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  1. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Cuddles the Warmonger in How about some basic advice for those of us new to modern?   
    I think its in your best interest to stop posting for now.
  2. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Shorker in How about some basic advice for those of us new to modern?   
    Oh boy, yeah both sides have plenty of new toys that make the LAW look like a pea shooter. Lets go through the list (Mainly because I have far too much time on my hands).
    AT-4- Basically the replacement for the LAW its a single fire hand-held anti tank/emplacement rocket launcher, US squads are equipped generously with the AT-4. This baby can be fired from up to 300 meters away, after that its accuracy is diminished severely, however distance does not decrease penetration power, it is fully capable of penetrating up to 450mm of armor. Unfortunately it will probably have trouble with more advanced Russian tanks like the T-90 that sport Kontakt-5 ERA armor, firing from the side or rear though it is probably a guaranteed penetration and kill. The AT-4CS which is modeled in game can also be fired safely from inside buildings, without risk of injury from back-blast.
    AT-4 in action-
    Javelin Missile Launcher- The Javelin is one of the US strongest hand-held anti tank launcher systems in the world (Probably the best in the world honestly, no bias here I promise ), its effective range is about 2500m but it requires at least 75 to arm and acquire the target, it is also fire and forget. The Javelin consists of two parts, the CLU (Command launch unit) and the tube itself that carries the missile (Which is disposable), the javelin can be reused as long as i has a CLU unit, and missiles of course. When a Javelin is fired there is no warning, it is all done through passive IR tracking on the CLU, an interesting characteristic to the javelin is that once it is fired, it will climb high up into the sky above the target and attack the top of the tank, this means that there really is no way to defeat a javelin missile in that launch mode, it is to high for an APS (Active protection system) system to defeat and top armor isn't very thick on any Russian tank. A javelin can also fire horizontally, but this means it is at the mercy of an APS like arena which can knock it out of the sky. Make sure to grab Javelins out of the back of Bradleys, they are invaluable, and tip the scales immensely in US favor against armor. Oh yeah and don't miss they cost about 80K a pop!
    Javelin Missile in action-
    TOW 2-B Anti tank missile- The infamous TOW ATGM missile is usually mounted on APC's such as the Bradley, but can also be mounted on a tripod for infantry use, the TOW is wire guided and its launcher contains its own thermal imaging system for target aquisition. What is special about the TOW-2B (Emphasis on the B is that it is also a top attack munition much like the javelin, only the TOW-2B detonates above the target horizontally and fires an penetrator straight into the top, the TOW is vulnerable to APS though so be careful!
    TOW-2B in action- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUMxZ34Ptco
    These are the main "hand-held" anti tank weapons that the US uses...with weapons like the Javelin its almost like were cheating isn't it?
  3. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from LukeFF in How about some basic advice for those of us new to modern?   
    You are kidding...right?
    I mean I can't even begin to tell you everything wrong with what you just said.

  4. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from astano in Black Sea manual: get it here while it's hot!   
    Battlefront is love, Battlefront is life.
  5. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in CM Black Sea - Beta Battle Report - US/UKR Side   
    Guys, go watch some of ChrisND's videos and you will see that the Russians can fight the US, instead of relying on a single relatively unbalanced scenario at this point to base off all your judgement on the game. Remember this AAR is good for spectacle, it makes people come back and read and want the product through what is shown (You get to see the abrams, the bradleys, Russian tanks, all that good stuff). This isn't representative of every single scenario you are going to play.
    Now that that's out of the way...crush em pnzr...
    ...What can I say, I am a patriot!

  6. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from agusto in How about some basic advice for those of us new to modern?   
    - US Army advanced night vision optics.
    Everything can die very, very. VERY quickly, it is absolutely vital you find the enemy before he finds you. Tanks like the Abrams and T-90AM have sophisticated optics packages that include thermal and night vision, if you can see the enemy chances are he sees you! Infantry at night are also an entirely new ball game, US forces have fancy new night vision goggles that incorporate both NV and thermal, effectively turning them into predator (Creepy huh?) , Russian and Ukrainian forces sport night vision as well but mostly only on there rifle optics, darkness is no where near the obstacle it was back in World War 2.
