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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. @sburke Colonel Denis Gutarov, chief of operative department, HQ of 4th "Kantemirovskaya" tank division. Was killed on 1st of Oct in Kherson oblast (yes, some combined unit of 4th TD was moved there), when his command vehicle was hit on march by UKR airstrike. Major Sergey Gudovskikh, unknown naval infantry (?) unit, was killed on 23rd of Feb 2023. It's seen a starnge part of writing on moutning ribbon - Tu-154. This guy was burried in Yeysk, the town on Azov sea. It has airfield, when two Tu-154 are based, belonged to Navy. It's knowingly UKR has struck Yeysk airfield on 28th of Feb. Many questions...
  2. It's only recently some our socialneteor active soldiers from Bakhmut raised this theme, that Kyianyn is not who he claims to be. In this time which everybody greedily catches any news about Bakhmut it's too easy to hype and get 1000 followers. I've seen claims that "Kyianyn" is already shifting accents to western audience and making probes about donations, so be aware!
  3. @Bulletpoint "Madyar's birds" now redeployed to Avdiivka sector "Kyianyn" is swindler! 93rd brigade made official statement, this man not from their unit and hasn't a right to put on them brigade's chevron. He is not in Bakhmut. so this is completely not reliable source.
  4. Too fast for usual FPV. Artillery shell (MT-12, for example) or SPG-9 projectile.
  5. Work of drone with thermal camera, likely Mavik 3T, 3rd assault brigade "Azov"
  6. On the video only 4 dismounts - too low for M113 We have enough zoo of FV103-based vehicles 35 FV103 were handed over by UK government At least 14 vehicles (FV103, FV104, FV105) were bought by Petro Poroshenko charity fund and delivered to Ukraine during November-December World Congress of Ukrainans bought 25 vehciles (12 FV103, 1 FV103 SPA8, 1 FV103 SPA017 - I didn't find anything what is it SPA8/017, 2 FV104, 7 FV432, 2 FV434). Last batch came to Ukraine about week ago Serhiy Prytula charity fund bought 101 vehicles (FV103, FV104, FV105, FV106, CVRT Shielder, Stormer, FV432, FV434). 44 vehicles already in Ukraine
  7. I've seen in comments that was FV103 Spartan
  8. Some rare news about UKR Navy actions - Navy Command reported during last missile attack crew of Island-class patrol boat could shot down Russian Kalibr missile over the sea with guns fire near the shores of Mykolaiv oblast. On Feb 24th UKR had four Island-class boats. On 3rd of March of 2022 one of them - the boat P190 "Sloviansk" (former WPB-1321 "Cushinhg") at 2-00 of night, being on radar surveillance patrol mission near Kinburn spit, was hit at starboard of engine compartment with Kh-31P ati-radar missile, launched by Su-30SM/Su-35S fighter. The boat sank. Only 5 sailors could resque, rest of 11 crewmen, including commander to this time consider as MIA.
  9. Moment of Russian newest guided UPAB-1500 bomb hit main administrative building of Avdiivka coke chemical plant. This happened several days ago and since this time Russians repeated strikes with smaller bomb calibers. On LostArmor was quoted report of plant management that worker was killed with this explosion, on undergroud level - the bomb penetrated several storeys and passed through about 4 m concrete floor with sand layer - Soviet big plants are built with heavy fortified undergrounds
  10. First documented usage of Russian FAB-500 UMPK - analog of JDAM. It fell and didn't explode in some private yard of Donetsk UMPK kits can have four levels of guidance: 1. Bomb just equipped with simpliest MPK (flight and correction module) kit, contraining only "wings". As if this allows to drop bombs from 50-200 m altitude with range 6-8 km (very doubtful) 2. MPK kit + inertial guidance bloc. It allow to increse the range to 12-15 km. 3. MPK kit + inertial syatem + flight correction engines + GLONASS/GPS. Range 40-60 km with accuracy about 10 m 4. MPK kit + inertial system + flight correction engines + GLONASS/GPS + jet engine. Range 80-100 km. Likely falling bomb was assembled by 1st or 2nd variant. UMPK kits were introduced in 2009-2010, but in that time this equipment wasn't interested Russian MoD. Probably only not long ago Russians recalled about this. It's claimed the bomb can be used effectively against point targets from 6-16 km range and against areal targets - from 40 km.
