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Posts posted by AlexUK

  1. 10 hours ago, Ultradave said:

    Can you give any more details? What was going on?  I've run through the Training Scenario a few times and tried every combination of save game, resume, quit, resume saved game, and it has never crashed. In fact, the beta or demo hasn't crashed on me for many versions.  For reference I have a MacBook Pro, early 2015, OS X 10.14 Mojave. No issues with upgrading to Mojave.

    I can't remember when it was. I played Alamo again, and it crashed again after about 10 turns, on playback. 

    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009)

    NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT 256 MB

    2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

  2. 10 hours ago, IanL said:

    No, CMSF2 has all three trees off / tree trunks in close / trees on. The tree trunk only is just more like no leaves for some of the free models. A three tree settings are there.

    Are you talking about the demo? In my version there is only:

    All trees on

    All trees, no foliage, only skeleton (nearby trees are still full skeleton)

    No trees.



  3. 10 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

    It's still in there on my machine, if I understand you correctly.


    Eek! See IanL's earlier post.

    It's not on my mine. To be clear, the option Near Trees Off showed stumps for the trees nearby, full foliage for the ones further away. This is no longer available in the demo I'm running - is it available for you?

  4. 26 minutes ago, Buzz said:


    The real fun time treat is playing Battlefront Combat Mission games on the LG OLED55B7A -55” :D Thunderbolt 3 to HDMI cable to LG 55" & Yamaha audio system is the best gaming experience I have ever had. Only get to play this way when Ms. Buzz is out of the house because the house shakes when the battle is underway ;) 

    Wth the 2018 MacBookPro laptop and the  HUGE OLED 55"  .... no  flickering issues with Battlefront Combat Mission games including the CM Shock Force 2 DEMO👍


    Gah! When I ever have enough money saved to buy a new machine, will you be able to give some more details on your setup, sounds amazing!

    I always thought that the 'mobile' graphics cards in the MBP led to poor performance. Any chance of a YouTube video of how it looks?

  5. 2 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Well, there's at least one exception to every rule :)


    Make that at least two. I play no other games, been playing since CMBO. Nothing else I have played comes close. I am confident that when you release something it will be high quality. I also appreciate very much the effort you put in to fixing the things that don’t work.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Sequoia said:

    Just teasing Harry. I'm a birder myself. What the barely heard birdsong is in the background is not something I pay attention to when playing though. I'm also into Astronomy and though having the correct Moon phase and time of Sunrise and Sunset for a certain scenario based on date can be important, I don't pay attention to the Constellations even though they are in fact correct. I think that was a feature Battlefront added from a Third Party program. I'm also in the Dairy Industry, and so far Battlefront has had pretty much the right kind of dead cows. :) If not that would be easy to mod. Someone did do a Normandie breed of dead cow for CMBN which was an even better fit for that game. :)

    I'm a bit of a birder too, the CMBN birdsong doesn't fit well at all, unfortunately. 

    It would be cool to have the soundtrack change depending on where you place the camera.

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