    Theres more of course, but I will let everyone else chime in so I don't have to write an essay, I think these are the most important though really!
    Edit: Check out ChrisND's videos here, he does a great job explaining and showing stuff off- https://www.youtube.com/user/NormalDude1066
  7. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Doug Williams in How about some basic advice for those of us new to modern?   
    - US Army advanced night vision optics.
    Everything can die very, very. VERY quickly, it is absolutely vital you find the enemy before he finds you. Tanks like the Abrams and T-90AM have sophisticated optics packages that include thermal and night vision, if you can see the enemy chances are he sees you! Infantry at night are also an entirely new ball game, US forces have fancy new night vision goggles that incorporate both NV and thermal, effectively turning them into predator (Creepy huh?) , Russian and Ukrainian forces sport night vision as well but mostly only on there rifle optics, darkness is no where near the obstacle it was back in World War 2.
    Theres more of course, but I will let everyone else chime in so I don't have to write an essay, I think these are the most important though really!
    Edit: Check out ChrisND's videos here, he does a great job explaining and showing stuff off- https://www.youtube.com/user/NormalDude1066
  8. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Slow command, spotting, and fatigue   
    It all depends on what the enemy can see, if he can see the first floor, second and third than yes you would want to slow all the way up, if he can only see the third than you only need to do it for the 2nd-3rd. It all depends on the situation, if your that worried about it crawl the whole way!
    As for not being able to see while crawling...you can just not as well, not sure why you think you can't see ANYTHING.
  9. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Na Vaske in Prepared positions?   
    It absolutely does approve of prepared positions (It varies obviously, the battlefield is a fickle beast!)  for modern armor, every combat engineer formation (As far as I am concerned, and my friend who is an US army combat engineer) has specialists who can dig prepared hull-down positions like the one above. If I am not mistaken (Again, pnzrldr will probably come in here and tell me how stupid I am hehe) US armored formations also have specially equipped vehicles for entrenching tanks. The Russians on the other hand have there tanks designed in such a way to where they can dig in by themselves, its hard to describe, but its got something to do with the shape of the front of the vehicle.
  10. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from frez13 in sell on Steam?   
    Yeah Steve stop having a rational and calm argument with people!
    This is actually nice, everyone got a few answers and the discussion is still going, if your bitter about it at this point just leave the thread, NO ONE is making you stay and read it.
  11. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from m0317624 in sell on Steam?   
    Yeah Steve stop having a rational and calm argument with people!
    This is actually nice, everyone got a few answers and the discussion is still going, if your bitter about it at this point just leave the thread, NO ONE is making you stay and read it.
  12. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Rinaldi in Shock Force was an argument for Strykers. Black Sea is an argument against them.   
    Hehe, that's a metaphor for the entire game.
  13. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from JSj in sell on Steam?   
    Steam doesn't discount your games if you don't want them discounted...
  14. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from JSj in sell on Steam?   
    Once again like I pointed out in the other thread, people that want CM on Steam are not out to ruin CM we want it to succeed and do even better than it is right now. Treating new guys who come on to the site to see if it will be available on Steam like dirt does nothing except show how ignorant this community can be to new ideas, and that goes for including new features in game as well as steam.
  15. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from JSj in sell on Steam?   
    You are being just as ignorant/aggressive as the person you were just arguing with, obviously some of its customer base DOES want it on Steam (Including me) because topics are made pretty often by members new or old. Being a newer FORUM member means nothing if the person has been playing CM since it came out and didn't want to participate on the forums until now.
    You really need to step off your high horse and accept the fact that Steam is something that is around and people like to use, some even in this community.
  16. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from JSj in sell on Steam?   
