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Everything posted by Jammersix

  1. Please, god, segregate the campaigns from the scenarios.
  2. I served as an infantryman. Typically, as we were standing around bitching, waiting to head out, with our loads all neatly packed, the platoon sergeant would suddenly call everyone over to a Jeep (this was before you were born) or a deuce and a half, and say "everyone take one round/one case/one dozen/one whatever" and we'd have to add a mortar round or a case of 5.56 or a case of 7.62 or whatever else to our neatly balanced, perfectly packed loads.
  3. There are other reasons to use WP in mortar and artillery, the primary one being that you don't want to be anywhere near one when it detonates. Dropping WP on or near your own troops will get you fragged by those same troops. The smoke from a WP round was, in fact, originally a secondary effect. The fact that it does both is the reason real life mortars and artillery deliver WP. Since vehicles probably are near friendly forces, WP suddenly erupting from a vehicle would be a Bad Thing.
  4. I have no questions about how it's going to go. But then, I live in Seattle, and I'm going to the Superbowl.
  5. No idea, I don't own RT. It's still there in Shock Force.
  6. Just as satisfied as I am with the current 36% bug.
  7. Service. That covers a lot. And we disagree about trustworthy. You must not run a Mac. Not to mention the obvious logic error...
  8. Actually, Battlefront's history (back to before they were Battlefront) is overwhelmingly on his side. You guys do realize that they're torturing you because you're all so much fun to torture, don't you?
  9. I'll settle for a version of the game that runs properly, without the 36% bug.
  10. Wicky, I'd like more information, please. Is this something we have to do in addition to the 10.9.5 update, or is it in the update? I do, indeed, have 13F34, but I don't see a preference pane for the NVIDA driver.
  11. I doubt it. They seem to be working through the denial phase, but they have bargaining and acceptance yet to go. And Buzz wants to convince us that Red Thunder is a substitute for Shock Force. I hope it runs.
  12. I say they all get hit within an hour of each other, ala TET, in a tight sequence designed to drive reaction forces into kill zones.
  13. Sure, I'll capitulate. If Battlefront is going to fix it, I'll be happy. I could have done without the arm waving, but if it gets fixed, it'll go down on the list with system 7.0, system 8.0, system 9.0 and system X. I have old copies of the original Combat Mission that "Apple Broke", if you'd like them. They still don't run, because System 7.0 (or whatever it was) didn't conform to something, something.
  14. The game is broken. If Battlefront is fixing it, that's good news. The rest is arm waving in my book.
  15. Since the system is the same, that sounds like proof that it's not "the system". The game, with appropriate programming, can be made to conform to and run on the system. Thanks for posting, I hadn't thought of trying that.
  16. Seriously? Okay, I'll put it as simply as I can. They can patch Combat Mission Shock Force so that it runs correctly under the current System X.
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