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Everything posted by Ultradave

  1. I don't know what it is about RT that makes it a bit crankier than the other titles. I tried a lot of different things. The good news is that eventually it works! Dave
  2. Rhode Island Energy (part of PPL), has raised our gas price, almost double the charge/kWh from summer. It matches the raw cost of natural gas pretty well, though, so really can't complain. Our heating bills won't be double though because the gas/unit cost is only about 40% of the bill. The rest is distribution, which hasn't changed. We live in a house built in 1901 but it's pretty tight, well insulated, and we just had it resided this summer which included Tyvek house wrap. We have forced air gas heat and a gas stove. Hot water though is oil, and we have underfloor hot water radiant heat in our "sunroom" which the previous owners installed to make it 4 season room. Plus electric. So we have low total costs spring and fall, but high electric in the summer to run a couple of window AC units, and high gas in the winter for heating. Overall though, it's significantly cheaper than the previous house we had that was completely ceiling radiant electric heat. And that house was built in the 70s.
  3. Geez, it was just yesterday. Ok, I created a quick and dirty scenario and concur. This issue was reported for US tank crew and is marked resolved. I added a note and reopened it for the Soviet crews. Here's my grenade launcher gunner. The fixed US soldiers previously looked like this. Dave
  4. Yes, can confirm. Only this one that I've run into. Dave
  5. I'm 66 and a cancer survivor. I still run 4 times a week, bike, and swim at the Y. Took a bit to get back to seriousness after chemo but feeling strong now. One thing they told me was that they see that people who are in good health and good shape have the fewest issues handling chemo. Gotta' say I'm glad I WAS in good shape because chemo was a b1tch. Don't recommend. Zero stars out of 5. My wife is also a runner. She's 68 and looks like she's about 50. Our ultra running days are behind us but I can't stop running. Dave
  6. Yes, so far so good. I haven't lost any Panthers yet to long range fire so that's good. Dave
  7. Actually my RT has a bunch of mods, now that there is no RT testing going on. No issues. Dave
  8. I'm in my 60s and I missed Vietnam by years. Any Vietnam vets these days are 70 at least, most are older. A 70 year old would have just made it before the withdrawal. Dave
  9. I just returned my turn 005 to Tim, with no issues. Did my initial first moves. I think we're good. I did have that initial turn nothingness, so it was like my second turn was what I'm used to for the first. So I'm not sure what the problem could be. It's working fine it seems. I'm using CM Helper on my end and have no problems. Dave
  10. My first turn did nothing except save and pass on to @Vacillator (Tim). I was the one initiating (Player 1, German). My second turn had me set the password. Other than that though, it's working and turns being passed, so far. I was wondering the first turn why it didn't ask me to set a pw. Dave
  11. Wasn't that long ago we did the same, really. It's only been in the last 10 years or so that there is much more emphasis on PTSD, and veterans mental health. Before that there was a lot of "use them up and discard when then become a problem". Soldiers were given General Discharges rather than treatment. Things have recently improved dramatically with both awareness and treatment. Dave
  12. The only thing to add to this is that if you include lots of waypoints across a broad vineyard field, the infantry *may* follow your instructions. They may still get partway in, run to the end and go around. There is also greater chance of them going straight across if they are on fast, as opposed to move. But there is a lot of variability in the width of the field, and how close to an end the infantry is, that makes if pretty unpredictable. I don't know of a way to absolutely force them to go across in every circumstance, no matter how many waypoints you use. Dave
  13. One has only to have lived through the Harpoon series version/mod/spawn debacle and hate and discontent to see the reasoning behind this. Dave
  14. I have no SA voices. Checked Reno River, the SA campaign and made a quick and dirty scenario. Nothing. No voices at all. I have 2.11, and reinstalled it just to make sure. I'm on a Mac. Not sure if that makes a difference or not. Dave
  15. As I recall, they were, but some were missing (which could be your noted misspellings) and others were there but distorted. It's been a while and to be honest I haven't been back to those scenarios after extensive play testing. Reno River is one. Plus the campaign. Maybe I'll set up a test scenario and play around. Dave
  16. Update. It appears the ticket was reopened some time after R2V release because of reports of missing voices. It was noted during Beta. For example some were there but playing at super slow speed, some missing, etc. I thought that had been resolved before issue, but maybe I'm not remembering correctly. Dave
  17. That was a problem during Beta, but I had thought it was fixed. I'll check. Dave
  18. Might be specific to PBEM++, because if you open any CW scenario and work on setup, save and reopen the saved game your saved setup is still there. Unfortunately, I use a Mac so I can't check anything in regards to PBEM++. If you open the same scenario as a single player, check that you can save a partial setup and return. That will tell you if it's only PBEM++ I don't know that it would necessarily be a bug. It could have something to do with the way PBEM++ is implemented to prevent players from reloading and re-doing turns, but it does make it inconvenient for setup where you have a lot of work to do. Dave
  19. There is an open ticket (from a year ago) still open, for the M48 and M60 rear sprocket wheels not moving. As far as why it's not yet fixed - I'm just a beta tester and don't have visibility into what gets fixed when. As for the T-80s, ignoring the expletive, I took that screen shot with my graphics settings on "Improved" and my T-80s in Valley of Ashes look fine from that view. I tried to duplicate your view, and tried it with shaders and shadows, every combination of on/off of those. With shadows on it was hard to tell because they are in shadow from the near trees, but other than that, they look better than yours, anyway, @Artkin. Are you using lower graphics settings? I can run it on "Best" with shaders and it looks like this. (of course the screen shot doesn't look quite as good as in game).
  20. We haven't fielded anything yet and the Russians have though. So there is an opportunity. Of course I doubt the Russians will be interested since their main goal whenever this ends will be to replenish what they expended. My comment was more intended to be facetious. Once we withdrew from the treaty rather than make an attempt to close loopholes or negotiate better compliance, the door was pretty much closed to restarting it. Things have moved on. Dave
  21. Mine look ok, taken from about the same angle. I also don't get those solid fence lines that you have in the first shot. Dave
  22. This may be the solution to the breakdown of the INF Treaty between the US and Russia. Russia won't have any more left to eliminate, and it's not like we've resurrected or developed a substitute for Pershings since we canned the treaty. Put the treaty back in place before Russia can rebuild after this is over. Dave [edit] this was intended to be facetious. sorry for the confusion.
  23. What specifically is it you are trying to show? Dave
  24. Go look for the "display size.txt" file for BS. It's located in [username]/Library/Application Support/CMBS See what its has in it. Best bet is to change it to "1400 900 0" Then start BS again and see if it works correctly. I'm thinking it may have a resolution in that file that it can't deal with. Hope that works for you. Reinstalling BS will not have affected that file, which is why the problem still exists. Dave
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