  11. The tweet of this soldier of 93rd mech.brigade yesterday summoned sharp discussion. I've read very contraversal opinions about Syrskiy from different servecemen, so it's hard to say where the true and where is biased opinion. Followers of Poroshenko (especially fanatics) a-priory believe that Yermak and Zelenskiy make PR for Syrskiy and plot intrigues against Zaluzhnyi, so their opinion about Syrskiy is very negative. More clinical fanatics of Poroshenko believe that "evil FSB agent" Yermak (who is real ruler of Ukraine) and "traitor and stupid clown" Zelenskiy put a task for his "pocket general" Syrskiy to hold Bakhmut as long as possible, continously sending there new and new reinforcements in order to kill as much UKR soldiers as possible, that will lead to disaster and panic moods in society with demands of negotiataions and THEN, at last, Zelenskiy will sign capitulation and hand over Ukraine in hands of Moscow. Because as if only Zaluzhyi, army and a will of UKR society to fight interfere to do this for them (Yermak and Zelenskiy) and they have been forced to portray a patriots. This is just you all here will not have illusions about "united UKR society". What more objective issues for Operative Comamnd "East", defending Donbas and leading by Syrskiy (who also has a duty of Ground Forces Commander) - high-command level to this time didn't adopt to Wagner tactics and even didn't want to do this. They still stick mostly to passive defense with damned micromanadgment, limiting initiative of lower level commandders. They also didn't solve a problem with heavy infantry weapon, especially mortars, and now many of UKR soldiers ask even where they can get OG-7 FRAG projectiles for RPG-7, because it turned out in defficite. Artillery support and especially counter-batetry fire is insufficient because of lack of artillery and often lack of ammunitions. Many soldiers have enough good opinion about Syrskiy for Kyiv and Balakliya operations, but also many consider him as "talentless Soviet-school butcher, who just in favor in President's Office" and his role in Balakliya operation is artificlally overpriced for PR purposes
  12. FPV view of UKR assault group, following behind BMP-1 in attack on RUS positions. Some dead and surrendered Russians at the end.
  13. Meanwhile Russians gradually activate own actions on Kupiansk direction in Kharkiv oblast. Since 6th of February they began attacks on Hrianykivka village and at last about 17th of Feb could push off UKR trops from this villlage completely. After about three weeks pause, Russians, according to Mashovets, tried to push off UKR troops from positions around tiny village Masiutivka (22 inhabitants before a war). They attacked twice with platoon- size forces without armor support. First time that were elements of 138th motor-rifle brigade, attacked from Hrianykivka. In the second time these were elements of 25th motor-rifle brigade, attacked from positions south from Horobivka. Both attempts failed. According to Mashovets, Russians probably have a plans of combined offensive operations in first order on Kupiansk direction with forces of Troops Groupment "Zapad" ("West") and in case of significant success, they can launch offensive on Vovchansk direction with forces of Operative Group "Belgorod" (about 7500-8000 troops) In recent days, Russians, probably preparing to offensive, began to make in hidden way passages in own minefields and to remove our minefields on section Dvorichna - Lyman Pershyi. For this were involved units of 30th engineer-sapper regiment of 6th CAA of Western military district. In area of Tavilzhanka village deployed 2 BTGs of 138th motor-rifle brigade, including assault units "Storm". In area of Vilshana village, were concentrated also 2 BTGs of 25th mech. brigade. Both 138th and 25th belong to 6th CAA of Western military district.
