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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Yes, all coorect. Our soldier very angry on Russian and swears it in each word (English translation doesn't reflect all spectre of Russian filthy language ), but anyway he says "we are not like you" and tried to free his leg.
  2. No. For Ukrainian mentality never matter expansionism and superiority, aggressive demonstration and boasting by own brutal force, cruelty etc. In times of Tsar and Soviet Union was supporting typical stereotype of Ukrainian - good-natured, mild, wily, сunning, industrious, but slightly lazy and hidebound farmer. And this in some aspects is matched. And some Russian literature classics often contraposed mores of Russians and Ukrainans. Of course, in Soviet times, during huge industrialization and moving of pupulation masses happened some sort of russification (and I would say sovetization), especially in eastern regions. Though, even Soviet culture didn't propagansize such cult of war, violence and own superiority. Such sharp concentrated mixture of violence, brutality, chauvinism in Russian mentaluty theese are consequenses of Putin's TV-upbringing. When your TV filled with dozens films about wars, about "criminal romance", where bandits are "good guys with own honour codex", when from TV shows and in schools continously repeat that all hardships of life are because evil West collapsed and divided USSR - the "great and noble country, which rescue the world from fascism" and cult of Victory Day turned in anti-western "we can repeat" - all this gradually shift your mind and enforce worst Russian features of mentality. But despite Russian mass-culture in theese years conquerred Ukrainian TV air and media market, it had much less influence on Ukranians, than on Russians. Probably because of we really "are not you". Though, Ukrainans as frontier-metality nation easily can turn from "placid farmers" to "fierce devils" on battlefield. We have even proverb "when Ukrainians are scared, all around don't care, but when Ukrainans don't care all around are scared"
  3. UKR civil vilunteer Roman Donik, who supplies 93rd mech.brigade, refutes enemy propaganda claims that PMC assault troops broke through UKR lines near Pidhorodne village (between Bakhmut and Soledar) and as if fight already inside the city llimt of Bakhmut. He also refuted yeaterday claims that Wagners seize the hill near Soledar. Though he tells the enemy really heavy assaulting already three days. One assault groups change other and this continues almost whole day. Involved all - LPR regulars, LPR mobiks, PMC, Russian regulars. He claims yesterday Russians lost aat least 50 KIA in zone of responsibility of 93rd brigade. DPR blogger Marina Kharkova wrote DPR authorities liberated some jailed, especially, who was in army and they immediately have been sending to frontline. Looks like LPR also became use jailed - Roman Donik showed military ID of killed sniper of 7th MRB of LPR - typical criminal face - was mobilized on 20th September and kileld on 5th October
  4. And one more UKR units, participating in Kherson offensive - 121st TD brigade (Kirovohrad oblast). Photos of their trophies
  5. Kherson oblast - captured DPR mobiks - they served in 103rd rifle regiment
  6. @sburke Lt.colonel, Lenar Yenikeyev, artillery chief of 4th military base (Southern Osetia, occupied part of Georgia) of 58th CAA of Suthern military district. Got lost on 2nd of October likely in Kherson oblast Major Sergey Popov, deputy commander of Rosgvardiya operative purpose battalion. Unknown unit of Northern-Caucasin district of Rosgvardiya. Got lost on 25th Sep in Davydiv Brid, Kherson oblast
  7. Squad leader scolds turret gunner becasuse he dosn't shot. He was making several short bursts and claimed MG is perioodicaly jamming. When HMMWW drives away, commander again scolds gunner in order he shot at treeplant
  8. I also think this is "promo-video" (BMP hasn't' any tactical signs, numbers, own name etc). But this is not "BMP appears,,, into perfect ambush". When Russian soldier dicedes to surrender this mostly doesn't happen spontaneously. Russian communicates either with special SBU line or with opposing UKR units. Latter specify rendezvous point to him and what he must do and how to bevave himself. To this point send a cover group, - there were enough incidents when Russians made a trap for several UKR soldiers, which come to take surrendering. So this video reflects completely real routine of surrendering - Russians got order to arrive in point X, when the group aways for them.
  9. You can't put in each town AA-gun near townhall, barracks, railroad station, powerline object etc. Also during night attacks guns w/o radars useless. As I told here even for frontline purpose we have defficite in 400 Zu-23-2.
