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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Yeah, thanks. They indeed seem to be very deadly... but the low count of APDS in a loadout and a subpar performance of a 57mm AP however makes IV a rather "glass cannon"
  2. Indeed, CMGL's IV works for CMBN just fine. Thanks... If there is indeed no Churchill VII for CMBN (at least an active link) I'll see what I can do with a crocodile version and Photoshop
  3. Oh boy WW2 era typical kinetic rounds are something entirely different for sure, essentially being oversized bullets. But there also some sabot rounds present here and there. Would a 57mm APDS fired from a Churchill IV even compare to a 75mm slug fired from Sherman? Would a 76 mm brit M10 APDS outperform an 88mm German AP round? Surely even during a relative infancy of sabot rounds they should pose a huge threat due to smaller mass, better acceleration and the devastating force focus in a very small point?
  4. Hello, I've been digging through CMMods and getting all the skins by Aristoteles when I've noticed that Churchill VII is missing. The only one that is there is with crocodile modification - so that skin doesn't work with a basic VII (and doesn't fit the model when textures are appropriately renamed). Doing a google search however it appears there was Aris Churchill VII present some time ago at Battlefront's own repository - however that link leads to nowhere now. So is there Aris Churchill VII skin somewhere? And did somebody do a Churchill IV (57mm one) skin mod? Would be nice to have
  5. Not any less than in CM. The command point limitation is there to introduce a similar system like WeGo except in real-time where you can't just change orders whenever you wish or give them out to 10 units at the same time. Other than that it's only tough for infantry most of the time but due to predominantly open and flat maps instead of mechanics - you can tell armored combat is the primary focus here. But that's one of the reasons why CM is a superior game all in all
  6. There never will be low casualties in large urban battles. At first I thought I was doing something wrong too, but as I was looking up and asking for solutions just like you - I just had to accept that it will always be dirty, no matter the tactics. The safest way to get through some house is to level it. Sometimes you'll end up either killing all guys inside or routing them through the sheer amount of firepower concentrated before the house goes down - and then you can go about capturing it.
  7. Graviteam Tactics is very good. But its learning curve can break your desire to play it. That said it's the only other strategy game that models tank warfare to such degree, if not better. Also freeform campaigns. Steel Armor is the same engine and is a very good tank sim. Syrian Warfare is... Oh boi. Let's just say it's not a realistic wargame and is equal to Russia Today being a game CM Black Sea is a great choice and is definitely the most realistic modern warfare strategy game. And do note that despite being the same engine modern and WW2 eras CM play differently. Modern era is about stealth, long range and 1 shot 1 kill. WW2 is a lot more about brute force and staying together
  8. Very different beasts, despite some similarities. Compared MoW has clear roots from a popular RTS subgenre (without the base building) where you gather "resources" and "build" units. That it also tries to have any realism is certainly a plus - but in the end it's the same easily disposable nigh-unlimited troops that will sacrifice themselves at your mere click, arbitrary point capture and hold and roster being more or less balanced to not give any side an unfair advantage e.g. gamey. It is certainly a very fun game and surprisingly nice to play. My favorite "gamey" RTS together with Wargame. Combat Mission on the other hand is clearly inspired by Close Combat (the 2nd generation CM more so than the first) - your troops are limited, they matter and they don't want to die, having morale or even names. And the game couldn't care less about being fair. A German Koenigstiger will murder a dozen Shermans without blinking before their subpar optics will even spot one. Abrams will eat T72B3 and T90A for dinner at 2km+ at night because of its advanced FLIR resolution. It will provide you with challenge you never hoped for from typical RTS games and every dead soldier will hurt (especially in modern era titles where soldier roles are clearly defined versus WW2 era where you just had 12 dudes armed with samey bolt action rifles). That you lost all your men in MoW is exactly because of that. in CM your troops know better than to rush the enemy and help you not make mistakes through staying away from trouble as best as they can. In MoW it's very easy to lose if you will just rush your squad at a static enemy's one which can easily break your whole dynamics for the whole game due to you having to wait while you get those arbitrary purchase points back.
