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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. It has. Even the missile has photocontrast receiver: https://missilery.info/missile/strela10m As I know most successful MANPADs in struggle with Orlans are western LMM Martlet, having both laser and IR guidance
  2. Something more generalized about tank combat and in particular about T-64BV mod.2017 we can get only after the war, all what we know now is just small parts of mosaic. What I found slightly incorrect in your article after brief reading: - "Nizh" ERA doesn't protect against tandem HEAT - not "remontmy rot", but "remontnaya rota"
  3. Those, who don't look at T-55 name, but at what inside the tank, say this is perfect tank, especially its gun with full digital FCS and APFSDS rounds, which have better penetration, than 125 mm Mango. I think, theese tanks can be placed to some air-assault or marines brigade either as "line tanks" or like "infantry support tank"
  4. @Zeleban has said Shahed is easy target for MANPAD, but from what I heard from soldiers, all more difficult. Indeed this drone has the engine similar to the bike and it has air cooling, so his heating can be too low for firm lock of MANPAD or any IR-homing missile. Next problem relatively low altitude of flight. We havn't 100 % radar covering and probably our radars are working in flickering mode and constantly move to avoid missile strike, so not always theese drones can be detected timely. Soldiers and some ecxperts say that really kinetic systems and even rifles and MG can be effective, but if this asset will be deployed on potential roure of theese drones. Though we gave some troub;es with AA guns. As said Tatras Chmut, director of charity fund "Back-and-Alive", which has license for wepon systems import, we have defficite of ZU-23-2 in about 400 guns. Also barrels to ZU-23-2 and Shilkas also can be problem soon. Four drones were shot down with Buk near Mykolaiv and AD SAM (Buk or even S-300) shot dowm Shahed near Dinipo, not MANPAD. So, theese drones can be detected by TELARs and shot with semi-active or active missiiles. Also, I think Strela-10M3 can shot theese drones, using optical channel of guiding.
  5. So, looks like we have new problem - Iranian drones. Probably they already arrived in enough number (according to Fligt Radar at least three Iranian cargo jets were delivering something to Russia) and crews completed own training. If recently Russian used Shahed-136 episodically, that in last several days we can see "pair waves" attacks not only on vehicles on frontline, but on cities. Ochakiv port for three days was attacked by dozen drones. Some port infrastructure and port tug were damaged, some drones were shot down. Yesterday attack on Mykolaiv was repelled by Buk, which shot down 4 Shaheds with 2 missiles (looks like hit zone of missile is enough to destroy a pair) Today Russians attacked Odesa port - administrative building was hit, 1 civilian was killed, gas station was also hit (strange choice for targeting). One drone of four was shot down Odesa strikes (pay attantion on noise of Shahed) Gas station hit with Shahed in Odesa Shahed was shot down with a missile over Dnipro Also UKR AD shod down over the sea Iranian UCAV Mohajer-6, wich belongs to the same class like Turkish Bayraktar and Russian Orion. The drone fell in the sea in good conditions and was towed by the boat to the coast. It's will be intersting which countries parts inside this drone How it looks Mohajer-6
  6. No. His attempt to represent even not agreement, but just draft of agremment in Stambul in March caused VERY angry reaction in society. And this was just one month of war. Russian troops stood near Kyiv, there was no HIMARSes, HARMs and many other toys, all was too uncetain, but the will of nation was clear - no any "freezing of Crimea question for 15 years". Our victory condition - borders of 2014. Now all - Zelenskiy, Reznikov. Daniliov - they consider after Russian will get several heavy punches and UKR turned back on the Feb 24 borders, then Russian will be forced to negotiations to return Donbas and Crimea in diplomacy way. But if no, they all ready to do it by military force. Zaluzhnyi in one of interviews several months ago told AFU have objectives - to the end of the year to enter in Northern Cremea. Of course this plans assumed more fast western heavy weapon arriving in big number, but this is not happened in proper quantity. But here is just a fact, UKR will not hasitate to cross "red lines" or not.
  7. Looks like the lack of officers now is usual thing. Our troops recently seized the list of LDPR mobiks battalion, and battalion commande rwas senior lieutenant. In Russian regulars the same - I've see already several times that company can command sen.lt and major can comamand battalion.
  8. 8 years of war (despite Minsk agreements artillery of both sides worked anyway) and explosions on several arsenals significantly decreased some types of 152 mm shells. But high intensivity warfare just ate 152 mm stocks. Looks like our command considered that strong defensive lines on Donbas, will get opportunity to our troops to dalay enemy advance even with minimal support of artillery, which was need in other places. Unlike Russia we have only six artillery brigades (+ two from Reserve Corps) on all length of the front. But after Popasna falling, Russians organized several offensive attempts on Donbas, using masses of artillery and assault infantry, while on other sections of frontline situation was enough stable. In this period, we have situation, when 152 mm were significantly exhausted, but 155 mm just became appear. This gap matched with Russian pressure on Donbas and, alas, problems in command of this directions. We got significant losses on Donbas due to iron rains from the sky, HQ planning, intel, logystic mistakes, lack of supporting artillery and unmotivated troops, which were abandoning positions. Though, if we take Izium direction - where Russian artillery had the same advantage, and Russian forces were even more larger and wasn't heavy fortified positions in industrial zones liike on Donbas, Russians hadn't such success.
