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Posts posted by AlexUK

  1. 12 hours ago, MikeyD said:

    Ah! That Marine close combat manual looks just like a CM tutorial!

    The longer a unit stays hunkered down at a location the more difficult he is to spot. So get to your overwatch spot early, lay there and hide for a bit until you become part of the scenery, then start observing. It should be mentioned once you start firing your location's going to be known so initial 'stealth' will only get you so far.

    These little bits of the engine are great! I didn't realise that the longer the unit is in position the more difficult it is to spot. Makes perfect sense. Cool!

  2. I think mantlet penetrations are worth looking into.


    I thought mantlets acted as additional armour, with the hill armour still underneath, and from head on they are often curved. 

    Edit - just to be clear, what I am referring to above are mantlet penetrations that also penetrate the main armour.

    No expert but seems a problem when I play 

  3. 1 hour ago, BFCElvis said:

    Let me ask you guys something. Ith and I had a little message exchange this morning and I got the impression he had posted right up to before my tak slaughter. Which means that I'm a bit ahead of him again. Would you like for me to post something now or hold off until we've caught up with each other? We're about 4 or 5 turns ahead of what you've seen so far. And your hero has not given up hope. I still feel like this thing is about even and could break my way pretty easily.

    Personally speaking, I'm still recovering from the pain of the last few posts....


    I hope you can turn it around.

  4. 19 minutes ago, jxrey said:

    Thanks.  Except for a barn far off to one side, and a far-off house on the other side,  the houses in question are all in one row.  While one was unoccupied, it would’ve been almost as difficult to take that one, so i opted for taking the occupied structure next door instead.  

    Once inside a building, is there anything in particular you can do to keep your men alive?   The ai was surviving in these same buildings ten times longer than i was and while a lot of it must have to do with the differences in experience between my men and theirs, the contrast is so massive that it leads me to think that I’m missing something.  Perhaps theres a command or location in the building that would significantly improve my survival chances? 

    Also, I’ve recently read that the target light command is better for harming troops inside buildings. Is that true?   

    Finally, despite some research, i’m confused about grenades.  Let’s say one of my squads have grenade launchers and they’re 30-60 yards from one of these buildings.  Is there a command that would maximize the use of grenades by the squad and could one of those grenades, by chance, go through a window and detonate inside the building?  

    It's been a long while since I've played. I seem to remember the barn is a deathtrap, hardly any protection. 

    One thing maybe worth doing is to try to suppress multiple buildings at once with your MGs, so the new occupiers are not immediately under accurate fire. Suppression may not stop the enemy from firing altogether but it will mean their fire is less effective (eg less accurate), that is what I believe is the case anyway. 

    Grenades have a max range. Currently no 'throw grenade' command, wish there was. 

    Rifle Grenade launchers are different, and they can explode inside a building and be effective. 

  5. I haven't played the scenario for a while, but smoke mauy be handy to use to block sightlines from other defended buildings, but be careful it doesn't block sight to your support fire on the building itself - used the wrong way it would give the defenders time to recover just as your assault is going in. 

    Are there unoccupied buildings you could take before storming the occupied ones? That would give you the benefit of the added protection, and you could flank fire? 

  6. 1 hour ago, BFCElvis said:

    Yeah. When @benpark posted the picture the evil part of  me thought how perfect it would be to post it. Partly because there is a graphical glitch in the current beta version of it that would stop me from otherwise posting a something including it. 

    And @AlexUK we're working on starting up an AAR. We really want to avoid what happened with Rome to Victory. So we won't be starting it right away. But discussions have been taking place.

    Great, looking forward to it! 

  7. 4 hours ago, General Jack Ripper said:

    Casualties are not random. Soldiers armed with automatic weapons are a higher priority for the TACAI to shoot. Leaders armed with SMG's and Gunners armed with LMG's stick out like a big neon sign saying 'Kill This Man First'.

    The only way to mitigate leader casualties is to not expose them to so much fire. I usually split off an Assault Team from each squad as a way to protect the squad leader until use of their SMG and grenades becomes necessary. Otherwise they sit out of SMG range and use their binos while the team's rifles do the shooting.

    I find rifles are so ineffective I almost discount them. I'm probably wrong in that.... 


    I'm guessing I'm talking about bolt actions here. 

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