  9. AI in CM games works much the same as they do in games like DCS or ArmA. A simplified explanation would be that they have a set of waypoints and goals they have to reach and they would do just that. So they won't suddenly adjust the major plan to your actions (unless scripted in triggers but no triggers in QB) However along the way they still have a microAI working which will react to immediate issues - that would cause them to stop, retreat, take cover or take a detour. A well scripted mission can be very challenging and unpredictable. And there are enough of those in base games and from this community. QB however is more like a skirmish in more common RTS like Men of War but still fun
  10. AI force selection in QB is still "broken" as described but you can select its roster instead. And by "broken" people mean that it would select a standard preset structure from the list with all points it can regardless of your own force selection. Again it's not a problem since you can select AI roster yourself for a lot more interesting challenge. I only wish there was an option to set the amount of purchase points (instead of an abstract force size) and save QB presets
  11. OK, I have a strong urge to purchase some CM title but due to a certain other sale incoming I have to limit myself to only a single one. Since this is almost an 'Xmas bones time' I have a question that perhaps has a chance of getting a helpful answer. You see - while I want a CM title - it's CMSF2 that I want the most. And since the last news had it going into an alpha testing stage a few months back is there a chance it's not too far around the corner and I'd be better off holding onto my moneys for a while? Certainly don't want to buy a CM title right now only to learn tomorrow I have CMSF2 to purchase. And I want to buy a CM title
  12. It's just more comfortable to have 2-3 files than a folder full of them to me. Also I play the game, so I keep my mod folder updated with the latest ... not that CMBS gets new mods often
  13. I have a personal pack with mods, all integrated in a pair of brz files (drop into data folder) - sky/vehicles/explosions/buildings (incl. aforementioned Kieme's except also with transparent window fixes) etc. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_qMvBAUtfH0YnozZmlVMk5OQmM
  14. Getting PE version - which is almost identical to the main one, except for mostly MP limitations - is not that hard provided you have the money. And at one point you could've even had it for free through a bit of luck. I've won one in a 11th BIS anniversary competition. The real question is why would you want one now, since they've dropped PE altogether and the most recent version in many regards now trails ArmA3 and with a few mods like ACE3 you bring the otherwise missing realism back.
  15. Playing against AI I just set up QB with whatever I want to fight with versus whatever I want to fight against - within reason of course - and have fun. It's easy to have a good setup even by using just common sense. Like it will take another tank company to get rid of that tank company. You won't send armor to take out defending infantry inside a dense urban area. But you can send an infantry to get rid of a mechanized battalion inside an urban area. Likewise you won't have infantry meet said mechanized battalion in the open field. And of course an attacker or assaulter has to have an adequate advantage in numbers over the defender. In a meeting engagement have more liberty with the numbers. Like when I started handpicking OOB for AI instead of having it done automatically I was surprised at how much more fun fighting a QB was
  16. Win10 is definitely better and faster than win7. You just have to run OOSU10 and click once in it to fix everything.
  17. Keyboard shortcuts are perfectly fine in a tank sim but being able to use, tweak, set up same controls in a virtual cockpit always adds to the immersion. In Steel Beasts and Steel Armor I enjoy pressing stuff with a mouse here or there, now and then - because it's just cool.
  18. More tank sims - the merrier. But also depends on how they will depict them. Judging by numbers promised and how Il2 is - they most likely won't be interactive - just like planes. On the other hand that would be weird since tank instruments are infinitely simpler than airplanes. Clicking stuff is FUN.
  19. If that was anywhere even remotely close to reality - they would not stop for a moment. Like they didn't in a nearly dozen other wars for the past two decades. But apparently that is not the case in this case. After all this is the first time since Cold War where they invade a country that has more or less adequate armament and troop numbers compared to much smaller countries russkies have wrecked havoc in before and still do (see their behavior in Syria where they just level whole cities outright despite what UN/US etc says).
  20. If we start all being Cpt. Hindsight in here - Battlefront depicts BM Oplots (that are more or less just around the corner and beyond prototype stage in reality and 2017 ain't over yet) but doesn't give Ukrainians UAVs (which the army uses extensively since 2014), thermal vision (which is more or less a thing now on a ground troop level) and has troops wearing dubok camo which nobody wears in the timeframe in reality. Battlefront did a well-informed guesstimate but even then, with Oplots, depicted Ukrainian army to be weaker than it should be given improvements in the past 3 years. And that's with a real-life conflict getting localized instead of a bigger invasion which would most likely hurry up things even further. The roster for everyone is more than adequate and it is certainly not fantasy like Il2 1946
  21. See now? Building a company of Oplots takes less time than CMBS expansion
  22. Maybe Oplot drove over his dog during test runs
  23. Oh BM Oplot certainly doesn't exist - that's why Ukraine isn't afraid to put one for kids to jump on
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