  9. Arestovich is just speaking head, no more. Сasualties about 150-200+KIA for a day have related to short time period from last days of May to mid of June, when we suffered critical lack of 152 mm shells, especially on Donbas, and most of theese losses were exactly on Donbas. As told representative of General Staff average rate of KiA usually not exceed 30-50 for a day
  10. Air Forces claimed they shot down 4 Iranian Shahed-136 (in Russian service Geran' - 2) loitering munitions in Mykolaiv oblast. Also one was shot down over Nikopol'. Five days ago Russians have struck Ochakiv port with theese Iranian drones (one of four was shot down) Our soldiers say Shahed-136 is enough nasty thing. It can fly on 1800 km and carries about 20 or even 30 kg of HE. It enough fast, when attacks - 185 km/h, but if it spotted in time, he can be easy shot with Zu-23-2, Shilka, Tunguska or Gepard, or even with small-arms. Main unmasking sign of this drone, which can get a time for reaction is very loud shrill noise, when it starts attack. It similar to sport bike sound Russians usually use theese drones by pairs. One flies highter, other - lower. If one shot down, other breakthrows air defense and hit the target. Reportedly already several artillery pieces were destroyed or damaged by Shahed attacks.
  11. @sburke "Lt.colonel" of DPR, Aleksey Veremeev. Cadre officer of Soviet army. Citizen of Ukraine. In 2014 was a brigade chief of staff deputy of communication in 3rd MRB "Oplot" of DPR in rank of major. Was killed on 17th of Sep in Kherson oblast. I doubt that 3rd MRB elements were involved near Kherson, so likely this "lt.colonel" was appointed to command a battlion of DPR mobiks. Lt.colonel Aleksandr Aksyonov, 18th army aviaation brigade of 11th AF/AD Army of Eastern Military District. Brigade is deployed on Khabarovsk-Tsentralnyi airfield of Khabarovsk region and equipped with Mi-8AMTSh, Mi-26 and a squadron of Ka-52. Some time ago Aksyonov was "zampolit" of brigade in the rank of mayor. Got lost in September, when his Ka-52 was shot down. His navigator also got lost Lt.colonel Oleg Tkachyov, unit unknown. Got lost on 19th Sep
  12. Rare Russian T-72B modification - T-72B3 mod.2014, as became knowingly participated in assault of Bohorodychne village on 7th of July. You could see the video, where several Russian tanks, stand in line, after blowing up on mines and one tank moves further and also blows up. T-72B3 mod.2014 were build in small number specially for tank biathlone and diverses with tall panoramic sight of commander in the middle of turrert and 1130 hp engine. Author names them also T-72B4, but I think this is mistake. Here small thread of soldier, who participated in this battle: Theese tanks in number at least three attacked our positions in Bohorodychne among tank company-size unit of 11-13 tanks. But not all Russians have blown up - 5 vehicles have passed minefield and driven to our platoon strongpoint. We fuc..d them with AT-4s and Matadors, but without result. Russians also shelled us with guns and MG also without destructions. By the way, the first tank in column was T-72B without any Z or V and in colors, close to our painting. After our "passionate" greetings, enemy tanks have just driven further and through some time turned back, blowing up on mines on the same place through that they came to us.... All three T-72B3 mod.2014 remained on battlefield This one almost ok This one slightly damaged, but can be repaired This T-72B3 mod 2014 was destroyed
  13. Russian helicopter shot down in Zaporizhzhia oblast by National Guard soldier with Igla MANPAD. Officially claimed this was Mi-8, but on the second video it's more similar to Ka-52. Though, this can be two different videos
  14. You can see what such people will do, when UKR troops were liberating Kharkiv oblast. They just fled to their beloved Russia, whith which they identified themselves. Of course, some pro-Russian part of population will remain, some will return from Europe and western Ukraine (yes, they, hating all european and ukrainian fled to the west, not to Russia). But Secretary of National Security Council Daniliov, answewring on the question of journalist "How we get along with people, whith wich we didn't leave together already 8 years?" said: "This is not about WE get along with them, this is about how THEY get along with us. This is fundamental thing. If someone is not satisfied our laws and other things, we don't keep anyone - the world is large"
  15. UKR offered to swap Medvedchuk on Azov commaders almost at once after falling of Azovstal. But Russia rejected. Medvedchuk can be interesting for Russia only for interrogation about purposelessly wasted Kremlin money and misleading of Putin in results of own activity in Ukraine - this is one of the reasons of Putin's fail in Ukraine. So, he wasn't interest for Russia. I read some hints from our soldiers, that during Balakliya operation our SOF not only disrupted C&C, attacking of comm lines and HQs, but also they captured some important representative of Russian authorities as well as many HQ officers. And maybe this made Putin more accomodating
  16. I think, if Russian overthrone Putin, that not because he ruined their country and crushed their rights, but because he lost the war. And this will do not "cheering creative millenials".