    I don't remember a time there was a Steam outage in the past two years or so,  what you experienced was scheduled maintenance that happens around a certain time that I am sure you can look up. During that maintenance time if you are not logged in you can not login to Steam, however if you are online you will automatically be switched to offline mode.
  17. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from frez13 in sell on Steam?   
    You would be surprised at the number of people who play games like Hearts of Iron 3 on Steam and games like Panzer Corp from Matrix. Now Panzer Corp isn't as complex but there are people out there who if they are exposed to it will probably love Combat Mission, people just don't know it exists. A demo on Steam for Red Thunder for example, would be a great way to gauge if this is the kind of game people are looking for on Steam.
  18. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from frez13 in sell on Steam?   
    Once again like I pointed out in the other thread, people that want CM on Steam are not out to ruin CM we want it to succeed and do even better than it is right now. Treating new guys who come on to the site to see if it will be available on Steam like dirt does nothing except show how ignorant this community can be to new ideas, and that goes for including new features in game as well as steam.
  19. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Spitzenhund in sell on Steam?   
    I don't remember a time there was a Steam outage in the past two years or so,  what you experienced was scheduled maintenance that happens around a certain time that I am sure you can look up. During that maintenance time if you are not logged in you can not login to Steam, however if you are online you will automatically be switched to offline mode.
  20. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Ballistic missiles and missile defense systems   
    I don't understand why that would be a reason to not make a Cold War CM, just write the story like any other Cold war war-game that doesn't involve nuclear weapons. If that is truly the reason it is a very weak one, CM Fulda Gap (for example) would be a great way to include thousands upon thousands of different tactical scenarios involving a large variety of nations, units and locations.
  21. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from LukeFF in CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side   
    You haven't been watching, listening, or reading very closely then...
  22. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar reacted to pnzrldr in CM Black Sea - Beta Battle Report - US/UKR Side   
    On the north side of the hill, the remnants of 3rd Platoon were still being ground down by the advancing Russian BMP-3s and infantry.  The Platoon leader came staggering back through the forest and collapsed by a tree, falling next to the last two surviving dismounted infantrymen from his small command, both bleeding from multiple shrapnel wounds to their faces and upper torsos. 
    “Sir, are you okay?”  one asked.  The Lieutenant’s haggard face told the story as he just stared at the man in obvious shock.  In that instant, another burst of lethal 30mm cannon fire struck, directed by the thermal sights on an unseen enemy vehicle, and the officer fell forward on his face and was still.  The two infantrymen cried out in panic, then both began crawling away from the source of the fire, one whimpering in fear and the other snarling in impotent rage.

    Note:  BMP in background is destroyed Ukrainian 3d Platoon vehicle.  
    In Krichek, KPT Kovtun knew that the Russians were up to something.  The artillery  continued to hammer down, but there was simply not enough fire or probing coming from the far side of the river, especially given the destruction of one of an enemy BMP over there by his ATGM team several minutes ago.  Someone or something should have been hunting, searching, trying to pin down the missile team or flush out its comrades.  He called the BMP2 section which had moved up and taken position along the row of houses on the west, facing the river. 
    “Borsuk 11, have you seen anything?  Any activity from the far side?”
    “Nothing Viktor, hang on, I’ll move up and take a quick look.”
    “Borsuk 11, this is Vovk, Hang on 11, don’t do anything stupid.”
    “Trust me Viktor – we are good on this.”
    An instant later a Kovtun heard the unmistakable hammering of outgoing 30mm fire, over the shriek of another incoming artillery shell.  As his ears were still ringing from the tremendous detonation, he gradually heard the voice calling again on his radio.
    “Vovk, this is Borsuk 21…  Vovk this is Borsuk 21…”  with a heavy heart, already knowing Kovtun took a deep breath and replied.
    “Go ahead 21.” 
    “11 is destroyed.  We never saw what did it.  His track is burning.  No one got out.” 
