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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. UKR soldiers hide in the basement when Russian tank works at their building. Buildings in CM should have underground levels
  2. I would be stop this discussion, because each will stay with own opinion. Just wanted to reflect briefly UKR point of view. Many years in historical re-enactment accustomed me to be over only one side vision in order understand better what's happened and why. And despite AK in some part of our history were our enemies and caused death to many civilians, I with great pleasure have seen exellent series "Time of Honor" and "City-44". By the way I have some part of Polish blood in me. Like and Russian and Ukrainain %)
  3. MiG-17 is gone. Russian artillery has destroyed monument. One of symblos of Bakhmut defense. Well, I suppose there will be no problem to find other one
  4. Mmmm... In response on policy of "culture supression", oppressions and colonization they had to offer more "round tables" to find "compromisses and concessions"? Or maybe increase presentation of Ukrainian community in councils? It's hard, when all deputies turn out under home arrest %) Hm... Show me a war for independence or anti-colonial war, which wasn't accompanied with ethnic cleaning of different scales, eliminating of collaborationists and reprerssing toward nation-occupant or nation-colonizer? Than more tough the oppression compress a spring, than more painful this spring hit, when it will be realized. Situation of Ukrainans in Poland was even much worse than in USSR (before collectivisation), where they had so-called "Red renessaince", when in Poland considered as "bydlo" and people of second sort. Polish and Ukrainian confrontation of 1918-1947 most close to confrontation of Britain and Ireland, which also accompnied with uprisings, terror, murdering of opponents etc. And about scales.... How much civilians "is allowed" to murder in order to this wasn't consider as ethnic cleaning. For example Polish January uprising of 1863-64 also accompanied with murdering of civilians, who didn't want live under power of Poland. According to different information from 800 to 2000 civilians became a victims of "stiletters" or "hangers" on background of 4500 of military losses from Russian side. So, this can be considered as "ethnic cleaning"? Okaaay. So, AK/Peoples Battalions, which, I think, honorized in Poland as brave fighters for freedom and independence like UPA in Ukriane didn't burn any one village, didn't kill any one civilian and didn't rape any one girl? Neither in Ukraine, nor in western Belarus, nor in Lithuania? The same Sagryn' - 500-800-even 1300 murdered Ukrainains (according to different sources). Or Pavlokoma, where among 365 victims were murdered priest and all girls over 7 and all boys over 5. So, about 40 000 of murdered Poles (though AK data for 1944 is 15000 and Soviet data - 20000) this is henocide and ethnic cleaning, but 10-15 000 of murdered Ukrainans is just nothing and just "actions of revenges", of course. So, UPA are murderes, but AK are knights in white, because they killed less of enemies. I understood correct? It doesn't happen. There was bipartisan ethnic conflict, not one-side henocide. Both sides considered this terrtitory in post-war future as own and tried to strenghth iyself there and simultainously to eliminate potential supporting base for armed units of enemy. Conflict, where old hystorical resentments realized together, and level of violence was so high, that settlers or self-defense unit of one village could attack own neighbours with knives and axes, not having enough firearms - from this likely grow a mythes about UPA with axes, but this could be usual peasants, who came to settle old scores with Polish colonists. Bandera since July 1941 was jailed by Germans. In what way he murdered all this people? Of course, he was jailed in VIP terms (though three his brothers were executed by Germans in other death camps during 1942), had Red Cross aid and had opportunity to send letters. But even G.Motyka, who in own researches takes sometime moderate position unlike completely biased "Viyatrovich"-type hystorians like Semashko, has opinion that order of anti-Polish actions gave not Bandera personally, but somebody of Volynian OUN group (Kliachkiskyi or Lytvynchuk) against decision of OUN Directorate about prematurity of armed uprising (Bandera also was against of uprising and even he would be "for" like a Supreme Leader, OUN Directorate made decisions by voting of it members, not by his personal will) Historian and senator of PiS Jan Zharyn in 2015: https://kresy.pl/wydarzenia/panstwo-polskie-odcina-sie-od-polskiego-lwowa-i-prawdy-o-rzezi-wolynskiej-ukrainski-portal/ Of course one senator is just one senator, but he is popular (?) hystorian, so has influence on public opinion. And his opinion is very match with your. Even our right-spectre leadrs