  17. Thousands of people came out on protests against mobilization in many large cities of Russia. Well... Even the threat to be a canon fodder didn't wake up Russian society. Most large rally there was in Moscow, but local "creative class" (as like to say Russians) can do nothing to resist except chaunting "no war!" and сlapping, while OMON was taking them away one by one without any resistance. Even beating up of the girl, which allegedly caused her death nothing changed. Russian new-generation can't fight for the future of their land and nation. This generation of comfort life and "we are out of politics" can only to run away from Russia, but only to bring own part of "Russia desecrated" in other countries and to show own defiant arrogance to the people of theese countries. Even most of Russian liberals and "creative class" have an opinion that all in the world have to be rotate around them. So, if the same Germany wants to recieve in the future new millions of Russians, which don't want integrate in German society and will cooperete in agressive "Russian communities" like this did previous wave of Russian migrants, driving now with Russian flags and supporting the war, so well... let Germany gives "asylum" for them. But I suppose more than 2/3 of theese people, which now assaulting border crossings and airports, posted Z and rejoiced on 24th Feb, hoping about fast Russian triumph. Ah, I forgot. In Russian social networks many people blame in mobilisation not Putin, but... Ukraine! As if "this is all because of Ukraine continue to resist instead to accept Russian demands and make peace, so we forced to go at war" Moscow. Chaunting "no war!" Four OMONs packed a guy, but nobody try to free him - they still to clap and chaunt, OMON returns and detains other protester. The girl, beaten up, allegedly to the death. No reaction of protestes And typical comment of Z-fan. I suppose, this flame patriot now on his route to Turkey, Georgia, Finland... Why I must to participate in mobilization if I support the war and Putin? This is not fair! Let they take those, who against the war, traitors. Otherwise in the conuntry will not remain sane people absolutely! And so many traitors are bred! And here it "middle class" - IT employee of the bank. He said he received summons to come to enlistment office on 22nd Sep "for checking personnel data". He came and got immediately appointment that in the same day he must be departed to Naro-Fominsk [base of 4th GTD]. He never served in army, and has health category B. But in enlistment office said he is fit for service. Journalist asks him, what he will do now and man answers: "Waht I can do? I will go, elese it will be criminal case against me" Maybe I enough sharp, but Russians lost a right to name a "nation". They just "population", which can't and don't want to change something in own country
  18. If this is not a joke, that after the war we will know many cool stories about SOF deep raids. Behind the soldiers the road sign with name of the city - Enerhodar
  19. Russian social media are writing that this is terrible and not "partial mobilization" - they take all. Especially many conscripts from national repuplics. In Buriatia, for example, from villages of 300-400 inhabitants, they take in average 30-35 men. There was example from Buriatia, enlistment office took 38 y.o. man, father of six children, who never served in army. Reportedly all conscripts below 30 y.o. will be sent to from immediately, "because they hadn't time to lose own army skills yet". Even some Russian propagandists grumble that this is stupid idea, because before a war conscripts were more involved in territory cleaning and loading-unloading workd, than combat training, so their "army skills" about zero level. They also say even those thousands of contractors, who payed bribes to be included in Syria operation for short-term contracts, indeed most time sat on own bases or patrolled around, when most of work made Spetsnaz, PMC and artillery. So, those who retired after Syria now will be mobilized with minimal experience
  20. It's a great news! Commander of Azov Denys Prokopenko "Redis" is free! Deputy of Azov commander Sviatoslav Palamar "Kalyna" is free! Acting commander of 36th marines brigade Serhiy Volyna is free!
  21. In last two days Pravdyne village in Kherson oblast became an arena of fierce clashes - UKR troops seized the part of village (or even whole) on 18th Sep, but Russians moved there units of 76th air-assault division and counter-attacked, pushed UKR forces back. New attempts of UKR atatcks failed. As result we lost enough armor
  22. Together with 10 fighters of Foreign Legion UKR brought back 190 own militaries and among them some heroes of Azovstal, including Azov fighters. In this time became knowingly about liberation of chief of Mariupol patrol police Mykhaylo Vershynin - his guys were almost single police unit of Mariupol, which fought to the end, when most of other policemen either fled or hide and further to defect to Russia Also was liberated Kateryna Polishchuk "Ptashka" ("Birdy") paramedic of "Hospitaliers" volunteer medic unit, which became famous when uploaded own songs from besiged Azovstal
  23. Ouh ) Misspelling ) Hypothec. I don't know how this thing names in western countries, but in Russia and Ukraine the bank credit (loan) for buying own housing names "ipoteka" in English I see similar word "hypothec". In Russia hypothec is just some sort of sacral gift from authorities - one of reasons to go to army is soft hypothec, because this is a single way for people from deep provicne to buy a new flat or even relocate to better place from own depressive regions. In UKR even a joke is roaming about killed Russian soldiers "his family has closed hypothec"
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