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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russians can retreat also not only on the road, but using dirt roads across fields and treeplants, that will lead them in area NW Kreminna to villages Chervonopopivka, Pishchane and Zhytlivka
  2. UKR troops reached to the place from known video, where Russians lost two T-90A during counter attack probably on 24th Sep. This appeared to be near Kurylivka village, next to Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi. Tanks belonged to 27th GMRD of 1st GTA. Brigade has T-90A and BTR-82A, dislocated in Moscow oblast.
  3. Russian social media speading "inspiring insides" that Russian troops of 58th and 20th Armies now are making probes in junctin of UKR units, so soon in theese places aviation will strike with FAB-500 and FAB-3000 and huge counter-offensive will be launched with prepared forces, so "will no joy for Ukraine soon" Though Grey Zone write Russian troops in big number turned out in encirclement at all and now unprecedented measures are applying to breach a way for them.
  4. Before attack soldier (maybe chapelan) reads Psalm 90
  5. They claims Spetsnaz and arrived units of 503rd MRR (I wonder how quikly they managed to move them here?) are holding the security zone along Torske - Kreminna road, not allowing UKR forces to cut it On other hand several UKR twitetr accounts claimed about heavy losses of RU forces on this road, which turned to "absolute killzone" Also there are some signs that Russians are withdrawing from Kreminna.
  6. Captured T-90A and a heap of looted clothes...
  7. Locals say UKR troops check IDs in Lyman. There is quet in the town.
  8. Maybe some unit of 3rd AK got own tactical sign, like other brigades and divisions, but common sign of 3rd AK is circle in triangle. Russian MoD had a contract on 124 BMP-2M upgrades on 2018-2025. One more unit, which got it is 15th GMRR of 2nd GMRD (at least two compnies)
  9. Absolutely. I will post tomorrow other weird things of today's coven
  10. This is summer. ANd T-90M probably of 2nd GMRD, judging on hexagonal emblem - alas, I can't see number in this emblem, but I think 2nd GMRD is most likely. They got about company of T-90M in 2022
  11. No, their sign is a circle in inverted triangle. BMP-2M are vehicles of 21st MRB and volunteer cossack battalion "Don" (later allegedly expanded to brigade), formed on its base.
  12. I think, you didn't understand me really. I never told that Russians are irredeemable. I just wrote about features, which composed "rashism". Even evil Madyars, which terrified Europe in 9th century after defeat and baptizing became similar to European nation. My statement about "collective guilt" isn't equal to "revange" and "let's they all die". In my opinion collective guilt is official and public recognizing of former ruling elites crimes and of course, reparations. And not as just transferring money from Russian budget to Ukrainian. This have to be separate tax, let even symbolical, but that every Russian, receiving own salary could see, that this part of his money could be belong to him, but due to aggressive politic and own support or indifference, this money will go to Ukraine. And some other, but let better concentrate on military aspects.
  13. This history has begun in 12th century when there no neither Ukrainan, nor Russians in modern senses. This is not accidental conflict, this is just next Russo-Ukrainian war. This is very easy to say "see in the cloudless future", when your neigbour anyway will want to take your yard. I don't want that all finished with "Hey! You guilt himself, because provoced him!", "Why did you so hellish beat up his face to the blood with a bat, when he just came to you with a rifle!", "you havn't to re-educate him! Yes, he is drunken brutal murder, but this is his unique identity! Nobody like he in our village!", "At all, let forgive this guy and will open entrance to our market, he should by a parts to repair own rifle - we have a plans to hire it to guard our eastern part!"
  14. Four Kh-22 missiles were launched on Dnipro city today. One of them hit private houses area. Here is how it looks a crater after 600 kh of HE exploded. The house is destroyed. Small fragments of four civilians - two olders and two kids 8 and 9 years were found around on neigbour streets and roofs.
  15. First lose of Russian unmanned mine-cleaning device Uran-6. It has blown up by a mine
  16. UKR has pushed off Russian VDV from some positions near Pravdyne, Kherson oblast. Сameraman says that there are concrete fortifications in tree plant and 4th rifle company of 206th TD battalion of 112th TD brigade (Kyiv) is going to seize theese positions Other video from taken positions - dead Russian soldier in the foxhole and BMD-2
  17. Modern wokism is the same social enginering and deconstruction, which affected countries with population much more than 140 millions. In the similar way as this was in Japan. Tradions saved, culture saved, identity - saved. Aggressive militarism and expansionism eliminated. I don't mean "50-years" occupation. Neither by NATO, nor by Ukraine - it's completely impossible. All what I wrote is what hypothetical new Russian powers must to do to fix situation. And partially Russia was doing this "nation building or deconstruction" in 1990-92, trying to break Soviet mentality, but rising KGB-maphia clans took developmnent over own control. If we just liberate all our territories, we will not solve main problem and like Zaluzhnyi said we will get next war in 5-10-20 years. Revanchism will grow up again and the bear from cartoon again will stand and roar. But we will be in white coats and white gloves Yes, we had collaborators and traitots, which condemned to death hundreds of people. Fortunately some of them already departed to the God's Court, because corrupted Ukrainian courts have littlle trust.