    “21 this is Vovk, do me a favor and don’t DIE in the next five minutes.  Keep scanning but keep YOUR heads down.  We need your track, your cannon, and your missiles!  Stay under cover and respect the enemy’s abilities.  Vovk out.”  He passed the handset back to his RTO, making a deliberate effort not to throw it against the wall, and carefully peeling his white-clenched fingers from the black plastic.  An instant later, he took it back and spoke again.
    “Brytva 22, this is Vovk.  Move to checkpoint 2 and observe.”
    “This is Brytva 22, understood.  Moving.  I have permission to shoot?”
    Podpulkovnyk Tymoshenko stepped into the room.
    “You are committing the Tunguska?”
    “Brytva 22, destroy anything you see.  Out”  Kovtun gave his Air Defense Commander a hard look. 
    “Yes Sir.  It is needed.  We have lost too many combat vehicles, and now 11 has stupidly gotten himself and his crew obliterated.  I need a check on the south, and it must be fast, and lethal if anything is there.  Brytva 21 on the other side has done quite well, although he said he saw nothing from his new position.”
    “Absolutely.  Good, I approve.  I trust you Viktor.  Keep the fight going.  Levchenko will get here with the Americans.” 
    Outside, Major Harris drew the same conclusion from both the sounds of cooking off ammo from the recently destroyed BMP up the street, as well as the radio traffic which he and Beach were monitoring.  He too drew out his handset:
    “Guiness, this is five, over.”  As a small team, the SFAT had adopted informal call signs.  SPC O’Brian was well known for his heritage, and his favorite beverage.
    “Five this is Guiness.”
    “Need you to get over to TRP 2 like we discussed.  Seen anything? Figure you can make it?”
    “Roger.  We can make it.  The green boyos over here saw a couple dismounts earlier, but they laid into them with their AGS and we haven’t seen any movement since.  I think our move is still masked.  Same mission?”
    “Roger, just like we rehearsed, over.”
    “Guiness moving.  We’ll be back in a bit with notches on our CLU.  Out.”
    One hundred meters away, the SPC O’Brian picked up the Javelin launcher, tapped PVT Metcalf on the shoulder, and headed quickly down towards the river bridge, carefully skirting the anti-tank mines laid on either side of the road.

    At the Ukepor Power Plant, LT Lysenko grinned as he spoke into his mike. 
    “Yes, that is in there.  Fire for effect.”
    The infantry in the field had dropped from view, discouraged by a few bursts from his squad in the entry building, and the mortar spotting rounds had bracketed the position where he had last seen the Russian truck and troops.  He hoped the mortar boys would fire fast so he could shift them closer into the field.  He doubted his few men could hold off a platoon of determined Russians. 
    Starshiy Kostenko knew he was a dead man.  The 2nd Platoon private was on the ground, crawling past the body of one of his comrades, trying to follow his section leader back down the hill to the west, away from the murderous fire from inside the trees.  It was like a horrible story to tell little children.  From dark shadows beyond sight inside the trees, the forest had suddenly belched fire and flame, and all around him men had fallen.  His own thighs and cheek burned with shrapnel, and he felt the warm sticky wetness of his own blood on his pant legs as he crawled.  Suddenly, right behind him, he heard a crashing roaring clatter of sound.  He turned his head and saw the Russian beast, a BMP-3, a mere stones throw behind him.  He swung his rocket launcher around, and thought to himself how sad his mother would be…

  23. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar reacted to pnzrldr in CM Black Sea - Beta Battle Report - US/UKR Side   
    P.S.  Please do keep voting up the posts. If I cannot defeat Bil on the battlefield, perhaps I can amass more 'forum reputation points' than him!  Ha!
  24. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from agusto in CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side   
    Psychological warfare, I love it!
  25. Upvote
    AttorneyAtWar got a reaction from Simon1279 in ChrisND Stream Footage   
    ChrisND showed off some Black Sea footage Live today and posted it on Youtube, so I thought I would make sure everyone gets to see it!

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