations of counter-terror, counter-insurgency, recon, securing of VIPs) ambushes with ATGM Russian armored column somewhere in Donbas. They set fire the tank, than ATGMed retreating part of column (but despite on tank hit, probably it was towed back), finally BMP-3 which took the crew of first tank was destroyed by therd missile.
  9. This 20 000 are mobilized and will be deployed there for training. You may be surprised, but Lukashenko tries to support all that best what had Soviet army system, so, when he called for "military trainings" own territorial defense and reservists, Belarus didn't encouter with such huge problems like now has Russia, where mobilized often spend cold nights in fields near campfires, waiting untill military officials find the place to settle them or deploy to unsuitable premises, where people forced to sleep on the floor.
  10. On Deepstate map this area since 20th of Sep was painted with grey. Lower twitter says UKR troops advance to Osokorivka, but this village already under our control since 7th of Apri and we didn't lost it anymore.
  11. Here is Russsin TG writing. Briefly - Ukrainains attack hard on north, they have many personnel and vehicles, on some sections of frontline they have success. They breakthrough watermellon, we slightly withdrew, we have tough showdown here. The road completely under their artillery control Interesting phrase "breakthrough watermellon". Very likely he says about area where watermellon monument stands on T-2207 and T-0403 roads junction. So likely UKR troops pushed section of frontline between Khreshchenivka and Zolota Balka villages
  12. UKR sapper with twitter name Falcon received a gift from his friend, also soldier with twitter name Soldier of Fortune - the captured Russian new portable mine detectyor IMP-3, which was adopted several years ago. He says first imaginations are exellent. Though, he noticed, the case with detector was sealed - for seven months of war this device didn't touch the hand of sapper. Either there wern't trained personnel or Russian commander just kept expensive equipment in order do not lost it or ir wasn't damaged/stolen by untrained personnel, or unit still use old Soviet IMP-2, when newest and better equipment kept under lock.
  13. From LostArmour: elements of 35th MRB of 41st CAA substitited elements of 503rd MRR near Orikhiv, Zaporizhzhia oblast Elements of 503rd MRR of 19th MRD (according to Mashovets - four "combat groups", maybe means company groups) were moved recently to Lyman from Zaporizhzhia oblast
  14. Fighters of UKR special police regiment "Safari" (this is combined unit, composed from different police units servicemen, mainly from KORD and riot police) were ambushed, when drove through the village. Several fighters being driven clinging bihind the armored car where wounded and fell on the road. One fighter probably disembarked to cover them. They engaged the enemy. Cameraman is wounded, other guy, who fell the first says he injured in the hand
  15. On Lostarmour Russians write about huge lack of personnel in engineer-sapper units. Their "shtats" were redused as far as before the war, so in the spring even HQ high-officers were forced personally to command over all works on battlefield and suffered significant losses. So, for exanple, one engineer-sapper battalion of brigade now has 13 engineers, including brigade chief of ebgineer service and battalion commander and even they participate in manual minelaying because pre-war conception of mobile distance minalaying failed.
  16. I just can add that in Ukraine also different political forces use people for payed rallies (or even сompel, especially state employees, to parfticipate), but even in this case no one will not throw national flag to the trash can after the rally is over. In Russia such rallies finish itself in such way very often. And in trash can go not only flags, but even portraits of fallen veterans of WWII, which they carry during "Immortal regiment" processions.
  17. UKR troopers of 81st airmobile brigade and operative purpose battalion named afeter Kulchitskiy of 27th National Guard brigade hoist the flag over liberated Lyman
  18. Police department building in Berislav, Kherson oblast was struck
  19. Allegedly yesterday shot down of Ka-52 in Zaporizhzhia oblast
  20. No, this is real cavalry unit,existing in Russian army in composition of 55th MRB (mountain). This is brigade from Far East Tuva Republic and about 2/3 of personnel are Tuvians. They use packhorses, but also riding. This brigade interesting also with unusual equipment - unlike other motor-rifle brigades or regiments, this one has Tigr-M as personnel transport, and brigade's artillery represented with 2S23 Nona-SVK. Brigade hasn't tanks. Last time was involved on Lysychansk- Siversk direction, now probably moved on other direction.
  21. Vice versa! They will be very glad, because they will receive 7 000 000 rubles for their dead husband from the state! In Russian asshole outbacks this is hugest money, which they can earn for 40-50 years! I've seen screen form Russian woman chats (before mobilization), it's terrible - one girl wrote she must to push on her boy to force him for wedding as quicly as possible, because he says he is going initially to sign short-term contract with army to earn money, so the girl worries if her boyfriend will got lost at the war, she will not get this "grave" money. Other women discussed that one of their common friend have to depart own husband at the war - he is anyway worthless, lazy and drinks vodka, earns too low money on own work, so there will be better for her that their husbund would be killed at the war - he would became a hero and would be enrich own family with two children with this 7 millions.
  22. Moment of Russian jet crash on Belbek airfield (alas. very bad quality, but obviously not a missile strike)
  23. The road in vicinity of Lyman, as said cameraman. Destroyed Russian convoy of cars and minibus, corpses on the road. Likely some volunteer like BARS or LPR mobiks unit. In comments somebody noted this can be minor road between Lyman and Stavky village
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