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Posts posted by Probus

  1. 1 hour ago, badipaddress said:

    I did not know that such tool existed. Thanks a lot it is very useful!
    I am testing it with my CMBN and CMFI existing games and seems to work very well. It does not recognize my CMSF2 games (Steam install) though.

    Yes it will recognize them. You just have to point it to the right directories. 

    Whose Turn is It is what I use. @IanL, do you want to tell'em about some of the improvements you have planned?

  2. 5 hours ago, Vacilllator said:

    With the mention of Italian AFVs I looked through a few images and found the rather distinctive running gear and superstructure.  Seems the British design was sold to quite a few nations, including Italy (and Hungary and the USSR).  Must have been better than it looks 😉.

    Or cheap? It was in production since the teens. I bet they all primarily used it as a utility vehicle. 

  3. OK. I have assigned @Erwin command of our panzers. 

    Now all I need is a commander for our Mechanized Infantry and I’ll have our minimum team ready to start planning.

    I do have one more optional Infantry (mobile) Command position available if we get enough players. 

    I think the plan right now is to introduce any new Fire and Rubble expansion units as reinforcements/replacements if it releases after we get started. Is that still the case @Artkin?

  4. I tried The Expanse twice and kept losing track of what was what, so I read the book. Third time was a charm. One of my favorite SF series now. 
      Really looking forward to Dune later this year. 
      There are some really epic episodes of GoT. Like when Denarys ‘purchases’ her giant army. Also when her dragon attacks the columns of troops later in the series. 

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