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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Thank you Mord, I know about vehicles sounds : there is one for heavy tank one for light tank...also for infantry more sounds...but how the game generate the sound that we hear on the battlefield...depending the speed that we give order to move. exemple : I move tank slowly I listen tank coming slowly I move the tank full speed I listen the engine full speed and all with the same sound Idem for Infantry. I would like to know for exemple where is the file representing (Infantry on terrain walking soft in mode move or move fast or move quick...) How much files for infantry the game attribute to execute a movement for exemple move fast ?? (From the file Move on soft) ?? Reason is I would like include a sound from infantry marching or running with weapons or men breathing but have to know because the speed of movement. Thank you to read my long text hope is understanding enough!!! ???
  2. Hi Guys Have a question about the speed of sounds in CM : Somebody know how BF controle the speed of sound Tank and Infantry? Exemple Walk on soft original basic in the game BF(4 files) >vs< Mod ZZZ HQS 2.6 (25 files) !! And only one file for each sound of tank (where is the trick) from BF ¿
  3. Ohhh? And if you dont mind, how can I do it? Sorry Erwin was too quick to sending text will check answer from Mad Mike on the forum
  4. This is why and I repeat a possibility to have differents squads in differents colour will be helpfull ...but I know these these have already be asking and...will not change the result...(is only good to remind it) other soluce is the mode pause !!
  5. Eureka IanL will download from pc later and for the one's are interresting !! http://www.mediafire.com/file/x09w3k1nu86jten/vin_cmbn40_text.rar Respect and thanks to AstroCat Mad Mike and Vinnart. That we are missing on the forum !!
  6. Thanks you very much IanL (cool this man) will peel the result of the tread...if I can't... hope you will be there
  7. Hi all I would like to know if there is a version 4.0 from annimated text for CMBN in the Cmmods III ? The version in the repository for CMBN is the 3.0 non compatible with 4.0, in the Cmmods III, a text mentione a version 4.0, but I cannot find it, I found one for CMFI only, know somebody more about it...? Thanks in advance !!
  8. Yes exact forget to mentioning more infos later if interresting...
  9. Hi all Nothing to do with serie CM's but for the one's that like to recreated battlefields in the past, this could be interresting...this cost you only ro read and perhaps subscribe...and all for a low price !
  10. Ooops french army have to explain this !
  11. Calm down this can happend take it only with a smile!
  12. ??? Abstract Art ??? Don't really understand ??
  13. Really a big sacrifice if you send me the same text 3 times
  14. Thank you I saw later, and made also some tests ...will focuses to trying to created new one with help of somes members modders on the forum... anyway thank you for the tips...hope to see one day one of your mod, if you are intentioned of course...
  15. Funny bird ...indeed but already deads
  16. Agree me too also playing since couple of hours now sorry to interrupting your party let us go back to respective battlefield and forget the forum for now
  17. Don't tell me yourself you wouldn't see something new about new release patch...but show the good exemple of quiet cool patient customer ?
  18. Agree but this will give us security that something is on the way and let us little little more quiet don't you ??
  19. Are the things ...(benches...) already a flavour object or did you put a simple picture with view on the top only like did ??
  20. Sorry guy would like help you but never having a look of these section...could be interresting that i do one day !!
  21. Thank you will put an eyes of these place !
  22. Thank you to your tips was not thinking to working with flavour object... But can we created our own flavour objects???
  23. Look great ou see with little imagination we can created a very good environment there is a lit that we can do i magine that we could also "painting walls" !! ...thank you to posting !! I guess now yiur brain is awake of thousand thinks that we can created...and soon a mod...
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