didn't allow to themeselve to say something like this. This gentlemen also allows to himself to made a statement that Ukraine never will be European country if it glorifies OUN/UPA and with aplomb talks how "Poland brings to Ukraine light of Polish culture and that Ukriane incapable to self-awareness without help of Poland, and must recognize own guilt for Volyn' for it. He also told Ukraine doesn't want to belong to "Rome civilisation", behavinhg as barbar with hystorical memory. This is dangerous talks. One of reason of Russian invasion was that Ukraine confesses "wrong history". I suppose, you completely support Russia in part of "denazification", because narartives of some Polish political and historian circles the same as in Soviet Union and Russia. If somebody wants to sit on the place of "senior brother" instead Russia to point us which history is right and which is not, and which heroes we have to glorify and which we do not, that this somebody will go following Russian military ship. No armies in the world exist, who weared in white coats. US then should cancel of own army and president Truenam as "civilian murderers" for atomic bombardments and napalm in Vietnam. Ukraine officially recognized Volyn' tragedy and president Poroshenko knelt down in front of monument of victims. But nobody will force us to refuse from our historycal persons, without struggle and sacrifice of which, modern independent Ukraine and our resistance spirit would be impossible - despite all their contraversal doings. Hah, it is really cool to compare words of "Ukrainian nationalist prayer", wrote by blood on the wall of Polish prison in 30th with real talks of Polish official - not last person, who forms public opinion. I would be want that in one day we will repeat that what did former enemies - when in 1945-46 UPA and part of AK-WiN ("Freedom and Independence") united against common enemy - communist powers of USSR and Poland, stepping over blood hostility. If those, who were shooting one in other could shake a hands, then what interfere to us just adopt history of each side and go forward?
  5. Yes, this is pure "far right extremism" - a will to live in own free country, according own tradiotions, speaking own language, developing own culture, keep a spirit of own nation and readiness to fight for all this if need on the city squares or with a weapon. And this is very big luck for Ukraine we have alot of such "extremists" who just have no scare to upset. Without their "extremism" Ukriane would be go such way as Belarus. And Maidan would be degraded in endless songs and useless speeches. And despite Dontsov ideology was pure fascism it gave strong pulse to form numerous cohorts of young people, who were ready to sacrifice own lives in struggle in order to Ukrianian nation will survive and will not disappeare, being completely Russianized ot Polonized. Yes, often they used methods, which blamed in modern world. But thet hadn't other choice. Weak socialistic Ukrainian People Republic was lost in stupid pacifism and useless discussions. They were doomed to choice Dontsov ideology. Other in that conditions just would led all national movement to next defeat or to conformism. They knew, they rather "...will fall in the fight for it" then "will win", but they went to this goal like fanatics. "We will fall in this battle, but we will become that soil, on which will grow next generation of fighters, whi will win free Ukraine" - this said somebody of UPA commanders. UPA fought as organized army on three fronts without any external support for six years and then about 10-11 years as underground armed resistanse. Long time in our society the opinion took place that we got independence in 1991 "for free" and most of people don't value it, because "freedom wasn't poured by patriots blood". But developments of 2004-2005, 2014 and now showed that this frontier, Cossacks, UPA spirit of self-sacrifice for own land and own lyfestyle is alive and can create miracles, when nobody expects this. So, no need to boil over big number of "far-right" soldiers, red&black chevrons, Bandera, white crosses on tanks etc. No any "Bandera-cult" in Ukraine. But he is just partially mythologized symbol of sacrifice in a struggle for independence. And for most Ukrianians he just became a meme person to troll Russians. Our nationalism doesn't direct outside Ukraine, though a couple our hystorical lands now a part of other countries. No one leader of any significant "far-right" UKR force didn't claim it should be taken back. Unlike some politics not only in Russia, which sight about "Polish L'vov" or "Hungarian Uzhgorod" we want to keep our own. Here is chevron of UKR soldier, killed in Ilovaisk massacre. His blood repainted national colors in red&black. Since that time these colors not only OUN flag, this is our national flag of resistance, flag of "Ukriane-at-war" our "oriflamme". Just do not force us to rise it again and again.