  14. Despite Russian milbloggers and Prigozhyn complain about ammunition shortage, our soldiers don't confirm that intensity of Russian shellings around Bakhmut radically changed. More, this night and morning Russian long-range artillery and MLRS Uragan/Smerch/Tornado intensivly shelled towns Kostiantynivka, Druzhkivka, Kurakhove, several impacts were in cities Kramatorsk and Sloviansk Sounds of night shelling in Kurakhove State Emergency Service extinguishes the fire during enemy shelling in Kostiantynivka
  15. Yeah, really famous historical person, not fully appreciated by Ukrainain history, so, alas he is not well-known in masses. Glorious knight age of Ukrianian lands in Grand Duchy of Lithuania still blank spot for many Ukrainans. This is because Soviet tradition, which partially transfered into Ukrainain historical science of 90th. When I studied in school in Soviet times, and we had lessons of history of Ukraine (thin book in comparison with a book of history of USSR) that developments were: Kyivan Rus' - > Mongol invasion -> Zaporozhian Sich. Whole age after Mongol invasion - about 300 years were just thrown out and were contained in several sentences in style "then Ukrainain lands grabbed Lithuanian feodals, which opressed peasants and then Ukraine was grabbed by Polish magnats". Ukraine and Belarus in GDL/PLC age just breaks Soviet historian conceptions about "leading role of Moscow and gathering of primordial Russian lands" and "declined wild lands, which could rise only after reunion with Russia" Ukrianian history also relativly long time didn't consider this age as "our", just because Ukraine wasn't formal sovereign state in that time. But soon great books of our medievist Natalia Yakovenko appeared about this period, about Ukrainian nobles in service of PLC, so we could discover more this terra incognita. Interesting that in 2010 pro-Russian fractions in Parliament blocked the bill of 600-year anniversary celebration of Grunwald battle, because "this wasn't Ukrainian history" %)
  16. Yes, full unit name: 30th mech.brigade named after kniaz' (prince) Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi. Dislocation - Zviahel' town (former name Novohrad-Volynskyi), Volyn', ancestral land of Ostrozkyi's dinasty.
  17. Sabateurs of "Freedom for Russia" set on fire Su-27 fighter on Tsentralnaya Uglovaya airbase in Artyom town near Vladivostok. 22nd fighter aviation regiment is dislocated there
  18. Russians blow up own unoperational helicopter Mi-8AMTSh on Hostomel airfield before withdrawing
  19. Some news from Vuhledar direction Likely Russians conduct "negative advance" during their Vuhledar offensive, so now UKR Maviks can fly free over the center of Mykilske village on southern bank of river and to drop bomblets on their abandoned light armor 11 captured servicemen of Russian 155th naval infantry brigade - UKR soldier asks them how much time they already in army and theese guys say very long terms of service - only one of them served 2 months, other says 3-5 years, 7 years, 10 years and even one 17 years. Then, captives say about their units - only first guy, who served 2 months signed contract exactly with 155th brigade, other - Pacific Fleet sailors, transferred from ships to 155th brigade as infantry.
  20. Colonel Douglas McGregor with news from parallel universe %)
  21. @sburke Lt.colonel Stanislav Posternak, commander of AA-gun battery of AA-battalion of unknown tank regiment (it's starnge, because lt.colonel is a duty for battalion commander). Was killed on 1st of March 2023 near Mykilske village Donetsk oblast (Vuhledar direction) Lt.colonel (retired) Denis Gusev, last place of service - Directorate of Rosgvardiya troops in Penza oblast. After war has started he enlisted to service again. Unit unknown. Was killed on 26th of June 2022 in Popasne village (not to be confused with Popasna town), Luhansk oblast, Siverodonetsk direction.
  22. Very bad decision to gather in mob inside poor blindage, when you have seen drone-bomber
  23. Lancet against Stormer ... and likely Excalibur against Buk M2 or even M3 PS. Excalibur against Osa
  24. I was involved in 13th century re-enactment and was in Chersk in 2013 ) Series always have some "author vision", it's just a question - to what degree when developments turn out into pure fantasy or "by motives". I read then about persons of AK and developments, mentioned in this movie, and has found, that discrepancies and "author vision" is not so hight to call this series terrible. It was interest to watch, my wife especially liked Lars Rainer because he was showed as interest and non-standard character ) In Ukraine alas, there are no even such "terrible" series. There were three attempts to make movies about UPA, but they turned out more in style of "Ukrainian poetic movie", than historical films.
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