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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. If I may ?... The earth tremble already now everywhere, but is not because God spoke, but cos a politic to weak sometime and a freedom that awake the Demon in us !! sorry , Sgt.Squarehead cannot resist
  2. Very nice very interesting map and good detailed video perhaps the biggest map that i saw good job,...waiting to have view vid 2...hope to see it one day also in download version to enjoy it personly.
  3. Well also without translater is already nice to think about...would understand also in chinese... Bon appetit cher ami
  4. Quick short and clear....load and clear Mr IanL
  5. Will be good that BF could allow to play CM,s in windows...don't know if this could be possible ?... but will be nice and useful... could use snipping tool...
  6. Stop... i am blushing now... we have somewhere in us always a good side, that we like to show...in this brutal world ...
  7. The specialist of portraits is back... welcome to you Mord, and happy birthday again...but we dont listen about the others good modders like Aris, EZ, Juju, JorgeMC, Umlaut, Oddballs,...and all the others ones that i forget, anybody know something about them...? Probably they will come back fresh and full news ideas In Charge to modding The awaiting new modules...
  8. Yours words are better than mine for this reason allowed me to stole them...with your oermission of course...... happy day Mord.
  9. Yes is true but we have to think when he answer to questions that he cannot working on the development of the game on the same time. Yes i would like also have some pics and...will have probably also some questions...I am also very impatient of the new titles. ...don't takes my last remark in account...
  10. +1 Yes only screenshots without comments will be nice. The problem is when Steve will put some pics, there will be lots of questions that he has to answer, and bring later development of game is understanding why designers dont put pics and waiting to the final moment.
  11. ME NEVER RECIEVE AN ANSWER ABOUT MY POSTS SINCE LONG TIME...BE HAPPY TO HAVE SOME ANSWERS... AND HOPE TO SEE YOURS WISHS IN REAL... ...IF we do find ourselves at a point where we think "hey, we have some time to expand either CMSF or CMBS" I can promise you that any conversations had years earlier won't be on our mind at that point... Steve said "beyond the current story line". Marines and NATO can easily in the current story line... WELL LET COME AND BE PATIENT. ...like we are for perhaps Fulga, Vietcong and many many more...hope is ours strengh and BFW is awake... whatever they are doing ...will be welcome.
  12. Dont know why but i love reading this text... Thank you Steve for these added infos.. Hope to see yours Ideas concretly soon...
  13. Details make always the difference... nice job HerrTom.
  14. ...and expending to Middle East... most of materials and uniforms were Soviet and US but also British !... Question terrain I m sure that somebody could take some help by CMSF1 or 2. Yes I think this open a lot of possibilities to added CMRT... Hope only to see one day Middle.East !!!...
  15. Hey guys Fulda Gap is also one of my favorite since looooong time ...do you think we can created a Mod based on CMSF2 and have all weapons from the 80' ?? this will be awesome, and all with engine 4...in this way we are also not tooo far from a Middle East approach... yes CMSF2 will be very welcome... in case of somebody need some infos to starting the Mod : http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/US/cold_war_american_tanks.php
  16. Hey Guys the ww2 is not finish at all and there is a lot to do before... I m not very agree with futurist and experimentals units...CM have to stay realiste like he do it perfectly untill now...I hope... I am very exiting to see the face of • Rome to Victory • New CMRT Module And be very curious to see the "link between" all CMs modules and how BF will do it to finish the war...hope to see Remagen bridge... and some actions in France with FFi FFL and Partisans... And for later... What I ask BF is to bring us more deep in the past with One of them... • Specials units : also German Branderburger special unit, French, Russian Resistance Volksturm Units with also boys and girls civilian peoples can take part of little fight Berlin Stalingrad..including SAS Lisle carabine gun for night operation, engeneer can build bridges.... • Invasion of Poland, • pact Germ Rus • Rus vs Finland • Afrika Korps • Battle of France combat see Somua Pz ii iii... in actions and many many others vehicles from begining of war... including Fall of Hollland and Belgium taking strategics points with paras troops and boats... • Or let us discover the Pacific • Fall of Yugoslavia • Fight Greece • Kreta • Spanish civilian war • Korea and also the famous • Fulga Gap or let us taking the idea from JoMc67...with a conflict • Usa Allied vs Russia with eventual rearmament from Germany this will be also very interresting and let us enjoy Patton idea. • Middle East war In the game perhaps New terrain pack like most of us would like like big factory... Including more floatings icons and fix somes bugs I know the patch in on the way... • One suprem Hq or command units icon. • Detached unit Scout icon. • Perhaps created news icons to make differences between squads with roman number I II III or one two or three blacks points on icons squads something to see the differents squads... I think there are enough theatres that peoples would like to see, before starting to go to Mars... But please dont come with super Maus and others experiences tanks and vehicles... or super soldiers... let please the others games doing it... I love CMs for the reality details and I hope this will stay like this...
  17. https://www.today.com/popculture/kim-kardashian-catches-eye-new-york-officer-arresting-outfit-1D80054346 Thank you Steve for the news, waiting for more. Thank you Machor for the others news, (also waiting for more)
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