  6. Russia has thousands of trucks, but TOR and S-300V this is value equipment, losses of which will cause great bureaucraсy and discipline showdowns from high-command to poor lieutenant or sergeant- commander of this launcher (if he still alive). Also these vehilces were hit not on "zero line", so can be evacuated"
  7. CNN article about series of negotiations, which allowed to stop assault of Azovstal and to resque civilians and save lives for remained defenders: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/09/europe/azovastal-mariupol-siege-talks-intl-cmd/index.html There were three rounds of negotiations in Mariupol. Initially participated UKR parliamemt deputy Oleksandr Kovaliov, Valentin Kryzhanovskiy - former serviceman of SBU, who betrayed in 2014 and three Russian generals Andrey Sychevoy (ciommander of Mariupol operation), Vladimir Alekseyev and Aleksandr Zorin - latter two Russian generals were born in Ukraine in Soviet times. On last stages of negotiations, also participated deputy of head of GUR Dmytro Usov and Ukrainan officers from Azovstal, including comamnder of "Azov" Denys Prokopenko On the photo - first negotiations on 25th of April from left to right - Kovaliov, Sychevoy and Kruzannovskiy
  8. Of course. Manufadturer also produces spare parts, kits and blocks, which can be substituted in plan maintainance or during repair. All this stored and go to work if need. All the more so these are new systems.
  9. During Maidan Right Sector united many people of different political sights and they were united with common thing - they were ready to withstand directly with Yanukovich regime, not only by standing and dancing under songs and speeches. Right Sector wasn't a political movement to this time. Just during one of first rally more decisive people gathered from right hand from scene of Maidan and once the presenter from the scene appealed to them with some anouncement with words "Guys! All those, who stand in right sector..... !' And since this name stuck to them %) Was "Da Vinchi" far-right? I don't know. And I don't know what do you mean under "far". Ukrainmain right wing has enough wide spectre - from some type like US Republicans to real neo-nazi marginals, but unlike European right forces, they have some other vector. "Da Vinchi" obviosly was nationalist and if he was in VUC, probably he was close to ideology of Dmytro Yarosh, fist leader of Right Sector, which later abandoned this movement, who was so called "state (not ethnic) nationalist". But "Da Vinchi" since 2014 wrote not political proclamations, but only about war, about struggle with Russia on frontline and inside the country, about own experience and about his unit, when he became a commander. This guy in own short adult life has seen only war and own comrades, who were not only "pure Ukrainians" and many of them even spoke in Russian, but all they fought for Ukraine and "Da Vinchi" became a real hero of this war, an example how young man can sacrifice own best years and finally life for struggle for Ukraine. "You will win Ukrainian State or will fall in the fight for it" (Ukrainian nationalist Decalog, commandment 1)
  10. Taras Chmut, head of Back-ad-Alive charity fund, told several days ago, that first Switchblade-600 already hit two Russian SAM. Likely this is it. Alas, explosions are not enough powerful - probably both launchers taken out only temporary.