  10. This is likely very good anti-dron rifles, because the same could catch not only civil DJI, but special military drone:
  11. Last night strike on Kherson - "Ninel" hotel was hit, reportedly, but unconfirmed, seven FSB officers dead @sburke Also 29th or 30th Sep HIMARS missile hit a cottadge in Kherson, where lived deputy of security of military-civil oblast administration Aleksey Katerinichev - he was former officer of FSB Border Guard srvice and retired colonel of State Emergency Service. I don't know to count him or not.
  12. LDPR also reportedly have minimal advance - in Pisky-Pervomaiske DPR forces have some small progress, also LPR troops, reinforced by Russian former jailed, seized a hill in Soledar area on Bakhmut direction. From talks on Lostarmor, Russian jailed are enlisting not only to PMC, but also for reinforcements of LDPR units. In some brigades a company of "zeks" ("zek" - Russian slang name of jailed) attacjed to frontline battalions as assault resourse. But this source says, "zeks", enlisted in PMC has not good reputation and combat capabilities, also there was already incidents when PMC commanders shot out "zeks" for crimes and defiance
  13. UKR troops also advanced today in Luhansk oblast. The head of military-civil administratin of Luhansk oblast Haidai claimed six villages are liberated, but we have evidences of one or two: Hrekivka And some abandoned positions with writing Makeyevka (in Russian spelling), but there is no video with UKR troos in Makiivka village
  14. USA and Israel both are doing the same in peace time. We are at real war. Either what allowed to Yupiter is not allowed to the bull? %) Our resistance/SOF/SBU assasinate non-combatant collaborators and traitors on occupied territories. So, we have to expect some looses because of this? But the war never holds in white gloves. Western experts didn't take seriously many things even after Munich spech of Putin, even war in Georgia. Main mistake of westren experts - they tried to fit Russia into western rationalism. This is not working.
  15. To the list of UKR units, participating in Kherson offensive - elements of 1st National Guard Special purpose operative brigade in Novovoskresenske village - important objective on crossroads.
  16. If couple of weeks, then this was about Dibrova near Yampil
  17. I suppose, the tank ran over the mine - at 0:22 as if you can see hanging track
  18. Dibrova according to DeepState map is a grey zone. I also didn't see evidences that UKR forces eneterd there (not be confused with Dibrova nearby in Donetsk oblast next to Yampil)
  19. Strelkov is just media person, but still a pawn in hands of Malofeyev - "orthodox oligarch". Dugin is not pawn, and he was more than just Ukrainophobic. I think, you just didn't hear about Dugin unil this year, but this very important person, maybe not so media-popular, but his work into building of rashism ideocracy hard to overestimate. Goebbels, for example also wasn't mlitary, but I think nobody would be consider his hypothetic assasination like something violating rules of war. Milirary crimes are commiting not only with a weapon. Ideology and propaganda is the same weapon, which even more terrible in global scale. So, I will not surprise if in one day something happen with formally "non-combatants" Skabeyeva or Solovyov, but indeed are both are "soldiers of idiology front and PsyOps"
  20. Last night six Shahed-136 drones attacked Bila Tserkva city in Kyiv oblast. AD can't spot them, so they successfully hit targets Aftermath: In comments somebody told this is military base of 72nd mech.brigade. Three barracks were hit. Unknown what sense of attack, when all brigade is on frontline and buildings were empty. Reportedly one civilian serviceman of brigade was wounded.
  21. UKR trench. The deep hole can rise your chances during artilley shellings
  22. About Dugina elimination. You shouldn't underestimate capabilities of UKR agents. I belive this was really UKR action (though we can never know about this), but main target was Dugin and only accidentaly his doughter was killed, because Dugin decided to drive later by other car. Dugin is not "nobody". His "EuroAsian ideology" philosophy is one of fundamental stones of Putin's ideocracy. His ideas had influence on Putin as well as philosophy of Ilyin - Dugin's predaccessor, which unofficially considered as "pholosopher and theoretic of Russian fascism" - Putin cited Ilyin in own recent speech. Zelenskyi and Danilov many times hinted UKR to reach anybody, who commited a military crime, treason or was involved in the outbreak of hateful anti-ukrainian rhetoric and finally the war. So, maybe we already heve own prototype of Mossad. And because Zelenskyi is Jew, I think Israel can assist in this in backroom way.
  23. Some UKR engineers: PTS-2 crosses the jeep with team through Siverskyi Donets Assembling of pontoon bridge through Oskil (?) river
  24. Journalist has stuck in 2014, when Dnipro-1 really was volunteer unit. Now this is regular special purpose regiment of National Police in Dnipropetrovsk oblast
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