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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russian Duma deputy Kartapolov, co-author of the law about mobilization in own intrvew clarified some things, which of course will maintain highest motivation of conscripts: - all conscipts have to repay own ipothec loans during own service (in UKR conscripted don't repay loan percents) - employers have to fire own employee if he is conscripted (in UKR the employee hasn't a right to fire own mobilzized employee and have to continue to pay his salary) - any surrendering by Russian servicemen will be considered as "voluntary surrender" even in case of desperate situation, when you remained 1 against 100 - because in Army Charter surrendering is not allowed. So who, will surrender will be punished with 10 years of jail
  2. Repaired section of Nova Kahovka bridge Not confirmed yet, but as if Nova Kakhovka got several HIMARSes at least 4 hours ago.
  3. Locals wrote about several loud explosions in Svatove, reportedly ammo dump was hit.
  4. Last night UKR forces hit enemy deployment in Alchevsk, Luhansk oblast. In yellow circle you can see bunk beds, so this is obvous sign, that barrack was in this building (before 2014 here was High School of Business) Locals reported about loud explosions and many cars of emergency services, likely enough number of "200" and "300"
  5. This is not true yet. Locals reported about explosions in the town and clashes (but not in the center), but Lyman is under enemy control, though it already oviously shifted to "contested zone"
  6. Butusov makes very good reportages from frontline, but he has also reputation of alarmist, hype-eater and in last time politically biased. He tied with Dnipro city elites like Korban and Filatov. Since his patrons had conflict with Zelenskyi and Yermak (there are a rumors Korban and Filatov like a revenge have lobbied Victoria Spartz statements) he became spread narratives, which blame Zelenskyi and Presindent's Office with different conspiracy. Russia already several times has trown in information field of Ukraine narratives about conflict between President's Office and General Staff and between Zelenskyi and Zaluzhnyi. As if Zelenskiy scared with unbelievable growth of Zaluzhnyi popularity and seeks ways to dismiss him. From time to time this narartives appeared again and again with new details and Butusov as well as followers of Poroshenko gladly discussed "new treason". Interesting, that in 2014-15 Butusov considerd as puppet of Kolomoyskiy among Poroshenko-followers and was almost "enemy #1" for them. Now we have new conspirasy from Butisov - when president came to Izium he met with general Syrskiy and as if demostratively didn't take Zaluzhnyi wit him. As if media named him as "author of the victory", though this wasn't true, of course, because such operation developed by General Staff ad Syrskyi only acomplished tasks as chief of this direction. But Butusov went further and has been developing conspirasy that Zelenskyi pulls Syrskyi in "heroes", because he is preparing him like "pocket genetral" on the place of Zaluzhnyi. This is ridiculos, but before starting of offensive in Kherson oblast, Poroshenko-bots and his followers shared in social media two opposite conspiracy. "All is ready to offensive, but Zelenskiy doesn't allow to Zaluzhnyi to go forward, because he has surrendered the South to Russia, according secret Oman agreements" and "Zaluzhyi says that we are not ready to big offensive, but Zelenskiy claimed offensive and hurries Zaluzhnyi with offensive in order to it would be failed and we would be lost many soldiers, so this would be allow Zelenskiy to make peace with Russsia on Russian terms, according to secret Oman agreements" %)
  7. UKR trooper tests visibility of Russian EMR ("digital flora") camo and UK MTP, using captured 1PN93-2 NV sight MTP is better, because Russian camo is too dark and more visible in the sight
  8. Russian Duma deputy threats with nukes to Germany and UK. Latter he wants to see as Martian desert and he believs USA will not answer according to Article 5
  9. New artillery arrived ) 27,5 km range of usual HE round, 37 km with RAP round OF-482M has 3,64 kg of HE
  10. Russian missile impacted in 300 m from nuclear reactor in Enerhodar last night The crater Place (red circleE): The employee of nuclear plant wrote in own twitter the strike was near treatment facilities
  11. Last night UKR has struck sport hall of House of Culture building in Stakhanov (Kadiivka), Luhansk oblast. Reportedly there deployed ammunition storage of Russian PMC and some number of merceneries. Sevral days before (some boxes under mask net outside of sport hall): Last night: Today's morning
  12. No one dismount soldier in a clear mind will not ride inside BTR (if this not BTR-4). In case of hit you have a risk to have no time to go out in own armor, weapon etc. The lack of APCs started since 2016-2017 due to big losses of 2014-2015 and worsening of technical conditions. Some units got armored cars like Kozak-2/2M, Varta. Some got BTR-3DA, but this was too low to supply all light units - air-assault, recons, National Guard. So often, companies, having BTR-70/80 became to have shortened "shtat" where on paper it has 10, but in real 6. Rest 4 either were completely absent or stood in boxes far from JFO as reserve in order to not so fast to exhaust resourse of all Soviet BTRs fleet. Though number of personnel in companies before the war +/- matched to shortened number of BTRs
  13. After this... The operation began with diversions: between 1 and 4 September, Ukrainian forces crossed the Siversky Donets north of Slovyansk to liberate Ozerne and Yampil (the former was liberated, but the latter is still under the Russian control). When the Russian 1st Guards Tank Army (1st GTA) — deployed north-west of that area — re-focused its attention in this direction ...I stopped the reading. Yampil wasn't liberated, when our troops landed in Ozerne. And our troops were not going to do it. Theese were only rumors, but Cooper again gives this as a real fact. Re-focusing of 1st GTD on this area is also not true. Lyman - Yampli defends other troops. 1st GTD just ran away behind the defense line Southern part of Izium - Lyman - Yampil. UKR "few forces" just simulated offensive on Izium, when main strike was in Verbivka and Balakliya area. I don't read Cooper since March. In UKR and RUS there is proverb "He heard a bell, but doesn't know where it". This is completely about his analysis.
  14. Lyman direction Different twitter accounts have told today about UKR troops liberated Yatskivka and Yarova and entered to villages Studenok, Sosnove and Oleksandrivka. Enough intensive clashes for Rubtsi village. UKR media wrote today only about Yarova liberation, but officially this not confirmed yet One twitter acoount who have familiars in villages Yatskivka and Rubtsi wrote all remained inhabitants were evacuated by Russians to Svatove.
  15. When the company has 4 APC instead 10. Typical picture since 2017
  16. Local collaborant Stremousov told this was "trainings" %)
  17. Emotions of Ukr soldiers before assault of enemy positions
  18. Russians hit Sloviansk thermal power plant
  19. - Iskander (100 kt) - Kh-101 (250 kt / 1 Mt) - Kh-22 (350 kt/ 1 Mt) - 152 mm artllery shell (2,6 kt) - 203 mm artillery (2 kt) Latter two allegedly out of service, because their last batch was made in 1990, but shelf life for nuclear artillery shells is 10 years
  20. Here is seen belonging of this T-90M - 2nd GMRD. Before a war its 1st GTR received first party of T-90M PS. BTGs never had own tactical symbols.
  21. ATGM launcher is a part of BMP pack, but it sould't be necessarilly mounted. UKR BMPs also almost w/o own launchers - I posted a video yeterday with UKR BMD-2 fires with mounted launcher. All depends from situation. Though, BMP firing at tanks with ATGM likely remained only in Soviet doctrine of 70th.
  22. Damaged UKR pontoon and causeway likely through Inhulets
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