  18. BVP-80A squad in action somewhere on South
  19. My post wasn't about "change beyond the borders", but inside Russia by new hypothetic government.
  20. Better to see it on LostArmour. Despite this is Russain resource, but since 2016 and up to 2021, several Ukranian OSINT researchers shared information with pro-Russain OSINTers to count both sides losses as accurate as possible.
  21. Oh, this requires many writing, but this is impolite to ignore a question, so... On my opinion, rashism is a new form of agressive expansionistic and revanсhist ideology, offered by ruling elites to wide mass of Russians as state ideocratia. This ideology based on of Euro-Asian philosophy of Dugin, "Russian World", "Moscow is Third Rome", USSR 2.0 conceptions. Motivation - whishes of revanchism and domination of Russain elites, which want a redistribution of economical and political influence spheres in the world, contesting the West in hybrid way in the form of restoration of lost Russain Empire (even not USSR) influence sphere and its expanding on other countries. Derashization will be VERY long process, which will take maybe two next generations and like said Poesel it will be almost useless for most of curerntly living population, because people over 35-40 years with big difficalty can change own mind settings. Because rashism is a product of symbiothic system of power and people's aspirations it has two forming components - outer and inner. Thus, to derashize a nation we have to strike on two components simultainously. Germans in most, I think, were affected only by outer component of nazism. German nation was more civilized and educated, than nations of USSR in 30th. So, German way: punish nazi + force demonstration to Germans consequenses of nazism + "don't ask don't tell" will be insufficient, because in Russian case big role plays inner factors of Russian mentality. So, I think, more proper example should be Japan, where local militaristic ideology also leaned on local mentality and traditions. So, outer factors: - Neo-imperial phylosophy. New authorities must recognize and condemn publicly Euroasian/ Russian World/ USSR 2.0 conceptions as neo-imperialistic and colonial. Their place should be near Mein Kampf for learning by hystorians. - Ideocracy. Rashism now is a obligue state ideology like communism of USSR time. All state media provide only ideocratic messges. Alternmative thoughts and critic allowed only for minor aspects. If oppopse thougts appear on state TV as opponents of state mainstream, it's usually give like marginals and freaks. Remedy - ideocracy must be destroyed. Returning real pluralism in media, like this was in early Yeltsin's times. Media have to show widely crimes of former Russian elites - both against other nations and against Russian people. Though, I must point that several investigations of independent Russian journalists about Putin's palaces and luxury life of oligarchs, which posessed almost all Russian actives and have been turning income in own huge palaces and yachts, instead to develop Russia, almost didn't have responce from society. Most of Russians consider this is natural order of things for Russia. Though, anyway, the big role in quick falling of USSR ideology played a role of Gorbachov's "glasnost", when millions for relatively short time learned about communist crimes and that West is not "rotten", but much more successfull, that Soviet paradise. - "Ruling and ordering" party. Like Communist Party in USSR, modern "Unite Russia" plays the same role, providing ideocracy to regions. All other parties just a puppets, imitating democracy, even they criticize main party, lile Communists or LDPR. Remedy - establishing in future of real diffrent democracy political platforms. But on the time of "crossing period" Russian have to be ruled by "steel hand in velvet glove", leaning on some political force. - Educational system. Ideocracy complete occupied all education system - from kindergardens to univercities. The vertical region government - educational department - director - teachers maintains state ideology line. Kids from small years have been learning "Russian supremacy" ideology, based on lessons of hystory, when Russia always held just wars for the sake of defending of oppresed, carry enlightmnent and freedom and always won, glorifying Russian weapon. All this backed up with endless cult of war with dressing in WWII uniform, kids "military parades" and as final stage membership in state paramilitary organizations like "Junior Army" or cossacks, studing in numerous classes in many usual scholls with reinforcement military and phisical training. All this also to the statemant "kids are not guilt". Of course, their choice can be caused by parents or teachers, but membership in "Junior Army" usually their deliberate choice. On other hand teachers are obedient performers of election falsifications, because voting points mostly located in schools and teachers usually are most of committee members. So the remedy - demilitarisation of schools, new course of history, releasing of teachers from the brutal pressure of officials, demanding to execute. - Orthodox church. Despite in Russian Constitution claimed separating of church from the state, but indeed like in Tsar times, Church became a lean of state ideocracy and a tool of state power sacralization. The Church is a main conductor of "Russian world" and "Moscow is a Third Rome" conception as well as huge amount of weird anti-semith