  11. Two days ago city authorities of Kharkiv first time since Day 1 turned on all street lights and lightening of big Ukrainian flag on tall mast. Russian milbloggers issued some angry post in style "In what *** we wasted thosands of missiles if "khokhols" to this time have enough electricity even in Kharkiv? Maybe our strategists wanted only to force Zelenskiy to negotiations, but not to achieve victory, destroying transport infrastructure, stores with weapon etc" Also some Russian politics today made a statement "This is revenge for Briansk" Kyiv was struck with two missiles. First "Kinzhal" at 5:45 of morning hit thermal power plant in southern part of the city. Despite this is 11 km from my home the sound of explosion was so loud, that I jumped on my sofa - I thought this was impact nearby. Second missile, probably "Kalibr" or Kh-101 either hit or was intercepted in western part of city almost simultainously with "Kinzhal" impact. Fragmemts of missile destroyed and damaged several cars, there were three injured.
  12. Some unclear hints in UA twitter about some UKR actions around Bakhmut. Maybe we will know soon what it was...
  13. Today's last photoset of "Da Vinchi" - through some time he will be killed. Military photographer Kostiantyn Liberov was with him on positions close to the enemy. The shelling started, "Da Vinchi" orderd to journalists to get cover in the basement, but left himself on surface. Commander of "Honor" company of his battalion Serhii Filimonov (volunteer unit, established by independent right movement "Honor" and football Ultras of Dynamo Kyiv club): "Yesterday I am and he again were in 30 m from positions of mother..rs and we only not were killed by enemy ATGM and then by 120 mm mortar bomb. A miracle saved us. I begged him don't roam anywhwere. Yesterday our tank was hit. I told him: "Let in burn, we will capture other yesterday". But he took the bottle with a water and went to extinguish the fire. Today we had to be together, but he gave me a day for rest on flights [means as drone team controller or operator], because hard work expected us. We fu..ing beaten up many motherf...rs, but now I don't know what I will do with this hard work without you! This loss is unbelieveable, but we will revenge! "Honor" in composition of "Da Vinchi's" battalion passed Barvinkove, Serebrianka, Bilohorivka, Lysychansk, Soledar, Pisky, we have spent summer in Bakhmut, then Sviatohirsk, Bohorodychne, Balakliya, Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi, Avdiivka, Vuhledar, Kremninna... And further will be Donetsk, Luhansk and Sevastopol. And "Da Vinchi" forever will be with us.
  14. In Nova Kakhovka and Kherson cases explaination is one - collapse of defense and control. Nobody could give order, nobody know where to receive such anount of HE, nobody knows where to find sappers who could do this. Nova Kakhovka was attacked by helicopter landing and then arrived VDV on armor. Small National Guard and some army units fought desperately, but they already hadn't time to blow up the bridge.
  15. SBU detained former commander of 73rd Maritime Special Operation Center 1st rank captain (equal of colonel) Eduard Shevchenko. He was a famous veteran of ATO, personally participated in many combat operations, for example in liberation of Dzerzhunsk (now Toretsk) in 2014, where he and other 33 SOF fighters could hold the town for eight hours of fight with DNR forces, having the armor. He was awarded by state orders and even unofficial award People's Hero of Ukraine. Though, since 2017, between him and part of his unit there were some conflict situations. Now SBU detained him for betrayal. He turned out agent of GRU and tried to enlist town mayor of Ochakiv (he was his advisor) to work on Russia. Despite the mayor had reputation of moderate pro-Russian man, he told SBU about Shevchenko's attempts to enlist him. Now SBU issued phone calls between Shevchenko and his GRU curator. Very likely Shevchenko transmitted information about UKR forces in Ochakiv, so Russian often shell the town from Kinburn spit area. Former commader of "Donbas" battalion Semenchenko already blamed Shevchenko in elimination of pro-Ukrainain Chechen commander Isa Munayev, attempts on him personally, bringing into ambush units of his battalion etc. As if he many time sent reports to SBU, but Shevchnko as if had strong protection among former UKR authorities and all his appeals just were ignored. Though, since Semenchenko gained scandal reputattion, it's unknown have his words a true or not.
  16. I think, too early. "Western-trained&equipped brigades" not operational yet and mosltly not in Ukraine, though first Leo as if already here. Unless we will start with available forces and "westerners" will attack in second echelone later.
  17. @sburke Major Aleksandr Bondarev, chief of flights safety, senior inspector-pilot, 559th bomber aviation regiment (Morozovsk airfield, Rostov oblast), 1st mixed aviation division, 4th AF/AD Army of Southern military district. Was killed on 3rd of March 2023, when his Su-34 was shot down over Yenakiyeve, Donetsk oblast. Second crewman survived but was heavy injured. UKR command counted this victory for 301st AD regiment (S-300), but eyewitnesses claimed the bomber became a victim of friendly fire from other Russian jet, who flew behind the order of Su-34 and launched several missiles, one of which hit the bomber. Lt.colonel Mikhail Yermolin, commander of MLRS battalion of 126th coastal defense brigade, 22nd Army Corps of Black Sea Fleet coastal forces, Southern military district. Necromancer recently issued his documents and allegedly his body, but now is official confirmation from Russian social media with a data and place of death. He was killed on 2nd of March 2022 during Russin attack on Voznesensk. The body at lest up to the winter was kept in refgrigerator in Ukraine.
  18. Very bad day. We lost two experienced warriors Dnytro Kotsiubaylo "Da Vinchi" - youngest volunteer who was awared with state rank Hero of Ukraine and unofficial award People's Hero of Ukraine. He started his war in 2014, when he was 17 y.o. in Right Sector volunteer unit. Since years he became a commander of 1st assault company of VUC (Volunteer Ukrainian Corps), known as "Da Vinchi Wolfs". Fearless commander, and strong leader. Since full-scale war began, his unit soon became a part of 67tn mech.brigade already as separate battalion (company "Da Vinchi Wolfs", company "Honor", medical-evacuation unti "Ulf"). He was officially promoted to jr.lt. rank but was battalion commander. Today he was lost during the battle for Bakmut. Major Andriy Lukaniuk, battalion commander of 80th air-assault brigade. Was at the war also since 2014. Experienced commander. Was killed today in Chasiv Yar town SW from Bakhmut (probably Russians hit battalion command center)
  19. Russians issued in TG new video with other UKR captive execution. In that time RU milbloggers, who kept silence about yesterday video, this day already claimed about "staged video". Later, when comamnd of 30th mech.brigade confirmed that was their soldier, who was considered as MIA since 3rd of Feb after the clashes near Zaliznians'ke village (NW from Bakhmut), Russian propagandists have rebooted in the air and claimed this is Ukrainian "barrier troops" shot out deserter as if this did Russians. And what Russian liberals? Most of them ignored this video. Just one complained, soldiers have to be limited in usage of gadgets on frontline. Other issued a video in Youtube with a name "Putin's soldiers shot out UKR captive". Not Russian but "Putin's"
  20. 25th airborne brigade claimed five destroyed Russian tanks near Chervonopopivka village, 9 km NW from Kreminna
  21. Most probably just Excaliburs have arrived in proper number and we can not save on shells.
  22. "Poltava" is not "special-anti-Ukrainian", it just glorifies Russian victory and reflects Russian vision of Mazepa as a traitor (and he mentioned only several times in the poem). So, what a difference with Sienkiewich and "his story is anti-Khmelnitskiy only, not anti-Ukrainian in whole"? So, let cancel Sienkiewich too? Or we should go further - claim very popular in Ukraine Polish song "Hey, sokoly" also like "imperialistic" and "culture appropriative" (because Polish nobleman in it sad about "green Ukraine" and the girl, which he left there) We can't blame people of 18-19 century that lived with own knowledges and vision of world and order of things. Even among Ukrainans the level of national self-identification was too low even before WWI. Hard work and poor access to normal education didn't leave too much time for thinking about this. And don't forget too, that our national genius Taras Shevchenko, who woke up national memory inside usual people masses, was redeemed from serfdom by Russian cultural doers. I'm recalling "Heather ale" by L.Stivenson, which we tought in middle classes )
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