conspiracy. Church blesses Russian agreesision, Church is a provider of intolerance to other Christainic confessions and intolerance to other thinking. Church supports the cult of war - all can recall real devilish Main Military Cathedral, which looks like a God of War temple. The Church interferring more and more in everyday life of Russians. Church more and more sneak to education system, but not for some sort ethic or religion knowledges, really need for youngsters, but for implementing of "Russian world" ideology and typical Russian life principles, which form inner factors of rashism. Remedy - changing of Church leaders on more moderate, real expelling idecracy influence of Church from educational system. - Cult of war and Great Victory. All Russian life pierced with mentions about wars and victories, public interactive demonstrations of weapon, parades, rallies like "Immortal regiment" etc. As I told cult of war tied with education and church. And Great Victory Cult now became the secob religion in Russia. All this should be completely removed especailly on cross period. History of wars and role of Russian in its have to be studied based on science, not on ideocracy. Inner factors. There is very tough to fix moods and patterns, composed during centuries. - Church role. Russian version of Orthodox faith provide several dangerous mind settings - do not rise against powers (sacralized power!) and be obedient to powers, abasement of person with a word "slave of the God", suffering and humility is a right way (so Russian belives that their dads and fathers sufferes and built great country, so they have to suffer for the some great goals), "pray, all the Will of God" (brings up life passivity and expectation some high-ranked official or some happen will help in their question), do not keen to achieve mundane goods and modern knowledges (for example several years ago Church representative stated the learning of English and other languages is really do not need for true Orthodox and number of school lessons of foreign languages in schools should be shortened). And in the same time Church leader lives in luxury mansions, use luxury cars and spent own time on yachts. This is Russia. - povetry breed to the craving to ostentatious wealth and envy to prosprity nations. Despite Church influence, all people want to live in prosperity. Though children of generations, who lived in communal flats with one toilet and kitchen on dozens persons and stood in long queus for Yugoslavian high boots inherited this wish to show own success, posession of expensive things and as a consequence own higer place in social hierarchy - from poor Buriatian village inhabitant, which son brought looted washing machine to middle class, to Russian businessmen and oligarchs, buying up expensive real estate around the world in order each can see his success. So, povetry traumas born an envy to prosperity nations and whishes to stockpile of wealth. Putin, for example, because of his tough childhood has this mind trauma. - swaggering and feeling of own supremacy. This feature of national menthality was discribed many times by Russian classic writers. Because of "Special mission of Russian nation - nation of God-Bearers" ideas of Russian World concept, most of Russians believed they are special "spiritual" people, all around owes them ("because we won in WWII"). Even if he is "poor Buriatian", which took bank loan to spent own vacation in Egypt or Turkey he will behave himself as a middle-east sultan. He will be humilitate personnel or demonstratively disrespect the culture of other country or nation. Even Russian middle class, which fled to Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan is rescenting that there no road things in Russian, no Russian-speaking service (you must know Russian! Are you russophobs?), no employment if you doesn't know local langauge, no cinema in Russian, no school in Russian and too much "non-Russian" around at all, but well, we will change here everything soon! So, this fearture of mentality is good soil for growing of chavinism. - cruelty and inner agression. Despite "humanistic Russian culture", the value of life in Russia didn't cost even broken penny. Tough life, hard work, povetry, small salary, especially in deep province have been generating inner agression, developing into carving to alcohol and drugs, showdowns, crimes, harrasments in families, bullings in scholls. In many regions of Russia in last years developed "A.U.E." mass jail cruel sub-culture, involving teenagers. Such spite of so embitterd people enough easyly to support by agressive rhethoric on TV, steering in right direction, blaming in their misery "anglo-saxes", "US and FRS", "Eurogays", "NATO", "jude-massons conspiracy against Holy Russia ", "khokhols, traitors of Russian World" etc. This list can be continued, but I stop here. There is need to re-educate at least two generations to fix some mentality bugs and instill humanistic values in order to turn the country of Orwel's 1984 into normal peaceful and potentially prospering state. Else the cycle depicted on the cartoon below will be endless
  22. Background song about Russian naval infantry has a words : "We will put NATO-dogs on their knees, white-and-blue flag [naval Russian flag] will shine over Pentagon, Ukraine will falter, Banderites will be punished" - to the discussion about "Not Russians people are guilt, but the system"...
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